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1、情感因素与外语教学摘要:认知和情感是语言教学中不可分离的两个方面,但是由丁传统的以考试为中 心的教育评价制度,使我国的外语教学都将培养学生的认知技能放在了首位,而 忽略了学习者情感因素的培养,不但导致英语教学效率低下,也使学习者身心不 能得到全而、健康的发展,影响学生的可持续发展。来自学生的焦虑问题调查结 果支持了以上的观点,同时也找出了导致学生外语学习焦虑的最主耍原因一一害 怕否定评价和缺乏模糊容忍度。针对这些实际情况,笔者提出了降低外语学习焦 虑的儿点设想:建立融洽的师生关系,营造良好的课堂气氛;不纠错、少纠错,帮 助学生建立一定的模糊容忍度:以合作学习的方式减轻学生的心理压力。并用实 验

2、对这些设想进行了验证。本文以第二语言习得中的情感因素相关理论为指导, 在教学实践的调查和实验中,摸索外语学习焦虑问题的解决方案,冃的在于有效 地提高英语教学的效率。关键词:情感;情感因素;模糊容忍度;合作学习Affect and Foreign Language Teaching and LearningAbstractAffective factors and cognitive factors are two important parts of English learning. However, English teaching in recent years has taken in

3、to special consideration the necessity of knowledge and intelligence and comparatively ignored the development of affection. It may greatly reduce students5 English learning capacity and limit the whole development of students. The present thesis is to analyze affect and some important affective fac

4、tors in the second language learning process. From the questionnaires on students9 language anxiety, the writer finds out some basic causes leading to their anxiety in foreign language learning. The experiments on the positive and negative role of anxiety demonstrate that an appropriate amount of te

5、nsion can make the students attentive in learning a foreign language. Nevertheless, anxiety always plays a negative role in oral communication. The author suggests that affective factors should be of vital importance in language teaching and both the second language teachers and students should be s

6、ufficiently aware of the above affective factors in second language acquisition and avoid of building up high affective barriers, which would prevent the students from learning the target language. Teachers should try to create association of positive affect towards the second language and its speak

7、ers as well as towards the learning activities involved. Finally the significance of this these is to find out an effective way to solve the affective problems, esp. anxiety, in learning a foreign language, using some basic theories on affective factors, so as to improve our English teaching.Key Wor

8、ds:Affect; affective factors; cooperative language learningTable of Contents1 .Introduction1 Background information1.2. Literature review2. Affective Factors in Foreign Language Learning2Attitude2.1.1 The Definition of Attitude2.1.2 Attitude and Second Language Learning2.3 The Research Finding of At

9、titude(2) MotivationExtrinsic MotivationIntrinsic MotivationThe Present Situation of Students1 Motivation(2) Personality231 Self-esteem(2) Inhibition3. Anxiety and the Relationship between Anxiety and Foreign Language Learning.3What is Anxiety3.2 Different Types of Anxiety3.3 Possible Causes of Lang

10、uage Anxiety3.4 The problems of Learning Foreign Learning4. Strategies to Reduce Learners AnxietyChanging Learners and Instructors Beliefs about English language learningProducing Relaxing and Pleasant Learning Atmosphere4.2.1 Adopting Cooperative Learning4.2.2Adopting Flexible ApproachesGamesMotiva

11、tion Internalization5. ConclusionWorks CitedWorks CitedArnold, Jane. Affect in Language Learning. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.Ellis, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.Robinson, Peter. Cognition and Second Langu

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