七年级英语上册 Unit10 guitar课件 人教新目标 课件

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1、Can you play the guitar?,Unit 10,The first period Section A 1a-1c,play the guitar /t:/,Its a guitar.,Can you play the guitar ?,Yes , I can .,/ No , I cant.,Can you play basketball?,Can you swim / swim / ?,Can you /si / sing ?,What is this?,Can you /spi:k / English?,speak,Can you /d:ns/ ?,dance,Can y

2、ou / peint / ?,paint,Can you play /tes / ?,chess,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,Memory challenge(记忆挑战),1a:What can these people do? Match the words and the people.,1.dance _ 2.swim _ 3.sing _ 4.play chess _,5.paint _ 6.speak English _ 7.play the guitar _.,a,e,f,b,d,g,c,Work in groups in your favourite ways

3、.(用你最喜欢的方式进行活动,声音洪亮,动作大方,有肢体语言,绘声绘色形象逼真) 1 dialogues 2 Then act it out in front. 3 Writing(写作)Write about youself,famliy members,friends,teachers,classmates,Super stars and so on. 4列表格制作个人名片 My file (个人小档案),Can you play basketball ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),Pairwork:

4、 Talk about yourself!,一 海边拾贝(40 points ) 1 He can _A_ . A cook B cooks C to cook 2 I can ride a bike ,_B_I cant drive a car. A and B but C or 3 Maomao can do lots of things. He can play_ basketball and he can also play _violin. C A; B the ;the C ;the D the 4 Jim_English very well_she doesnt know Jap

5、anese. A A speaks ;but B talks ;but C speaks;and D taslks;and,Whats his name?,Can he sing?,Can he play basketball ?,Talk about Super Stars,Can he sing ? Yes , he can .,Can he play basketball ? No , he cant.,Super Star,Can she sing ? Yes , she can .,Can she play soccer ? No, she cant.,Super Star,Who

6、are they?,Can they sing?,Yes, they can. /No, they cant.,Look at the chart and make some conversations.,A : Can Tony/Mary ? B :Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she cant.,CLUB,Welcome to our clubs!,Cross talk Club,model Club,.,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the,(想加入),Listen!,A:Can you swim? B:

7、No,I cant.,A:I want to join the music club. B:Oh,can you sing? A:Yes,I can.,A:I want to join the art club. B:Can you paint? A:Yes,I can.,3,1,2,Listen and number!,A : What club do you want to join ? B : I want to join club. A : Can you /he/she . ? B : Yes, I/He/She can. No, I/He/She cant.,Music club,

8、Chess club,Art club,English club,Swimming club,Make a survey:p48Ask some of your friends these questions and write down the answers.,Report: My friend Cindy cant play soccer but she can speak English. She wants to join the art club because she likes painting very much. ,1. Ask your family members about their abilities(能力), using “Can you?” “Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 2.Then write something about your family members what they can do or cant.,Homework:,Thank you !,


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