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1、精选资料欢迎下载形容词、副词的比较级、最高级I. 基本形式形容词:一、形容词比较级、最高级的构成:构 成 法原 级比 较 级最 高 级 一般情形,加er 和 eststrongstrongerstrongest 以 e 结尾,只加 r 和 stnice largenicer largernicest largest 辅元辅结构,双写尾字母,再加er 和 estbig hotbigger hotterbiggest hottest 以辅音字母加y 结尾,改 y 为 i,再加 er 和 esteasy busy happyeasier busier happiereasiest busiest h

2、appiest 多音节词在前面加more 和 mostdifficult beautiful careful interestingmore difficult more beautiful more careful more interestingmost difficult most beautiful most careful most interesting二、不规章形容词的比较级、最高级形式:原 级比 较 级最 高 级good / wellbetterbestbad / illworseworstmany / muchmoremostlittle / fewlessleastfarf

3、arther / furtherfarthest / furthest副词: 构成规章与形容词基本一样(略)【易混点】以 ly 结尾的副词 不能像形容词那样加er 或 est,而应在副词原形前加more 或 most,如: quickly morequickly mosqt uicklyslow ly more slow ly most slowlyII. 基本用法一、比较级1. 比较级通常由“形容词 /副词比较级 + than + ”构成,表示一方比另一方“更加”; 如:Maryis happier than Jane.玛丽比珍妮幸福;(形容词和系词连用)He livesmore happi

4、lythan I. 他过得比我幸福;(副词修饰行为动词)【拓展】强调两者之间的比较,比较级前加the, 如:He is the stronger of the two.他是两个人中比较高的那个;2. 留意 than 前后两项相比较的人或事物要一样;如:She does better in Englishthan Maths. 相比于数学,她更善于英语;I m better at Englishthan her. 我比她更善于英语;3. 比较级前可用 much, a little 等词语来修饰,表示“得多”,“一点”等意思;如:Japan is a littlelarger than Germa

5、ny.日本比德国大一点儿;Hishouse is much bigger than mine. 他家比我家大许多;【留意】 very, too, so, as.as等只能修饰 原级 ,如:Englishis so difficult.英语是如此的难;Mybrother is very strong. 我哥哥很强壮;Mysister is as old as her. 我妹妹和她一样大;Tomjumps as highas Jack. 汤姆和杰克跳得一样高;二、最高级1. 最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较,形容词的结构形式是“the形容词最高级名词范畴” 如 of all, of the thre

6、e, in the world 等 ;如:He is the tallest boy in his class. 他是班上最高的男孩;2. 副词 的最高级与形容词最高级的区分在于最高级前没有定冠词the;如:He runs fastest ofthe three. 三个人中他跑得最快;She dances most beautifullyin our class. 她在我们班跳得最美;练习:一、写出以下形容词或副词的比较级、最高级形式;1. small22.late2. short23.nice3. tall24.large4. young25.heavy5. long26.early6. s

7、trong27.easy28.busy 29.slowly 30.pretty 31.funny 32.dirty 33.beautiful 34.interesting 35.expensive 36.important 37.different 38.excited 39.good/ well 40.bad/ill 41.far42.old43.many/much7.light 8.low 9.high 10.slow 11.fast 12.high 13.hard 14.cheap 15.bright 16.dark 17.cool 18.fat 19.big 20.thin 21.ho

8、t二、依据句意填入单词的正确形式;1. My brother is two yearsold than me.2. Is your sisteryoung than you. Yes,she is.3. Who isthin,you or Helen. Helen is.4. Whose pencil-box isbig,yours or hers. Hers is.5. Ben jumpshigh than some of the boys in his class.6. Does Nancy singwell than Helen. Yes, she does.7. My eyes are

9、big than hers.8. Which isheavy,the elephant or the pig.9. Who gets upearly,Tim or Tom.10. Do the girls get upearly than the boys. No,they.11. Jim runsslow. But Ben runsslow.课后作业:一、挑选填空:1. My sister is getting.A. fater and faterB. fatter and fatterC. more fatter and fatterD. more and more fatter2. Th

10、ey areto us than before.A. friendB. friendlyC. more friendlyD. friendier精选资料欢迎下载3. Jack is theboyour class.A. tallest. inB. taller. inC. most tall. ofD. more tall. of4. It is notwarmyesterday. Put on more clothes.A. so . onB. so. inC. as .atD. as. as5. Jane is adancer and she dances.A. good. wellB.

11、well. wellC. earlier thanD. later than6. My mother had to work last night. so she went to bedme.A. as earlier asB. as early asC. earlier thanD. later than7. Both Andy and I drive slowly. Tom drives fast. So Tom drivesof all.A. slowerB. the slowestC. fasterD. the fastest二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. My brother is

12、 two yearsold than me.2. Tom is asfat as Jim.3. Is your sisteryoung than you. Yes,she is.4. Who isthin, you or Helen. Helen is.5. Whose pencil-box isbig, yours or hers. Hers is.6. Mary s hair is aslong as Lucy s.7. Benjumphigh than some of the boys in his class. 8.Nancy singwell than Helen. Yes, she

13、 . 9.Fangfang is not astall as the other girls.10.My eyes arebig thanshe. 11.Which isheavy, the elephant or the pig. 12.Who gets upearly, Tim or Tom.13. the girls get upearly than the boys.No,they.14. Jim runsslow. But Ben runsslow.15. The child doesn twrite asfast as the students.三、翻译句子:1、谁比 Jim 年纪大?是你; isthan Jim ? are 2、谁比 David 更强壮?是 Gao Shan. than David.Gao Shan .3、谁的铅笔更长,他的仍是她的?我想是她的; pencil is,or?is, I think.4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的仍是你的弟弟的?我的弟弟的; apples , youror your. My .5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的; asas your uncle.Yes,I am.6、他和他的伴侣 Jim 一样年轻;Heas as Jim.7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦;


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