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1、第5徘问句的辖构请找出森林中所隐藏的所有的小动物。作业死成情况知识杭理1.first第一3.tecicher老师5.school学校二、词组1 .second floor第二层2.tecichefs office老师的办公室3.on the playground在操场上三、句型l.Do you like my school?你喜欢的学校吗?四、语法一、词汇2.second 第二4.classroom 教室1. 概念:用yes或no回答的疑问句称为一般疑问句,一般用升调朗读。2 .句式构成: 如果句子的谓语含有be动词(am,is,are,was,were),助动词(do和does)或情态动词(

2、can,may,must等),其一般疑问句是把他们放到句首。(2)如果句子的谓语是实义动词,其一般疑问句是在句首加助动词do,does,did,然后在主语 之后加动词原形。重难点教学重难点1. 提(be动词或助动词提前)2. 换(换大小写换,主谓换位置,第一人称换第二人称)3. ?(结尾必须是?)4助动词do,does,did捉前时,动词还原趣味引入妈妈:从前有一个人他特别爱问问题,总是问各种奇怪的问题。儿子:比如?妈妈:有一天一个苹果从树上掉下来砸到了他的头。儿子:然后呢?妈妈:然后他就发现了万有引力。儿子:妈妈,什么是万有引力啊?妈妈: 特色讲鮮一、变一般疑问句1. This is my

3、classroom.2They can play football.3.1 am Jeff.4. My father likes playing Ping-Pong.二、改错1 Are this your book?2. Do Tom has few pen.当壹练习-、陈述句变一般疑问句1. His father is an English teache匚?2. These students are playing basketball.(喊口L|) ?3. They can swim.?4.1 like to read (阅读)English.?5.1 go to school on fo

4、ot.(走路)?B二、改错:1. Are that your book? 2. Those is my pen. 3.1s these his pencils? 4. Are those her ruler? 5. Are they your books? C三、把下列句子翻译成英语1.那个是你的文具盒吗? 2 .你会唱歌吗?3 .他们六点去散步吗? 4. 她有一张图片吗吗? 5. 你是小明吗?多童检测一、改为一般疑问句1 .There is no problem(问题)about it.2. My father likes playing ping-pong.3. There are 5 s

5、tudents in the classroom,4. He has some brothers.5. They have Chinese map.6. The students are all in the playground.7. Teacher, offices are beautiful.&My English teacher likes singing.9.Our classroom is very big.10. We like our school very much.11. This is my textbook.12 These are teachersoffices.13

6、.1 like my school.14. They like French fries.15. She likes bananas.16. Joy has a small pen.17.1 have many books about English.18. His birthday is on the twentieth of Novembe匚.19 Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big classroom.20. Kitty is wearing her new uniform.当壹总结一、连词成句家庭作业1. the, small,is, woman, your,

7、teacher(?)2.she, school,to, by, can, go,taxi(?)3. do, you, classmates, have, here,milk, for(?)4. book, desk, there, on,the, a, is(?)5. this, in,our, library,is, a, school (?)二、阅读A. Linda is a Chinese girl. She9s only three , but she can use chopsticks Today Linda and herparents(父母)are having dinner

8、in an English friends home . There are no chopsticks on the table . There are only some forks and spoons The English friend teaches Linda how to use the fork and spoon Linda is very happy to learn Now she can eat very well ()1 Linda can eat with chopsticks .()2. There are no chopsticks in Lindas hom

9、e .()3. Lindas parents teach her how to use forks and spoons ()4. There aren5t any chopsticks on the table of the English friends home .()5. Linda is a clever girl.B.阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号写在题前括号内。(5%)A: Its six thirty now , Yang Ling Time to get up A: It 6:45 . Time for breakfast now .A: A glass of milk ,

10、 some bread and an egg .A: But they are good for your health(健康) A: Is it in the cupboard ?A: Is it in your bedroom ?()6.Yang Ling gets up atA. 6:00B. 6:30B: OK , Mum B: Whats for my breakfast, Mum ?B: Oh , I dont like eggs , Mum. B: OK. But wheres my glass ?B: No , its not there B: Oh , yes .C .6:45()7.Yang Ling has breakfastA at schoolBe at a shop C at home()8.It5s six forty-five Its time toA.get upB. have breakfastC. go to school)9.Yang Ling doesnt likeA.milkB. breadC.eggs)10.Yang Lings glass isA. in the bedroomB. in the cupboardC on her desk课程顾问签字:教学主管签字:



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