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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上名词练习题一、 写出下列名词的复数形式puter _ 2.apple _ 3.city _4.house _ 5.sheep _ 6.watch _7.tomato _8.child _ 9.tooth _10.foot _ 11.wife _12.potato _13.play _ 14.day _ 15.glass _16.radio _ 17.zoo _ 18. life _19. story _ 20.leaf _ 21. baby _22.dress _ 23.butterfly _24. deer _25.class _ 26.brush _ 27.key

2、 _28. English _29.mouse _30. man _二、汉译英1Tom的足球 _ 2. 老师们的自行车_3学生们的课桌 _ 4.哥哥的文具盒_5姑姑的卡片 _ 6.猴子们的香蕉_7蚂蚁们的早餐 _ 8.妈妈的包_9姐姐的连衣裙_ 10女孩们的苹果_三、把下列句子翻译成英文1这些 是Peter 的篮球吗? _2这个是老师的钢笔吗? _3有一些书在Sam的课桌上。_4有一些孩子们在教室里。_四、改错 (圈出错处,在横线上改正过来)1.There are some butterflys on the table. _2.This is Alice dress. _3.I like t

3、omato very much. _五、将下列句子变成复数形式。1This dog is brown._2. There is a book and a pen on the table._3.That woman is a teacher._能力测试卷 (名词)一、 将下列名词变成复数形式。1.plane tree lessonmonth apple shirt2. box bus brush watch class fox3.knife life leaf Wife thief4.day boy monkeybaby country story5.photo radio piano tom

4、ato hero6. child tooth man Sheep English Chinese二、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“ ”1The house is my brother. _2. He has visited many country. _3. They are Englishs. _4. This is Tom red bike. _三、选择填空1There are two _ in the room. A. Chineses B. Englishman2.The old man will have _ out. A. two tooths B. two teeth3. _

5、are sold in this bookstore. A. Childrens books B. Children books4. Some friends of _ will come here. A. Johns B. John 5. Can you give me _?A. some papers B. a piece of paper6.There are _ on the floor.A. some box B. some boxes四、将下列句子变成复数形式。1This sheep is white._2. There is a desk and a chair in the r

6、oom._3.That man is a doctor._代词练习题一、 根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mary is a friend of _. ( I )2. This is _ ( she ) ruler. _ ( I ) is in the bag. 3. Her brother is too young to look after _ ( he )4. This is _ ( I ) book. This book is _ ( I ).5. These pens are _ ( we ).二、填写下列表格。人称代词我我们你,你们他她它他们主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词

7、性物主代词反身代词三、改写下列句子Eg, This is my book. - The book is mine.1. That is her ruler. _2. These are their footballs. _3. This is my backpack . _4. Those are your boxes. _四、把下列句子改写成复数。1. This is a butterfly. _2. That is a bus. _3. It is a mouse. _五、改错。1.This is mine lamp. _2.These are ours books._3. That are their teacher. _4.The house is my brother. _5. He has visited many country. _6. They are Chineses. _7. This is Tom red bike. _能力测试卷 (代词)一、 帮下面的好朋友团圆 (连线) I 她its 我们her 他(她,它)们we 我they 你的their 他(她,它)们


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