微电子技术综述(Microelectronics Technology Review)

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1、微电子技术综述(Microelectronics Technology Review)Ppt documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you select TXT first or download the source file to the local machineMicroelectronics Technology ReviewNational ASIC System Engineering Technology Research Centerprimary cove

2、rageIT technology overview of microelectronics technology SOC design technology coneluding remarksOverview of IT TechnologyThe status of IT in modern societyagricultural societyindustrial societyPost industrial societyThe post industrial society is the information societyIT technology will change ou

3、r. Work lifeEven. Even to the extent thatStudyWarfareBasic framework of IT Technology-Application based on information sharing and f1owINTERNET as the core of information sharing, processing, storage, exchange platformComputerCommunicationConsumerMicroelectronic technologySoftware technologyThe deve

4、lopment trend of information technologyRising status, industry integration field deepening Web Wireless Wideband Consumer Optical MultimediaWWWCOMMicroelectronics industry is the cornerstone of information technologyBrief introduction of microelectronic technologyThe strategic position of microelect

5、ronic science and technology, the development of microelectronics industry and science and technology, the development of microelectronics industry in China and the development direction of microelectronic technologyThe strategic position of microelectronic science and technologyThe scale of microel

6、ectronic industry and the level of science and technology have become an important symbol to measure the comprehensive strength of a countryThe contemporary food chain relationship of national economyIntegrated circuit 1 elementsElectronic products 10 yuan, 10 yuanThe output value of national econom

7、y is 100、300 yuan, 300 yuanThe criterion of entering the information society: the output value of semiconductor accounts for 0. 5% of the total output value of industry and agricultureThe guarantee of national securityThe core and the key to the future of information warfare is the integrated circui

8、t chip does not do the dream of power development of microelectronic technologyMicroelectronics: the cornerstone of economic developmentThe upgrading of electronic equipment is based on the progress of microelectronic technology, and the degree of its Smart depends on the intelligence degree and the

9、 degree of use of integrated circuit chip, and the digital technology is used to transform the ordinary machine toolNumerical control machineThe price difference is 10 times, the price difference timesHigh added value of whole machine systemIntegrated circuitIn the growth period, enter the market, t

10、he market, enhance the market competitivenessMicroelectronics: the cornerstone of economic developmentThe comparison of profits between Chinese IT enterprises and Chinese enterprises and Intel companiesIntel company,s sales of 294 billions of dollars profit of 73 RMB $5 billion billion profit rate i

11、s 24. 8%VCD, a famous IT enterprise in China, which mainly sells and sells RMB by 20 billion machines, is one of the most famous enterprises in Zhongguancun2.5% 2%, only the profit of 1/10 profits of American chip EnterprisesMicroelectronics: the cornerstone of economic developmentWithout the develo

12、pment of the integrated circuit industry, IT industry can only stay in the assembly industry level, earn the z,hard money in the international division of labor in the low-end only low value-added foreign someone joked: you say Zhongguancun is Silicon Valley, but a core of the Silicon Valley, the pr

13、oduct cant be competitiveThe penetration and driving role of microelectronics to traditional industriesAlmost all of the traditional industries and microelectronics technology, using integrated circuit chip for intelligent transformation, can make the traditional industry rejuvenatedThe fan of the i

14、ndustry, the total power consumption of the pump has accounted for about 30% of electricity generation, only to fan, water pump frequency control and other electronic technology transformation, the annual saving can be more than 50 billion degrees, power generation capacity equivalent to three Gezho

15、uba Dam power plant (15 billion 700 million / year) for efficient energy saving of incandescent light, and assuming that the application of 30% power generating capacityequivalent to three large bending nuclear power plant to save (13 billion 900 million degrees / yearContribution rate of 2000150010

16、005000 steel color TV integrated circuit to national economyThe electronic industry without microelectronics can only be labor-intensive assembly industry, and can not form a knowledge-based economy with high added value Silicon Valley of China will be the Silicon Valley without coreThe importance of microelectronics to information societyINTERNET infrastructure


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