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1、AbstractIn todays economic environment, the importance of knowledge and information cannot be ignored . Intellectual property has become the main weapon for enterprises to participate in market competition, and most of the time ,it is more important than money and equipment. Multinational companies

2、with its advantages in intellectual property rights, quickly occupy the market commanding heights, abusive behaviors occur frequently to Chinas economic order and brings huge harm to enterprise development .Law makes intellectual property monopoly legal, coupled with lack of restrictions. The abuse

3、of intellectual property rights of multinational companies is used to eliminate and restrict competition behavior .The exercise behavior completely deviated from the aim of intellectual property rights to promote technology innovation and progress, the legislative origins of economic growth. Any unl

4、imited power tends to be abused. Economic order and peopled well-being requirement to exercise the rights to make the limit necessary , otherwise, it will be alienated to restrict competition, inhibit the development of national enterprises in our country .Therefore, this paper is committed to explo

5、re using anti-monopoly law to regulate abuse of intellectual property rights of multinational companies.From the form of abusing of intellectual property rights of multinational companies,this paper probes into the cause of the abuse of intellectual property .the lag in legislation and the demand fo

6、r capital and technology in our country, make the abuse intensified On the basis of revealing the necessity regulating abusive behaviors, from analyzing the legal system to regulate the abuse of intellectual property rights, the author arguments the necessity to apply anti-monopoly law to regulating

7、 the abuse of intellectual property rights .And from the aspects of theory and practice to explore the feasibility of using the anti-monopoly law to regulate the abuse of intellectual property rights- So exactly, how to analyze of abuse of intellectual property rights in anti-monopoly law framework

8、becomes the focus of the article. Finally, according to the present situation of our country,it gives suggestions to maintain our interests.The article adopts the combination of theory and practice, literature reading method, comparison analysis and other research methods. Through the way of literat

9、ure reading to consult a large number of data, it analyzes the essence of the abuse, and it become an important basis for argument. Through the combination of theory and practice to demonstrate the necessity of regulating abuse of intellectual property of multinational companies. With the method of

10、comparison and analysis combined with cases and the international and domestic law for the regulation of abuse, it analyzes the feasibility of using the anti-monopoly law to regulate the abuse of intellectual property rights, and learns the experiences that we can borrow.It is necessary and feasible

11、 to regulate the abuse of intellectual property, . Within the anti-phonology framework. Intellectual property ,the same with other tangible property rights, the exercise is neither limited to regulation of the antitrust laws nor should be to blame.Analyzing the relationship between monopoly behavior

12、 and abuse of multinational companies , combining with the judgment standard of he monopoly and way of analysis, we can determine the nature of its behavio匚 Perfecting our countrys legislation and law enforcement of regulating the abuse of intellectual property rights using anti-phonology is where w

13、e should strive for Keywords: multinational companies; the abuse of intellectual property; The antitrust laws; the abuse of dominant market position; limit competition;目录前言第一章 跨国公司知识产权滥用的现状及其规制理论3第一节 跨国公司知识产权滥用的表现形式及其原因3一跨国公司知识产权滥用的表现形式3(-)拒绝许可4(二)搭售行为5(三)价格歧视5(四)垄断协议6二 跨国公司知识产权滥用的原因6(一)企业的逐利性,促使知识产

14、权出现被滥用的倾向7(二)东道国规制滥用意识的淡薄,使得滥用现象加剧7第二节规制跨国公司知识产权滥用的理论基础8一知识产权滥用的法律规制体系8(一)内部约束9(二)外部约束9二运用反垄断法规制滥用行为的必要性 10三 知识产权法与反垄断法的关系 10(-)知识产权法和反垄断法的冲突10(二)二者的一致性11(三)二者对于跨国公司知识产权滥用的规制12第二章国际反垄断法律规则对跨国公司知识产权滥用的规制13第一节联合国贸易与发展会议的有关规则13一国际技术转让行动守则(草案)13二关于控制限制性商业惯例的公平原则和规则的多边协议14第二节世界知识产权组织与联合国工业发展组织的有关规则14一世界知

15、识产权组织的有关规则14(一)保护工业产权巴黎公约14(二)技术转让合同管理示范法15二 联合国工业发展组织合同评价指南15第三节 世界贸易组织的与贸易有关的知识产权协议(TRIPS) . 15第三章 国内法对跨国公司知识产权滥用的规制17第一节美国关于跨国公司知识产权滥用的反垄断规则17一反垄断立法17二反垄断执法18三司法实践18第二节 欧盟有关跨国公司知识产权滥用的反垄断规则19第三节口本有关知识产权滥用的反垄断规则20第四章 知识产权滥用行为的反垄断法界定22第一节 知识产权行使与滥用市场支配地位的界定22一相关产品市场23二相关地域市场23三 滥用市场支配地位的行为24第二节 知识产权许可和禁止联合限制竞争制度24第三节知识产权取得与限制控制企业结合制度26第五章我国关于跨国公司知识产权滥用的规制现状及完善建议27 第一节我国相关规制现状27一立法方面27二执法和司法层面28第二节 完善建议28一立法层面28(一)反垄断法的完善29(-)执法指南的完善30二执法层面31(一)执法机构的设置31(二)执法方式的创新32三司法层面32(一)建立知识产权滥用公益诉讼制度32(-)成立专门的反垄断法庭3334结语参考文献35个人简历37致谢38刖B微软垄断案使人们认识到,知识产权的滥用行为并不绝缘于反垄断法



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