高中英语 Module 1 Life in the Future The First Period导学案 外研版必修4(无答案) 学案

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1、Module 1 Life in the FutureThe First PeriodWords:1. sth.+ run out 用尽;用光;消耗完了sb. run out of + n. 用尽、用光了某物 = sb. use up sth.练习: (1)She has her money and her patience is also .她已经把钱花光了,并且她的耐心也要耗尽了。(2)His money because of his wasting behaviour. 由于他的浪费,他的钱就要用光了。2. rely vi. rely on + n. rely on sb. to do

2、rely on sb./sth. for + n. 练习:(1)You cant just rely on your parents to support you. 。(2)They have to for their water.他们用水只能靠这条河。3. charge n. free of charge = 免费sb. be in charge of sth. sth. be in the charge of sb. sb. take charge of sth. 练习:(1)All goals are delivered .一切物品免费送货。(2)Who will the departm

3、ent when Sophie leaves? 索菲走了后谁会负责这个部门?charge vt. 1.收费,要价;2.控告;3.充电(1)The hotel charged me 80 for the room a night.因sth.向sb.要价多少: (2)The man was charged with murder.被指控为罪: (3)Hes charging a car battery.给电池充电: 4. be attached to + n.请给出下列句子中划线短语的意思:(1)The picture is attached to the wall by a nail. (2)T

4、he middle school is attached to the university. (3)He is deeply attached to the old house. 5.复习06学案中with的复合宾语结构,即with+n.(宾语)+补语根据汉语意思,将下列句子补充完整:(1)With the floor , he had to stay outside.地板又脏又湿,他只好呆在外面。(2)The room was dark without the light .灯没开,房间里一片漆黑。(3)He lay there with his eyes the ceiling.他躺在那

5、,眼睛看着天花板。(4)He played football with his homework .他作业做完了,去踢足球。(5)With so much work , he cant leave here.有许多工作要做,他不能离开。(6)The little boy came in with a toy .小男孩手里拿着玩具进来了。 检测:1. You can take as many books as you like here for they are free of .A. changeB. charge C. money D. pay2. There was a nice litt

6、le present for everyone, with a suitable poem it.A. attached B. attaching C. attaches to D. attached to3. Have we food? Yes, . Wed better buy some.A. run out of, we have run it outB. run out of, our food has run outC. run out, our food has been run outD. run out, our food has run out4. The picture t

7、he wall was drawn by him.A. attaching to B. attached to C. switching on D. switched on5. Wed just reached the park when the petrol . How lucky!A. ran outB. used upC. gives outD. looked up6. Many working women their relatives to help take care of their children.A. live onB. rely onC. base onD. keep o

8、n7. I live in the house with its door to the south.A. facingB. faces C. facedD. being faced 8. With prices going up, it is sometimes difficult for us to make ends meet(使收支相抵) on our low income.A. keptB. keepingC. to keepD. being kept9. Im still working on my project. Oh, youll miss the dead line. Ti

9、me is .A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing out10. Students should be encouraged to use Internet as resource.A. /; aB. /; theC. the; theD. the; a11. With nothing to burn,the fire became weak and finally died out.A. leavingB. left C. leaveD. to leave12. Almost everyone is bringing down

10、 the price of housing, because its too high now.A. in favor of B. in charge of C. in honor of D. in search of13. Two fifths of the highway so far.Ahas been completed Bwas completedChave been completed Dhas completed14. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helplessness of t

11、he crew at sea.Aadded to Bresulted from Cturned out Dmade up15. The coat you wear now is the same I bought yesterday.Alike BthatCwhich Das16. Neither you nor I,nor anyone else the answer.Aknows Bknow Chas been known D. is knowing17. Remember, boys and girls. The harder you work, . Yes, Miss Gao.Ayou

12、r result will get betterByour result will get the betterCthe better result you will getDthe better result will you get18. I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight. .Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care七选五:Learning a foreign language benefits a person in several ways. _1_ However,how can you learn a foreign language properly?Spend time on it. The most important factor is how much time you devote to learning the language. _2_ This means listening,reading,writing,speaking and studying words and phrases. This also means spending your ti



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