英语(基础模块)第二册Unit 1练习题

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1、Unit 1L听力。1. 听录音,填单词。1. Mr. Chen is the of our company.2. We have bought some new .3. Its a great to meet you here.4. Please give my regards to your .5. You should not ask people about their and income.6. My father works as an in a factory.7. Thank you for you9ve done for me.8. How is your new going

2、?9. Fm glad that you can come and us.10. WeMiss Wang:1 me. Are you Mr. Paul from 2,please?re going to meet Mr. White at the .11. He met Mr. Chen at a meeting in London last.12. We9re going to see John at the airport.13. We must follow some basic .14. Were to have Mr. Smith here with us.15. Let me Mr

3、. Green, the engineer from England.2. 听录音,选择正确答案。AA. Have you any special training?B. I graduated from a vocational school last year.C Can you tell us something about yourself?D. Fm Jennifer Smith.E. Here5s my name card.Jennifer: Good morning! 1Li Hong: Good morning, Miss Jennifer.Jennifer: Well, Je

4、nnifer is my first name. My last name is Smith.2Li Hong: Thank you, Miss Smith.Jennifer: May I have your name, please? 3Li Hong: Li Hong.Jennifer: OK. Li Hong?Li Hong: Pm nineteen and now Pm a bank clerk. But I want to be a secretary.Jennifer: I see. 4Li Hong: Yes, 5Jennifer: Thats fine. Thank you.

5、WeUl let you know our decision later.BA. I like to visit different places.B. I feel like playing all kinds of games with children.C. What do you want to be?D. Do you like traveling?E. It seems that you911 enjoy yourself at work.J : What are you going to do after leaving school?D: I am thinking about

6、 becoming a guide. I would like to explore strange things.J:D: Of course, I do. 2J : Thafs good. You seem to be good at spoken English. Is that right?D: Just so-so. Til try to learn it better. 3J : Maybe Pll be a P.E. teacher. 4D:5 听录音,给下面句子排序。()A. Fine, thank you. And you?()B. Sorry, I have to go t

7、o the workshop. See you later.()C. Hello, Wang Lin. Nice to meet you.()D. See you late!()E. Me, too. How are you today?()F. Fm fine, too. Thank you. 听录音,完成对话。 * Mr. Paul: Yes, Fm 3 New York. Miss Wang: How do you do? My 4 is Wang Yang from the Great Wall Company.Mr. Paul: How do you do, Miss Wang?Mi

8、ss Wang:5 to China, Mr. Paul Our manager asks me tocome and 6 you.Mr. Paul: Thank you, Miss Wang. Pm very 7 to8 you.Miss Wang: Glad to meet you, 9. Now let9s 10 tothe hotel.11. 词组互译。1. for the first time2. follow rules3. say hello4. shake hands with5. such as6. at a meeting7. be interested in& ask f

9、or9. so long10. welcome to11向介绍12. 过去常常13. 一个新项H14. 在机场15. 互相16. 基本规则17. 盼望18. 没问题19 代问候20.亲密的朋友III.选择正确答案。1 一 Where are you from?A. Pm from New Zealand.B. I am sixteen.C. I am a student.2. Mike, this is Li Ming.A. How do you do?B. Fm fine, thanks.C Nice to meet you.3. Mr. White, please allow meLi M

10、ing.A. introducingB. to introduce C. introduce4. Mr. Chen,M匚 White, the engineer from England.A. He isB.This isC. It is5. Have you met?Yes, I met Mr. Whitea meeting in London last summer.A. ago, inB. before, for C. before, at6. is your new project?A. What . going B. How going C. How. like7. We have

11、bought some new.A. equipmentB. equipments C. piece of equipment8. Its always a pleasurewith you.A. workingB. workC. to work9. His father is theof a large company.A. teacherB. managerC doctor10. Mr. Chen and Mr. White are talking about the new.A. projectB. protectC. product11. Pleaseme to introduce t

12、he headmistress of our school toyou.B. tellC. talkA. allow12.youA. Thank. toyour help.B. Thanks. for C. Thankfor13. IfsA. a pleasureB my pleasure C. my pleasant14.1 look forwardwith you again soon.A. to workingB. to workC. working15. Please give myto your family.A. regardB. regardingC. regards16. Ha

13、ve a safehome.A. travelB. journeyC. trip17. Westerners are notthey used to be.A. as more formal asB. as formal thanC. as formal as18. people meet, they often just say Hi or “Hello.A. IfB. WhenC. Since19. , there are still some rules for communication.A. HowB. HoweverC. But20. you have a chance to me

14、et westerners, try to follow somebasic rules.A. IfB. WhenC. As21. peopled eyes and smile when you shake hands with them.A. Look forB. Look intoC. Look up22. If they praise you, such as “You speak very good English/.A. No, no. My English is very poo匚B. Thank you.C. No. Your English is very good.23. W

15、hen you meet someone for the first time, it isto greetpeople with “How do you do?:A. commonB. unusual C. informal24. Never ask strangers their age or.A. weightsB. weightC. weighting25. you want to pass the exam, you should work hard.A. IfB. WhenC. Unless26. is important to give a nice, bright smile when meetingpeople.A. ThisB.ThatC.It27. It


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