《中考英语总复习》20. 九年级(全) Units 7~8-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件

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《《中考英语总复习》20. 九年级(全) Units 7~8-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》20. 九年级(全) Units 7~8-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、九年级九年级九年级九年级( ( ( (全全全全) ) ) )Units 7Units 7Units 7Units 78 8 8 8九年级(全)Units 78重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法1. license/licence 2. safety3. smoke4. cry 5. field6. hug7. lift 8. badly9. community10. chance 11. educate12. society13. support 14. whose15. truck16. picnic 17. rabbit18. attend教材词块夯基础九年级(全)Units 7

2、819. pink 20. anybody21. laboratory22. coat 23. sleepy24. land25. suit 26. express27. circle28. Britain 29. receive30. medical31. purpose 32. prevent33. place34. victory 35. period 重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 781. poet2. valuable3. noisy4. policeman; policewoman5. wolves6. energetic7. enemies8

3、. managed; manager; management9. entrance10. chose; chosen; choice11. tinier; tiniest; huge 12. awfully13. suitable14. regretful; regrettable 重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 781. give sb. a lift2. lift sb. up3. attend a concert4. keep sb. from doing sth.5. talk back6. shout out7. stay out8. keep a

4、way from9. move out10. keep off11. encourage sb. to do sth. 12. run after13. put together14. wait for重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 7815. as much as possible16. the rest of17. be similar to18. be serious about19. in the laboratory20. by ones side重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 781. be allowed t

5、o2. as they get older3. it is not common for4. get in the way of; worry about5. as much as they want6. must be put first7. No matter how many重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 781. 含情态动词的被动语态(P 194)Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash?2. 情态动词must, might, could和cant表推测(

6、P 187)(1)It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.(2)It could be Meis hair band. Or it might belong to Linda.(3)Im not sure, but it cant be a dog.重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法九年级(全)Units 78教材例句讲考点考点1 I regret talking back, not listening to my Mom. 我后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。(Unit 7 P 51)【考点精讲】regret的用法(2015阅读A涉及)考点1考点2考

7、点3九年级(全)Units 78考点1考点2考点3如:We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。九年级(全)Units 78【考点冲关】1. How I regret _ the stupid mistake! I should have followed your advice.A. makingB. to makeC. makeD. madeA考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 782. Because of the bad weather, we r

8、egret _ you that the flight to Beijing has been canceled.A. informing B. inform C. to inform D. informed3. I regret to tell you _ I cant help you with your homework.A. which B. where C. how D. thatCD考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 78 Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors. 每年,它接待超过75万名游客。(Unit 8 P 6

9、2)考点2【考点精讲】辨析receive与accept词汇 含义及用法一言辨异receivev.收到,指客观上“收到”,但主观上不一定接受。多是接受具体的东西,如:信件、礼物等,与from连用。She has received his present, but she will not accept it.她已经收到了他的礼物,但她是不会接受它。acceptv.接受,指主观上愿意“接受”,多指接受抽象的东西。如:想法、表扬、批评、道歉等。考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 78【考点冲关】4. As soon as they _ the money, they will send the

10、 football ticket to you.A. receive B. forget C. accept D. offer5. After a long discussion, she _ their suggestions happily.A. received B. offered C. gave D. acceptedAD考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 786. Miss Li received a gift _ her students. She was very surprised.A. from B. among C. by D. withA考点1考点2考点3九年级(

11、全)Units 78 Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. 巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史遗迹之一,而且也是英国最神秘的事物之一。(Unit 8 P 62)考点3【考点精讲】not only.but also.的用法(2015任务型阅读涉及)考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 78not only.but also. 意为“不但而且”考向1:连词结构,相当于both.

12、and.;有时可省略also;其反义短语为neither.nor.。考向2:连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数遵循“就近原则”,即由but also后的主语来决定谓语动词的形式。考向3:连接两个分句,并且当not only位于句首时,第一个分句要用部分倒装。考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 78【考点冲关】7. Not only Lily but also Lucy good at dancing. They have learned it for several years.A. are B. isC. has been D. have been8. 【2020 贵州黔东南州】_ Jane

13、_ her brother is going to the movies this weekend. One of them has to stay at home to look after their sick mother. A. Neither; norB. Either; orC. Both; andD. Not only; but alsoBB考点1考点2考点3九年级(全)Units 789. You should not only study hard but also get on well with others.(英译汉)_你不仅应该努力学习,而且也应该与他人友好相处。考点1考点2考点3


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