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1、中考英语总复习练习题专题:连词成句一、将所给单词连成句子1stayed up, to watch, the soccer game, I, late_.2homework , I, my, did, studied for a test, and_.3she, breakfast , usually ,eat, does ,healthy ,a_?4would , like, you, ice-cream, eat, to_?5you , a large bowl, of ,would , beef soup ,like_?根据所给单词或词语, 完成句子。要求符合语法, 语句通顺, 大小写 正

2、确。(单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)6you, do, singing, like _?7what, favorite, your, is, song _?8singing songs, you, make, will, relaxed _.9my, sing, can, friend, very, fast songs, well _.10voice, beautiful, how, his, is _!11the, you, invitation, reply, did, to _?13house, invite, I, to, friends, will, my, some_.15wi

3、th, like, he, fishing, would, to, go, us_.17Monday, evening, the, be, party, on, of, the, will_.18new, to, can, the, opening, building, the, you, come, of,_?19there are, on the bus, passenger, many_ .20need, you, to, sports, the,of, important, know_.21have, mother, a, my, yesterday, fever_.22Linda,

4、her, the clothes, often,by,washes,_.23nice, a, she, be, what,nurse_!专题:连词成句1I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.2I did my homework and studied for a test.(23Does she usually eat a healthy breakfast?4Would you like to eat ice-cream?5Would you like a large bowl of beef soup?【解析】1stay up late熬夜,w

5、atch the soccer game观看足球比赛,故此处为I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.2did my homework做作业,studied for a test为考试而学习,用and连接并且谓语,故此处为I did my homework and studied for a test.3eat a healthy breakfast吃健康的早餐,此处是问句,故把助动词does提前位于句首,副词usually位于助动词之后,实义动词之前,故此处为Does she usually eat a healthy breakfast?4eat

6、 ice-cream吃冰淇淋,此处是一般疑问句,故用Would you like to do sth?的句型,故为 Would you like to eat ice-cream? 5a large bowl of beef soup一大碗牛肉汤,此处是问句,故用Would you like sth?的句型,故为Would you like a large bowl of beef soup?6Do you like singing?7What is your favorite song?8Singing songs will make you relaxed.9My friend can s

7、ing fast songs very well.10How beautiful his voice is!【解析】6此处是问句,有助动词do,故把do提前,位于句首。like doing sth喜欢做某事,故此处为Do you like singing?7your favorite song你最喜欢的歌,此处是疑问句,故把特殊疑问词what位于句首,故此处为What is your favorite song?8singing songs唱歌,动名词短语可以作主语,make you relaxed使你放松,故此处为Singing songs will make you relaxed.9my

8、 friend我的朋友,sing fast songs唱快歌; very well非常好,故此处为My friend can sing fast songs very well.10his voice他的嗓音,此处有how修饰,根据感叹号,故用how修饰的感叹句:how+形容词+主语+谓语!故为:How beautiful his voice is!1112Did you reply to the invitation1314I will invite some friends to my house1516He would like to go fishing with us1718The

9、party will be on the evening of Monday1920Can you come to the opening of the new building【解析】1112句末的?提示本句是一个问句,备选词语中的did应该居首。根据一般疑问句的结构:助动词+人称+原形动词+其他?,可知填Did you reply to the invitation。1314本句是陈述句,结构为:人称+动词+其他。备选答案中有助动词will,应该放在动词前面。动词是invite邀请,根据短语invite sb. to,可知填I will invite some friends to my

10、house。1516备选答案中有would、like,符合would like to do sth.,故填He would like to go fishing with us。1718本句是陈述句,结构为:主语+动词+其他。备选答案中有助动词will,应该放在动词前面。动词是系词be。介词on后接具体的时间,联系Monday, evening, the,等词,可以组成短语on the evening of Monday。综合以上,可知填The party will be on the evening of Monday。1920句末的?提示本句是一个问句,备选词语中的can应该居首。根据一般

11、疑问句的结构:情态动词/助动词+人称+原形动词+其他?,可知填Can you come to the opening of the new building。21There are many passengers on the bus.22You need to know the importance of sports.23My mother had a fever yesterday.24Linda often washes the clothes by herself.25What a nice nurse she is!【解析】请在此填写整体分析!21由there和are可知本句是“t

12、here be”结构。其基本结构是:There be+某人/某物+某地+某时,意思是在某地某时有某人某物。many后跟可数名词的复数:many passengers许多乘客;on the bus在公交上,表示地点。故组成的句子为:There are many passengers on the bus.意思是:在公交车上有许多乘客。22句子里有need和to,need to do sth需要做某事;有介词of和形容词important,可以想到是the importance of:的重要性。故组成的句子是:You need to know the importance of sports.你需要知


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