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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载高二年级考试其次部分:英语学问运用共两节,满分45 分第一节单项填空共 15 小题;每道题1 分,满分15 分21. Davewantedtostudytill midnight、butsleepinessgotbestofhim.A. 不填 ; theB. 不 填 ; 不填C. the; theD. the;不填22. At times、 worrying is a normal to a difficult event or situation one being in an accident、 for example.A. response; injur

2、edB. reaction; woundedC. reply; hurtD. reflection; died23. If I hadn t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell、 you now.A. wouldnbet smilingB. couldnhavtesmiledC. didnsmt ileD.won t smile24. theInternetis bridgingthedistancebetweenpeople、it mayalsobe breaking some homes or will cause other

3、 family problems.A. WhenB. IfC. WhileD. As25. today、 he would get there by Saturday.A. If he leavesB. Was he leavingC. Would he leaveD.Wereheto leave26. After he retired from office、 Rogers painting for a while、 but soon lost interest.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载A. saved upB. kept upC. took upD. drew up2

4、7. When he was young、 he used to hard at his lessons.A. devote to workingB. devote himself to workC. be devoted to workD. be devoted to working28. Atassembly、ourmonitormadea speech、swearingtotryourbesttostudywell us students.A. in memory ofB. on behalf ofC. in honor ofD. in favor of29. They swear th

5、ey will push ahead with the experiment whatever they might meet with.A. disadvantagesB. shortcomingsC. troublesD. hardships30. Hetoldmehowhehadgivenmeshelterandprotection、withoutwhichI of hunger.A. would be diedB. would have diedC. would dieD. will die31. with a difficult situation、 Arnold decided t

6、o ask his boss for advice.A. FacedB. Having facedC. To faceD. Facing 32.Thoughyoumayhatesomecustomsinothercountries、 、 youmust remember“ Do in Rome as Rome does”.A. likewiseB. thereforeC. otherwiseD. anyway33. What the leader referred to in the report was really something .A. worthy of consideringB.

7、 worth to be consideredC. worthy to be consideredD. worth being considered34. Generally speaking、 according to the directions、 the drug has no side精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载effect.A. when takingB. when takenC. when to takeD. when to be taken35. If the weather had been better、 we could have had a picnic

8、. But it all day.A. rainedB. rainsC. has rainedD. is raining其次节完形填空共 20 小题;每道题1.5 分,满分30 分Mydadhasbeendrivingatruckforalmosthisentirelife.He s usually 36 alltheweekdaysandcomeshomeonlyatweekends.Sometimeshestays 37 fortwoweeksata time. 38 Idon gtettoseehimas oftenas Iwish , we remain very 39 .My dad

9、 is the type of person who doesn t let you 40 up anything that you start.WhenIwaseleven , myfatherboughtmeapiano.AtfirstIwasso 41 about it that I would spend hours and hours learning how to play.Then itgot 42 .IwassotiredofitthatIaskedifIcouldstop.MuchasItried ,he 43 me to go on.Now I have been play

10、ing for almost five years.I love it and I m glad I 44 my dad s advice.Mydadis 45 talented, forhehasbeenplayingtheguitarforover20 years.Underhisinfluence,Ialsolike 46 now.Sometimesmydadcanbemybiggest 47 .HemakesmesmileevenwhenIloseinatalentshow 48 sometimeshecanbemybiggestcritic批判家 He 49 ignorethe sm

11、allmistakesI make.Heencouragesmenevertolose 50 becausehethinks that all my efforts will_51 one day.My dad is generous.Every Thursday night, he 52 to read to the children at精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a childrenclub.Ws henhereads ,their 53 lightupwithcuriosityaboutwhatwill happen next.I feel 53 of having

12、a person in my family who cares enough to volunteer to 55 .I love dad with all my heart.He s a hero in my heart and the most wonderfulperson in the world.36 A.onB withC outD in37 A.awayB homeC insideD alone38 A.In caseB Even though CIf onlyD As if 39 A.politeB kindC differentD close40 A.giveB putCta

13、keD speed41 A.nervousB anxiousC crazyD familiar 42 A.roughB difficultC disappointingD boring 43 A.promisedB persuadedC remindedD suggested 44 A.receivedB challengedCtookD listened45 A.physicallyB typicallyC musicallyD exactly46 A.composingB dancingC writingD drawing 47 A.directorB supporterC scholarD sponsor48 A.howeverB soCandD still 49 A.everB oftenC neverD even50 A.aimB dreamCstrengthD heart 51 A.come trueB take risksCpay offD let out52.A.agreesB likesC intendsD offers 53 A.bodiesB armsC handsD faces54 A.jealousB optimisticC proudD happy 55 A.helpB readC


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