七年级英语下册 unit5词组卷 牛津版 试题

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1、牛津初中英语7B unit5 1 be careful / look out / take care 2 different abilities 4 plant trees 5 clean up / clean up the park 6 give a seat to someone on the bus 7 collect things for Project Hope 8 visit a home for the elderly 9 a brave young man 10 an eight-year-old girl 11 help his neighbour out of a fire

2、 12 be at home alone 13 hear someone doing sth 14 hurt his leg 15 run back to her flat quickly 16 pour water over her jacket 17 rush into Mr Suns kitchen 18 put out / put out the fire with a blanket 19 be in hospital for two months 重点词组:1.当心、小心 2.不同的能力 3.植树 4.清理干净 5.把公园清扫干净 6.在公共汽车上给人让座 7.为希望工程募集东西

3、8.参观老年公寓 9.一位勇敢的年轻人 10.一位8岁的女孩 11.帮助他的邻居脱离火灾 12.独自一人在家 13.听到有人在做某事 14.弄伤了他的腿 15.迅速跑回她的套间 16.用水浇透了她的茄克杉 17.跑进孙先生的厨房 18.扑灭 、熄灭用毛毯扑灭火 19.住院两月 20 help each other / learn from each other 21 keep ones life from danger 22 keep sb away from sth 23 by oneself = alone 24 hurt by fire = burn 25 sound dangerous

4、 26 do something for your own safety 27 get better 28 be careful with matches 29 Do not leave the stove on . 30put something hot into the rubbish bin 31 keep long hair away from fire 32recommend sb for sth / to do sth 33 think of others first 34 a member of 35 play water sports 36 fall down 37 be gr

5、ateful (to sb) for sth 38 in the past 39 row a boat 40 practise doing sth 20 互相帮助 互相学习 21使某人的生命脱离危险 22使某人远离23独自 24烧伤 25听起来是危险的 26为你自己的安全采取措施 27变的更好 28小心火柴 29别让炉火开着30把热东西到进垃圾箱 31 让长发远离火 32推荐某人(获得某物 / 做某事) 33先想到别人 34的一位成员 35 进行水上运动 36摔倒 37感激某人某事 38在过去 39划船 40练习做某事 41 go skiing 42 have a good memory 43

6、 read more often 44 know a lot about Chinese history 45 do ones best (to d sth) 46 organize class activities well 47 get better results in 48 have good grades in 49 jump high 50 get into the school team 51 teach me how to dance 52 No problem 53 do more exercises 54 tell their differences 55 need mor

7、e practice 56 be thoughtful 57 lose ones way / get lost 58 look forward to doin sth 59 hear from / get a letter from 60plan everything well 61the whole day 62 be able to ( do sth ) 41去滑雪 42有好的记忆力 43更加经常阅读 44对中国历史了解很多 / 熟悉中国历史45尽力(做某事)46班级活动组织的好47在取得更好的成绩 48 在取得好的成绩49跳得高 50进入校队51教我怎样跳舞52没问题53做更多的练习 5

8、4说出他们的不同之处 55需要更多的训练 56考虑周到 57迷路 58盼望着做某事 59 收到的来信 60 每件事计划地周到61整天62能做某事1.He helped his neighbour out of a fire . 2.Anything could happen to her at that 3.moment. He was in hospital for two months. 。4.It is important to be careful with fire. 5.Thank you for joining us this evening . 6.He heard his n

9、eighbour, Mrs Sun, calling for help. 7.Is he getting better now? 8.We will be very happy if Daniel can have the award. 9.I dont know when the lesson is. 10.I want to have a drama show for the elderly. 11. He put out the fire with a blanket . 12.I would like to recommend ChenDan for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award. 1.他帮助他的邻居脱离火灾 。 2.在那时任何事情对他来讲都可能发生。3.他住院两个月。4.小心用火是很重要的。5.谢谢你今晚加入我们。6.他听到他的邻居孙夫人喊救命。7. 他现在好点了吗?8.如果丹尼尔能获得奖项我们将很高兴。9.我不知道什么时候上课。10.我想为老年人举行一场戏剧表演。11.他用毛毯扑灭火。 12.我想推荐陈丹获得七年级“最乐于助人奖”的助学金。 21.多勇敢的一个年轻人啊!22.小心火很重要。23.在那一刻任何事情都有可能发生。24.火会很危险如果我们不小心的话。25.他知道很多关于中国历史的事情。



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