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1、上海5B英语期中测试卷词汇:20%七、将划线部分含有所给音标的单词编号写在括号内:6%( ) 1 / I / A fire B toilet C mouse( ) 2 / u / A floor B poor C pour( ) 3 / eI / A eight B live C lion( ) 4 / aI / A paint B lake C bike( ) 5 / e / A their B born C near( ) 6 / : / A horse B park C house八、写出与划线部分同一类的单词:6%1. Tom likes vegetables. He often ea

2、ts potatoes, _ and _2. We have English, _ and _ in our timetable.3. I need a rubber, a _ and some _ for Art class.九、选择题:8%( ) 1 I didnt have breakfast. I _ hungry this morning.A was B am C wasnt( ) 2 Peter _ his father very much. A looks after B looks C looks like( ) 3 Shall we _ a cup of coffee?A d

3、rink B drinks C drinking( ) 4 We always have a _ between two classes.A break B tea C apple( ) 5 There _ two pens on the desk. But they arent there now. A were B are C was( ) 6 Billy _ like sports. He _ does any exercise. A doesnt, doesnt B doesnt, always C doesnt, never( ) 7 Please walk _. Sam is sl

4、eeping now. A quiet B quietly C loudly( ) 8 I want to draw some pictures. I need some _. A crayon B paper C a pair of scissorsIII. 句型:20%十、按要求改写句子,每格一词:8%1. There was some water in the bottle.(否定句)There _ _ water in the bottle.2 . Its time for school.(同义句)Its time _ _ _ school.3. Tom went to school

5、at 8 oclock yesterday.(一般疑问句) _ Tom _ to school at 8 oclock yesterday?4. He often plants trees in March.(划线提问) What _ he often _ in March?十一、看图填入所缺单词,每格一词:5% Its summer. The Chens are having a holiday on the _ in Sanya. Look! Mrs Chen is _ under an umbrella. Peter is picking up _. Paul is _ beach ba

6、ll with his friend. Sally is _ in the sea. How happy they are!十二、用所给词的适当形式填空:7%1. The children _ ( paint ) in the classroom now.2. Tom _ ( want ) _ ( watch ) TV yesterday.3. My uncle is a pilot. He always _ ( fly ) a plane in the sky.4. The _ ( hunt ) like _ (hunt ) very much.5. _ ( health ) childre

7、n often eat lots of sweet food.IV.阅读阅读阅读阅读 20%十三、阅读短文判断,用T / F表示:5%Every year thousands of people get hurt or die in road accidents(事故). How can we make the roads safer? First we must follow the traffic rules. If everybody follows the rules, the roads will be much safer. In our country traffic keeps

8、 on the right side of the road. Second, we must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left, look right, and then look left again. Then, if we are sure that the road is clear, we cross the road. Third, it is good to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road. Last, w

9、e cant play on the road.( ) 1 Everybody must be careful and follow the traffic rules.( ) 2 You must ride a bike on the right side of the road.( ) 3 In our country, all the cars and buses keep on the left.( ) 4 The road is clear means There is no car or bus that may hurt you.( ) 5 We can play footbal

10、l on the road when the road is clear.十四、阅读选择:5% Two little boys go to a cinema, buy the tickets and go in. But after two minutes they come out, buy two more tickets and go in again. After a few minutes they come out again and buy two more tickets. The girl in the ticket office says to them at last,

11、“Why are you buying all these tickets? Are you meeting friends here all the time?”“No, we are not doing that, ”answer the two boys. “But a big woman always stops us at the door and tears(撕裂)our tickets up.” The girl smiles and sells them two more tickets.( )1. The boys buy the tickets to _. A. see a

12、 film B. watch a football match C. play games D. watch TV ( )2. The boys buy _ tickets altogether. A. two B. four C. six D. eight( )3. The big woman at the door is _ .A.a ticket-seller B. a ticket-collector(检票员) C. the boys mother D. the boys teacher( )4. The two little boys go to the cinema _ .A. b

13、y themselves B. with a girl C. with a big woman D. with some friends ( )5. The two boys are _ .A. too young B. too busy C. too old D. too clever十五、阅读短文,根据内容完成句子,每格一词:5%Mr Green has a holiday, so he says happily, “Im going to the mountains by train.” He puts on his best clothes, takes a small bag, goes to the station and gets into the train. He has a beautiful hat, and he often puts his head out of the window



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