高中英语 Module6 Old and New Learning Paper 4Revision学案 外研版必修3学案

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1、Module 6 Old and NewLearning Paper 4 RevisionI .Best choice 1.Come and _your wet coat ,or you will catch a cold .A. put on B.remove C.pick up D.put away 2. This sentence doesnt_.A.make sense B.make no sense C.make sense of D.in a sense . 3.Hearing the bad news of her grandfathers death ,she could no

2、t _her tears any longer and cried aloud.A. hould up B. hold off C.hold back D.hold on 4.Is this the restaurant _?A.which you work B.in which you workC.for that you work D.where you work in 5.He is a man of great experience ,_much can be learned.A.who B.that C.from which D.from whom 6.In class,Tom is

3、 always removing his eyes _the blackboard,which makes his teacher very angry .A.to B.from C.off D.of 7.With the global warming and the rise of sea levels,some coastal countries may _the sea.A.submerge B.harness C.be submerged by D.be harnessed by 8.It was raining ,_was a pity!A.what B.that C.which D

4、.where 9. The poem,_the poet was famous attracted many people at that time. A.on which B.for that C.for which D.as which 10.The number of the people present,_we had expected,was very large. A.who B.it C. that D.as 11.I happened to meet a girl in the street ,_is crying for her Mummy. A.which B.who C.

5、where D.that12.His sister ,_you met at home ,is a teacher of English .A.that B.which C.whom D.when 13.He has two Chinese-English dictionaries ,_were bought last week. A.two of which B.both of whichC.both of them D.all of them 14._is known to everybody ,the moon travels round the earth once every mon

6、th.A.It B.As C.That D.What 15.The professor _his voice to make himself _.A.rose ;heard B.rose;hearing C.raised ;heard D. raised ;hear II Complete the description with these wordswonderful cliffs river gorge sites submerged relics lakeThe Three Gorges The Yangtze River, which flows for 6,380 km, is t

7、he longest _in china . The most beautiful part was the Three Gorges. The Qutang Gorge , which was only 8 kilometres long, was famous for its high _.Wu Gorge, which was 44 km long ,was known for its _ scenery and quiet beauty .The famous Xiling ,which was the longest and most dangerous _ ,had many hi

8、storical _with ancient _-This part of the Yangtaze River was _forever in the artificial (人工的)_Behind the Three Gorges Dam.III 完成句子1.这城堡始建于14世纪The castle _ _(back to )the 14th century2. 他的梦想最终实现了。His dream _3.农村为城市提供蔬菜The country _4. 他建议我们改天再来。He_another day 5. 这时他结束了他的故事Then he_his story .IV阅读理解The

9、Three Gorges Dam The Three Gorges Dam, the largest dam ,is also the largest engineering project on the surface of the earth . It aims to make the Yangte River, into a tame river ,and to generate power of 181,200 megawatts for Eastern and Central China. It will form a huge ,deep sail 1,500 miles inla

10、nd from the Pacific to the city of Chongqing , making it one of the world largest inland ports . Construction has already started . The dam will be about 6,860 metres wide and 611 feet high ,at a spot called Sandouping near Yichang. It is obvious that such a grand project will do much good. It is th

11、e most important to control floods. By building hydropower plants ,China will offer much in environmental protection. However ,some scientists do not agree to the projection .They say that Chongqing and dozens of other cities along the river will pollute the reservoir, which will destroy the ecologi

12、cal balance and also the sand from upstream will form sand bed. The Three Gorges Dam could be considered when it is finishede ,in 2009,the 8th wonder of the world.6. Which is not the purpose to build such a huge dam ? A. To prevent floods. B. To produce electricity.C. To improve the sailing conditio

13、n. D. To make it a wonder.7. Where does the dam lie ? A Near Chongqign B. In Yichang C. Near Yichang D. In Sandouping8. Some scientists fear that _when the dam is built. A. the ecological balance will be destroyed B. large ships will destroy the dam C. the Yangtze River may be too crowded D. the amount of electricity will not be as expectedIV V书面表达假设你是一名导游,陪某国际旅游团游览长城。车到长城,下车前你需要作必要的交代。请用英语写出讲话稿,要包括以下的内容。1 简单介绍长城,世界上最长的城墙,有2,000多年的历史,是世界奇观之一。2 当时是8点半,拟在长城逗留半个小时,11点中离开。3 游览车在入口处等候,记住车号,准时返回。4 随身带走贵重物品,下车前关好门窗。注意:字数100字左右


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