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1、蒙牛Brand name :Mengnu Fruits and vegetables yogurt.蒙牛果蔬酸酸乳(Fruit 4- vegetables + milk)Body copy: Breakthrough will milk, fruit juice and vegetable juice into a mengnu sour sour yogurt, fruit and vegetable became the first team to the domestic market is the only a fruit and vegetable contain pay the b

2、reasts of nutrition taste drink. The most important is, every bite fruits and vegetables yogurt contains fruit, greens, milk triple nutrition.(突破性的将牛奶、水果汁和蔬菜汁融于一身,蒙牛果蔬酸酸乳成 为国内市场第一支也是唯一一支含纳果蔬营养的乳味饮料。最重 要的是,每一口果蔬酸酸乳都包含果、蔬、奶三重营养。丰富的“立 体营养”,为健康生活注入更多活力因子。)Slogan: From the great plains taste ,Good to the

3、 last drop (来 自大草原的味道,滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。)淮安国际旅行社Headline:Drunk into Huai an beauty (醉入淮安之美)Body copy :Huai an riches in tourism resources, and has a long history. Huai an has many places of interest. There are Zhou Memorial, Chu Xiuyuan and other attractions for you to visit. Here in the history of gatherin

4、g talents and heroes.For example, Premier zhou enlai, the author of The journey to the west1 Wu Chengen and so on. Of the famous old, memorial to add a lot of cultural flavor huai an. If you cant wait for,Lets go.淮安旅游资源丰富,淮安历史悠久。淮安有很多名胜古迹。有周恩来 纪念馆,楚秀园以及其他可以参观的景点。淮安历史上英才辈出。例 如,周恩来总理,“西游记”的作者吴承恩等。随处可见

5、的名人故居、 纪念馆给淮安增添了许多文化韵味。如果你迫不及待,那就让我们出 发吧!Slogan: The trip to enjoy happiness and friendship to reap,.Adress:No.75, health road (East),QinghHe District,Huai an CityTelephone: 1338983226The most important tourist line.Zhou Memorial is the most representative attractions in Huai an. A great man of nobl

6、e prestige, zhou enlai, Unique monumental buildings, rich in relics of the benefits. The Zhou Memorial in Huai become an a couple of civilization constraction huay an important window.在淮安周恩来纪念馆是最具代表性的旅游景点。一代伟人周恩来的祟 高威望,独具特色的纪念性建筑,丰富的馆藏文物。使周恩来纪念馆 成为淮安文明建设的重要窗口。飘柔Headline: Rejoice, is so sure!Body cop

7、y : Do you want to be in the fairy tale Cinderella”? I help you to do it! Troe charm by inside and hair, Scurf go without casting, beautiful hair be more outstanding. Elegant stay joss-stick, filar silk and moving. Our brilliance comes from your elegant demeanour, show launched, static, each side is

8、 beautiful. Wash protect furniture will be pushed off as a new function in Rejoice series. They will make your hair elegant soft. And you will become more confident. Believing Rejoice, believing you self.A new slogan: vitality from nutrition, energy from young, energy comes fiom passion. Wash protec

9、t furniture, let a hair elegant soft.标题:飘柔,就是这么自信!主体部分:你想要成为童话中的”灰姑娘”吗?我帮你来实现!真魅力由 内而发,头屑去无踪,秀发更出众.飘逸留香,丝丝动人。我的光彩来 自你的风采,秀发动、静,每一面都美。洗护二合一将会是飘柔推出 的产品中新的功能。它会让你的头发飘逸柔顺。你也会变得更加自信。 相信飘柔,相信自己吧。新的口号:活力来自营养,活力来自年轻,活力来自激情.联想If I was the decision maker, levista will be the new brand name, the first two word

10、s le comes from the original legend, which is inherited the meaning of legendary(承继“传奇之意),and “vista represents future.In addition the slogan for this company is “check on Levista , check on wonderfulNow the model computer I will introduce is Yang day V470G-ISE (H), it adopt Intel KuRui TM i 7 proce

11、ssor (英特尔 酷睿山 17 处 理器 i )and The operating system the original Windows 7(操作 系统正版Windows 7).the Features(特色功能)includes intelligent fingerprint identification system(智能指纹识别系统),Supporting lenovo cloud shield intelligent data security service functions(支持联想云盾智能 数据防盗服务功能).The strong key save system(强大的一键拯救系 统),The HDMI hd output port (HDMI高清输出端口),More touch(多点触控),Hd camera(高清摄像头),Media price: $8999


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