高中英语 Unit 1 Festivals around the World using language导学案(无答案)新人教版必修3 学案

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1、Unit 1 Festivals around the WorldSection III Learning about language & Using language学习目标1. 理解文章大意, 通过对carnival、情人节等一些节日的学习,加强跨国文化意识。2. 识记并运用:列出本节课所需掌握的单词、句式。学习重难点1. 短语:after work meet sb. at the coffee shop turn uplaugh at keep ones word look forward to ingall day be alone with sb.be like a foolhol

2、d ones breath it is obvious thatwait forto leavewipe the table a weaving girla herd boyfall in love with get married secretlyonce a yearset off for home on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month2. 句式:It be_ (possible, strange, natural, important.)that从句学法指导 快速阅读,准确阅读学习过程Task 1: 语篇领悟I. Warming up

3、 : What is a carnival?II. ListeningThere is a big and famous carnival in Trinidad every February. Li Mei and Wu Ping are there. Listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 6.III. SpeakingYou have visited America and you have returned home to China. You are phoning your friend in America to t

4、hank him for the visit. These expressions might help you. Could/ Would you please? Id love toIts very kind of you I look forward toThank you very much/ Thanks a lot. It was a pleasureYoure most welcome. Dont mention it.Task 2: 典句探究1. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for

5、 Li Fang to leave (P7)观察:It is quite clear that they had no desire for peace.Its said that he has won the game. It seems that you dont have much choice.提炼:it作_主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的_从句,常见有:1) It be_ (possible, strange, natural, important.)that从句2) It be_ (said, thought, believed, supposed, reported.)tha

6、t从句3) It_ (seem, occur, happen.)that从句活用:1) _ (真奇怪) that he should have missed the meeting yesterday.2) _ (显而易见) mobile phones are quite popular today.2. While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they fell in love. (P7)观察:1) Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.2

7、) While travel can broaden your mind but I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time and money on it3) (2014福建) In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in others, knives and forks. 提炼:句1)中While表示“_” 含义:_句2)中While表示“_” 含义:_句3)中While表示“_” 含义:_活用: 1) _(当在大学时), he met with the singe

8、r and they became good friends.2) (2015广东) _ making great efforts to run away, she fell over the hill and died.3) (2015浙江) As for the plan, some agree _ others dont.Task 3: 活学活用I. 汉译英1. 在咖啡店遇到某人 _2. 下班后 _3. 突然出现;到场 _4. 嘲笑 _5. 守信用;履行诺言 _6. 整天 _7. 期待做某事 _ 8. 与某人在一起 _9. 像个傻瓜 _10. 屏息;屏气 _11. 显然 _12. 等待离

9、开 _13. 擦桌子 _14. 织女 _15. 牛郎 _16. 与相爱 _17. 秘密结婚 _18. 一年一次 _19. 每年七月初七 _20. 动身回家 _翻译与仿写1) It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.(P7)翻译:_仿写:很明显,他们需要特别帮助。_2) She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.(P7)翻译:_仿写:他正躺在草地上听音乐。_3) She said she would

10、be there at seven oclock, and he thought she would keep her word.(P7)翻译:_仿写:他答应出席会议,可他没有遵守诺言。_III. 语篇填空 (填入正确形式的单词或短语)The Spring Festival always 1 us of the family reunion. Children especially 2 it because there are 3 activities then. Its also a good time for 4 , who can chat casually, appreciating, 5 to or forgiving each other. 6 some people cant 7 at such a great festival for 8 . 春节总是让人想到家庭团聚。孩子们特别盼着春节,因为在那时有各种各样的活动。对成年人来说,这也是一个美好时光,他们在随心所欲的闲谈中,相互表达感激、原谅或宽恕之情。很遗憾的是有些人由于各种原因,不能出现在这个重大的节日里。学习反思


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