高中英语 Module 1 Making Friends in the USA学案 外研版选修6 学案

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1、Module 1 Making Friends in the USA新授课【学习目标】 1能背诵新词汇,词组和句型。 2、能正确使用重点单词 aware , call by , take the lead , expect学习重点:记住单词,词组和课文重点句子。学习难点:aware , call by ,take the lead 学法指导:对比词形变化 ,通过例句背词组。【学情调查、情景导入】dull define spy secretive factualLeisure ethnicpolitics religion sensitive personal hospitable call b

2、y awarehesitateviolateprivatedarecurious take the leaddisagreementcomplimentvase fabulous graciously accuratewealth【问题展示、合作探究】探究一:Read the passage and answer the questions on page 11 Activity2-5探究二:language points1 when someone talks, everyone is expected _ listen, _ _ _ dull the person s speaking m

3、ay be. expect : be _ _ _ 被希望,要求,指望1)苹果的产量明年可望翻一翻。The production of the apple_ _ _ _ be double next year.2) According to the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.08全国The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front_to arrive.10四川Youve failed to do what you_to and I

4、m afraid the teacher will blame you. A. is expected B. expects C. were expected D. is expecting 2013年高考英语【北京卷】28. Hurry up! Mark and Carl _ us. A. expect B. are expecting C. have expected D. will expect2 If you are aware of cultural differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions

5、.In face,its a sign that they dont wish to violate your private life._ 作为高级词汇代替realize查字典 aware + of - / that -句子翻译1) 你知道是什么时候了吗?2) 我知道工作职位很少。3) 你察觉到危险了吗?4) 翻译 We all know that “sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.5)2013高考英语重庆卷)23. Its

6、not easy to change habits, _ with awareness and self-control, it is possible.A. forB. orC. butD. so3 .如果你带头,他们会谈论更多的私人话题. _The news shocked the public, _to great concern about students safety at school.(lead)4 . Isnt she wonderful_ her age? 1)对于她的年龄来说,她看起来年轻多了._ 2)Its very hot_March. A.in B.for5 If

7、youre ever in Minneapolis/ San Diego, do call by and see us. (P11)do/does/did动词原形,可强调_语_when youre out. (一定要记得带伞)call by vt. 顺路访问 拜访某人 _=_拜访某地_=_If you are in at six this evening, Ill _.如果你今晚6点在家,我顺便来取我的书。【达标检测、巩固提升】A级 根据课文默写_ _ _对-保密的;_ _种族背景; _真实的要求、愿望;_ _ _知道 _ _ _骚扰私生活;_ _做出赞美 _ _ _极好的衣服;_ _老人 _

8、 _ _精确的答复;_ _炫耀 _ _ _对.敏感 B级1 Many teenagers are not _ the danger of playing computer games , which i think does more harm than good to them.A well aware to B well aware of C aware that D very aware of 2 She likes to _ her nice figure by wearing tight dresses.A show up B show in C show off D show ar

9、ound3 Amy joined a club but didnt seem to _A show off B go up C fit in D come over4 .I am going to visit my friend tomorrow ._,I need to buy some articles of daily use . A. In addition B. As well C. In other words D. As a result 5.Bicycling is good exercise to keep healthy ;moreover ,it is easy _.A.

10、 learning B. to learn C. to be learnt D. learnt6.-You must apologise _your sister _ being so rude . - No way ! Its her fault .A. to ;to B. for ;for C. for ;to D. to ;for 【知识梳理、归纳总结】【预习指导、新课链接】1 read the article the AAA and answer the questions on P132 note the words : estimate , establish , purpose

11、,atmosphere1 The party will be _ ,so you neednt dress up.A formal B informal C normal D serious2 Hearing this , he looked _ at me .A sad B serious C seriously D sadness3 I realized she was trying to _ the topic. A relax B avoid C talk D agree4_ him for many years ,Mary hardly _ him.A Not having seen

12、; recognized B As she hadnt seen; saw C Having not seen ; recognized D Not seeing; knew5 The children lack _ nothing although the parents are poorly dressed. A in B of C for D by 6 The collapse(崩溃,瓦解) of the World Trade Center has put US economy in a difficult_A condition B case C situation D background 7 Taking the job involves _A living abroad B live abroad C to live abroad D in living abroad 8 Please prepare the table _ dinner.A to B in C on D for 9 I am always _ before examination. A eager B nervous C anxious D long10 In addition _ the lette



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