2022年人教版高考英语双测Book 4 Unit 5 Theme Parks(A卷基础练原卷版)

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1、Book 4- Unit 5 Theme Parks(A卷 新题基础练)基础知识过关 I. 根据首字母提示或汉语意思填写正确单词。1To cross the _ (边界), you will need a valid passport.2He traveled alone across the whole _ (洲) of Africa from east to west.3Each student must take a _ (测验) at the end of each day. 4The environment is a popular _ (话题) these days.5I enjo

2、y a _ (闲聊) with a humorous friend.6_ (拂晓) refers to the time at the beginning of the day when light first appears.7_ (城市的) means belonging to, or relating to, a city or town. 8This _ (措施) is suited to some places, but not to others.9We should have the test results back _ (在之内) 24 hours.10Chances fav

3、or _ (多文化的) children growing up in a multicultural society.II. 用适当的短语完成句子1I _ (看见) her getting on a bus when I came out of the bookstore.2The competition is a platform to find the children who _(对有天赋) painting.3She _(对感到惊讶) how calm he kept after the accident.4The government has promised to _(采取措施)

4、to help the unemployed.5John says he will _(安顿下来) after he gets married.16After a long walk, I would like to have a cold drink _(而不是) hot coffee.7The small village _(被围绕) mountains and has beautiful scenery.8He worked hard all the time and _(设法) pass the exam.II. 用单词的适当形式完成句子1The hall was extremely

5、big, _(measure) 200 metres long and 100 metres wide.2The noise outside stopped me settling down _ my lessons.3_ (surround) by trees and flowers,our school looks very beautiful.4All the factors _ (consider), the planned trip will have to be called off.5Difficult as it was,I managed _(persuade) him in

6、to _ (give) up his plan.语法专项过关-构词法(二)I. 词性转换1peace n.和平;太平_adj.平静的;和平的2perfect adj.完备的;完美的_adv.完全地;非常3perform v.表演;演出_n.表演;演出_n.表演者;演员4permit v.许可;允许_n.许可;允许5person n.人_adj.个人的;私人的_n.个性;性格;人品6physics n.物理学_adj.物理学的;身体的;物质的_n.物理学家7please v.使高兴;使满意_adj.令人高兴的_n.愉快;快乐;乐事8poison n.毒药;毒物_adj.引起中毒的;有毒的9pol

7、lute v.污染_n.污染10possess v.拥有;具有_n.拥有;持有11laugh v.笑;发笑_n.笑;笑声12lazy adj.懒散的;懒惰的_adv.懒散地;懒惰地_n.懒撒;懒惰13limit v.限制;限定_adj.有限的14major adj.主要的;重要的_n.大部分;大多数15manage v.负责;管理;设法做成_n.经理;管理者_n.经营;管理16marry v.结婚;嫁;娶_n.婚姻_adj.已婚的17mean v.意思是;表示.的意思_n.意义;意思18mistake v.弄错;误解_adj.错误;不正确19mix v.使混合;搅拌_n.混合物20mounta

8、in n.高山;山岳_adj.多山的21interest n.兴趣 v.使感兴趣_adj.感兴趣的_adj.有趣的_22interview v.&n. 面试_n.主持面试者;采访者_n.参加面试者;被采访者23introduce v.介绍;引见_n.介绍;引见24invent v. 发明;创造_n.发明;创造_n.发明者;发明家25invite v.邀请_n.邀请26joy n.高兴;愉快_adj.高兴的;令人愉快的27judge v.认为;判断_n.意见;看法;判断力28just adj.公正的;正义的_n.公平;公正29kind adj.体贴的;慈祥的_n.仁慈;善良_adv.体贴地;慈祥

9、地30large adj.大的;大规模的_adv.多半;主要地_v.扩大;扩充31disadvantage n.不利因素;障碍_adj.不利的;不便的32disagree v.不同意;有分歧_adj.不合意的;令人不快的_n.意见不一;分歧33educate v.教育_n.教育34effect n.效应;影响_adj.有效的35employ v.雇佣n.雇主;老板_n.雇工;雇员_n.工作;职业36encourage v.鼓励;激励_n.鼓励;激励37enjoy v. 欣赏;喜爱_adj.有乐趣的;使人快乐的_n.愉快;快乐;乐趣38enter v.进来;进去_n.大门(口);入口(处)39e

10、quip v.装备;配备_n.装备;设备40explain v.解释;说明_n.解释;理由41decorate v.装修;装潢_n.装饰物;装饰42deep adj.深的;厚的_n.深(度);纵深_v.加强,变强烈;加深43defend v.保护;为.辩护_n.保护;防护44depend v.依赖;依靠_n.依赖;依靠_adj.依赖的;依靠的_adj.独立的;自主的45describe v.描述;形容_n.形容;说明_adj.描写的;叙述的46determine v.决定;确定_n.决心;决定_adj.有决心的;意志坚定的47develop v.成长;发展_adj.发展中的_adj.发达的_n.成长;发展48devote v.致力于;献身于_n.挚爱;奉献49differ v.不同;有区别_n.差别;差异_adj.不同的;有差异的50di



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