高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修5 学案

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1、Unit3 Life in the future Reading First Impressions教学目标:知识目标:1. 单词:aspect impression constant constantly jet previous uncertainGuide tablet capsule steward opening sideways surrounding tolerate lack adjustment mask press fasten belt flash etc.短语:take up be back on ones feet lose sight of sweep up spe

2、ed up句式:1.Which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years? 2.The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.情感目标:1. 回顾历史,认识现在,展望未来,激发学生的想象力。2. 运用所学英语写出具有丰富想象力的短文。3. 学会使用有关预测和猜测的表达方式。课前预习I单词拼写:1. I have to remind myself _(不断地) that I am real

3、ly in AD 3008. 2. It seems you keep getting flashbacks from your _(以前的) time period.3. The capsule began swing gently _(向一边地)as we lay relaxed and dreaming.4. At first my new _(环境) were difficult to _.(忍受)5. Hit by a _(缺乏) of fresh air, my head ached. Just as I tried to make the necessary _(调整) to t

4、his new situation, Wang Ping appeared. 6. Wang Ping _(系上) my _(安全带) and showed me how to use it.7. However, I _(看不见) Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all direction.8. Then Wang Ping _(闪了一下开关) on a computer screen, and a tabl

5、e and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.9. Just relax, since there is nothing planned on the _(时间表)10. Exhausted, I _ bed(溜进) and fell fast asleep.II.Find out these phrases in reading part:1. 准备干_ 2.面对,面临_3.拿起;接受;从事;开始_ 4.担心,担忧_5.作为(的)结果_ 6.和类似_7.因而闻名_ 8.在时间舱里_ 9.在地球上_ 到底,究竟_10.好像

6、,似乎_ 11.调整_12.立刻,马上_ 13.(困境后)恢复_ 14.看不见_ 15.朝四面八方_ 17.打扫,扫除_ 18.看见_ 19.为某人提供某物_ 20.移近,溜进_ 课内探究I 课文理解1.What is the main idea of the passage?A. First impression about Li Qiang”s travel to the future.B. How to travel to the future.C. What the future life will be likeD. An exciting experience2. The auth

7、or and his friends were safely transported into the future in a _A. time capsule B. hovering C. flying chair D. plane3. What did the author feel in the first few days?A. He was upset and comfortable B. He felt frightenedC. He suffered a lot of pain D. He felt uneasy and not sure.4.What was the room

8、like ?A. It was large ,clean with broken walls.B. The walls are colored and moveable.C. There are pipes sending oxygen the room needs.D. Tables and chairs are placed against the wall5. From the passage we can infer that _.A. Wang Ping often travel to the futureB. Li Qiang has been to the future twic

9、eC. Li Qiangs parents didnt agree to his travelD. people in the future dont have to eat food.IIRead the passage again , divide it into three parts and match them with the following main ideasPara 1 Staying in Wang Pings homePara 2 My impressions of life one thousands years into the futurePara 3 The

10、journeyPara 4 How I came to take a time travel journeyIIIAnalyse the following long and difficult sentences and translate them into Chinese orally.1.This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.2. However, my friend and

11、 guide, Wang Ping, was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot.3.I can still remember the moment when the space stewardess called us to the capsule and we climbed in through a small opening.4.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carria

12、ge driven by computer.5.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.6.Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.IV. 语法填空 1)

13、We climbed into a time capsule through a small opening. After 1._ calming drink,we fell asleep. A few minutes later we arrived 2._ the earth one thousand years in the future. At first my head ached 3._ lack of fresh air. Wang Ping asked me to put on a mask and took me to a small room. I felt 4._(good) at once. We flew away in our separate hovering carriage. When 5._(arrive) at a house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room, the wall of 6._ was made of trees. Wang Ping 7._ _(produce) a table, some chairs and a bed from the floor. 8._ he le


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