高中英语 Module 4 Fine Arts WesternChinese and Pop Arts Reading 1学案(无答案)外研版必修2 学案

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1、Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop ArtsReading (1)I Studying aims学习目标 1. To read the passage fluently, and have a general comprehension of the passage. 朗读课文,掌握课文大意。2. To master the key words and phrases in this part. 掌握前三段的的重点单词和短语。3. To master some key language points in this part. 学会运用知识点。II. Self

2、-study guides 自学指导Step1: Read the passage quickly and do exerciseson page34Step2: Read the passage aloud and underline the words that you dont know.Step3: Read the passage again and find the following phrases.1) 同时_ 2)意欲,打算 _3) 沿用中国传统的绘画风格_4) 因为 _Step4: Master the following key language points 1. Cu

3、bist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.根据例句学习With+ 宾语+宾语补足语这一复合结构的用法She said goodbye with tears in her eyes.It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.With him to help us, we are sure of success.With all things bought, she

4、 went home happily.We went through the forest without any difficulty with the guide leading us.With his mother out, he had to stay at home alone.总结在with复合结构中,宾语常用_和_词来充当。宾语补足语常用_, _, _, _, _和_.With复合结构在句子中可以做_, _,_状语跟踪练习1) 有那么多事要去做,我不能度假了。With so many things _, I cant go on holiday.2) 母亲出去了, 他没有做家庭作

5、业。With his mother_, he failed to do his homework.3) 他进来了,手被绑着。 He came in, with his hands _.4) 他总是关着窗子睡觉。 He always sleeps with the windows _.5) With so many problems _, the mayor has been working late into the night.A. to settleB. to be settledC. settledD. settling2. This is a painting by the Spani

6、sh artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest westernartist of the twentieth century.根据例句学习consider的用法She is considered an intelligent woman. We consider him (to be/ as) our friend.I am considering changing my job.That matter is under consideration.总结:consider的常用意思_和_,其名词形式_词组:认为某人/某物是_/_/

7、_考虑做某事_跟踪训练:1). Im considering _ a Bluebird, for these days the prices of cars are going down.A. to buy B. buying C. to sell D. selling2). 人们认为她是最好的歌手。 She is _ the best singer.III. Summary (课堂小结)Summarize the contents of this class.IV. Exercises in class (当堂训练)1. The flight was cancelled _ the fog

8、was dense.A. thanks toB. becauseC. due toD. because of2. Shall we go out this weekend?Oh, with all this work_, I dont know if I will have time to go out.A. to doB. doingC. doneD. do3. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it.A. finishedB. finishingC. having finishedD. was finished4. He studied hard, _ the exam.A. aim atB. aiming at passingC. aiming passingD. aim to passing5. He didnt _ my advice; as a result, he failed.A. hearB. listenC. catchD. follow



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