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1、Official SAT? Practice Test 2008-09Taking the Practice TestThe practice test will help you most if you take it under conditions as close as possible to those of the actual test.? Set aside 3 hours and 20 minutes of uninterrupted time That way you can complete the entire test in one sitting. Note: Th

2、e total testing time is 3 hours and 45 minutes, but you save 25 minutes because the unscored section* from this practice test was omitted.? Sit at a desk or table cleared of any other papers or books You won t be able to take a dictionary, books, notes, or scratch paper into the test room.? Allow yo

3、urself the specified amount of time for each section Pace yourself by using a watch (without an audible alarm), which is what you are allowed to use on test day.? Have a calculator at hand when you take the math sections This will help you determine how much to use a calculator the day of the test.

4、Use a calculator with which you are familiarpreferably the same calculator you will use on test day.? Read the test instructions carefully They are reprinted from the back cover of the test book. On test day, you will be asked to read them before you begin answering questions. ? Make sure you use a

5、No. 2 pencil It is very important that you fill in the entire circle on the answer sheet darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling out your answer sheet.? Record your answers on paper,

6、then score your test Use the answer sheet when completing a practice test on paper to simulate the real testing environment. After completing the practice test, you can score the test yourself with “Scoring Your Test,” or you can return to to enter your answers online and receive a score report and

7、answer explanations.海知音教育 http:/? 2005 The College Board8FORMCODE(Copyand grid as onbackof test book.)G M C M?5 1 4?9TESTFORM(Copyfrom back of test book.)0 6 1 3 5 1 4YOURNAME(PRINT)LASTFIRSTMITESTCENTERNUMBERNAMEOF TESTCENTERROOMNUMBERSAT ReasoningTest GeneralDirectionsTiming? You will have 3 hours

8、 and 45 minutes to work on this test.? There are ten separately timed sections:One 25-minute essaySix other 25-minute sectionsTwo 20-minute sectionsOne 10-minute section? You may work on only one section at a time.? The supervisorwill tell you when to begin and end each section.? If you ?nish a sect

9、ion before time is called, check your work on that section.You may NOT turn to any other section.? Work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Dontwaste time onquestions that seem too difficult for you.MarkingAnswers? Be sure to mark your answer sheet properly.? You must use a No. 2 pencil.?

10、 Carefully mark only one answer for each question.? Make sure you ?ll the entire circle darkly and completely.? Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet.? If you erase, do so completely. Incomplete erasures may be scored asintended answers.? Use only the answer spaces that correspond to the

11、question numbers.Using Your Test Book? You may use the test book for scratchwork, but you will not receive creditfor anything written there.? After time has been called, you may not transfer answers to your answersheet or ?ll in circles.? You may not fold or remove pages or portions of a page from t

12、his book,or take the book or answer sheet from the testing room.Scoring? For each correct answer, you receive one point.? For questions you omit, you receive no points.? For a wrong answer to a multiple-choice question, you lose one-fourth ofa point.If you can eliminate one or more of the answer cho

13、ices as wrong,you increase your chances of choosing the correct answer andearning one point.If you canteliminate any choice, move on. You can return to thequestion later if there is time.? For a wrong answer to a student-producedresponse( “grid-in”)mathquestion, you dontlose any points.? Multiple-ch

14、oice andstudent-produced response questions are machinescored.? The essay is scored on a 1 to 6 scale by two different readers. The totalessay score is the sum of the two readers scores.? Off-topic essays, blank essays, andessays written in ink will receive ascore of zero.? If your essay does not re

15、?ect your original and individual work, your testscores may be canceled.The passagesfor this test have been adaptedfrom publishedmaterial.The ideas containedin themdo not necessarilyrepresentthe opinionsof the CollegeBoard.IMPORTANT:The codesbelow are unique toyour test book. Copy them on your answe

16、r sheetin boxes 8 and 9 and ?ll in the correspondingcircles exactly as shown.DO NOTOPENTHISBOOKUNTILTHESUPERVISORTELLSYOUTO DO SO.? 2005 The College BoardSAT Preparation Booklet38FORMCODETESTCENTERPLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREASERIAL #2008-09 SAT Reasoning TestTMFemaleMaleSEX5REGISTRATION NUMBER6(Copy from Admission Ticket.)TEST BOOKSERIAL NUMBER10(Copy from front of test book.)11(Supplied by T est CenterSupervisor.)SOCIAL SECURITYNUMBER7FOR OFFICIAL USEONLY0123456Last Name(First 6 Letters)YO



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