届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 牛津译林版 试题2

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届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 牛津译林版 试题2_第1页
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1、启东市长江中学20162017学年第一学期第一次单元考试九年级英语试卷(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 命题范围: 9A U1-U2)第一部分 选择题(共85分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I 听对话回答问题 ( )1. What is the problem according to the speaker? ABC( )2. What will Jim probably get? A B C( )3. What does the girl want to be in the future? A B C( )4. How did the girl go to scho

2、ol this morning? A B C( )5. Where did the woman study English?A. Canada B. England C. Germany( )6. What does the man think of himself?A. He is very active.B. He is clever. C. He likes warmth.( )7. When did the woman and Anna meet?A. At 7:53.B. At 7:57.C. At 7:58.( )8. Where is Mrs. White?A. At work.

3、 B. In a shop.C. In a hospital.( )9. What are they doing?A. Looking for Kitty.B. Making a telephone call.C. Shopping.( )10.Whats the weather like today?A. Its sunny.B. Its rainy. C. Its cloudy.II 听对话和短文回答问题。听对话,回答第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待撪謹的信号,进入第一篇短文。( ) 11. What colour does Mary want to colour the card in

4、to?A.Yellow. B. Orange. C. Red.( ) 12. What does Jim think of Mary?A. Shes clever. B. Shes proud. C. Shes nice.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案, 完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待撪謹的信号,进入下一篇短文。A pleasant tripWhen last 13 holidayWhat went climbing a mountain with my 14 sang and laughed all the way took photos and had

5、 a picnicHow went there 15 ( )13. A. summerB. winterC. autumn( )14. A. classmatesB. parents C. friends( )15. A. on footB. by bus C. by bike听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。( )16. What did many famous people have when they were young? A. Jobs. B. Money. C. Dreams.( )17. Why did the boy give up playing sports?A. Be

6、cause he was too short.B. Because he was too fat.C. Because he was too slim.( )18. What did the boy want to become later?A. To become a doctor.B. To become a musician.C. To become a teacher.( )19. What happened to the boy when he was 25?A. His dream came true.B. He began to work hard.C. He gave up h

7、is dream again.( )20. What did the boy learn? A. Dont work hard.B. Dont give up.C. Dont dream hard.二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(20分)( ) 21.When I feel blue , I prefer _some books _myself up. A. to read, to cheering B. reading, to cheering C. to read, to cheer D. reading, than cheer( ) 22. -I saw Ann

8、 _ a green dress at the school meeting.-I think she looks better_ red.A. dressed; in B. put on ; on C. wearing ; in D. wear ; on( ) 23. A new railway _ Qidong_Nanjing will be built soon.A. connected; and B. connects; with C. connected; to D. connecting; to( ) 24. - What else do you think we should p

9、ay attention _ our environment?- Sorry, Ive no idea. A. to improving B. to improve C. to to improving D. to to improve( ) 25.My father doesnt like shopping much. He would rather_ TV at home than_ around for hours in shops. A. watch; walk B. watch; to walk C. to watch; to walk D. to watch; walk( ) 26

10、.- Its dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.- Youre right. We cant be _ careful while crossing the street.A. soB. veryC. too D. more( ) 27.He devoted as much time as he could _ on the plan.A. to working B. to work C. work D. working( ) 28.I cant find the magazine I bought this morning.Well

11、, Jack is reading _ over there. Why not go and see if it is yours?A. itB. thatC. oneD. some( ) 29.-Are you sure _ man can live on Mars in the future?-Its hard to say. Scientists are still not sure_ we can find water on Mars. A. if; that B. whether; if C. that; that D. that; whether( ) 30. I love spo

12、rts, _ I like football very much. A.and B. but C. or D. so( ) 31._Jim _his cousin has been to America,but_of them know the country well.A. Not only; but also; allB. Both; and; each C. Neither; nor; bothD. Either; or; none( )32. -Do you know if David _ here tomorrow? -Im not sure. If he _, I will cal

13、l you.A. will come; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. comes; will come( ) 33. We should be ready to _ any challenge any time. A. take onB. take offC. take awayD. take down( ) 34. After hours of discussions, we finally _ a new way to solve the problem. A. came up withB.caught up withC. kept up withD. put u



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