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1、2016年10月自考英语(一)真题试卷(精选)一 ,阅读判断Working in Germany Juan Morales is 19 years old. He has left his parents who live on a small farm in Spain. He now works in a car plant in Germany. Every 30 seconds, a car rolls past Juan on a production line. Juan must dive into the open trunk of the car and tighten (拧

2、紧)two bolts (螺栓). Two times a minute, Juan must tighten these same two bolts on every car that comes by on the line. Juan has done this job on every working day for six months. When he goes back to his rented room at the end of each day, he is very tired. Sometimes he will go out for supper with oth

3、er Spanish workers. But supper in a restaurant costs money, and Juan is trying to save money. Often he just cooks supper in his home and eats alone. Juan is there because there is plenty of work in Germany一more work than there are workers to fill the jobs. Because of this, few German workers have to

4、 take a job like Juans. But people from some other countries are eager to do the work because wages are high in Germany. Juan does not spend all his money. Every payday, he goes to the post office and puts half his pay in the savings bank. Then he sends about a quarter of the money back home. The re

5、st is enough to live on一if he is careful. In two and a half more years, Juan will have saved enough money to open a store near his parents1 village. Then he will have enough money to get married and set up a home.1 .Juans parents live on a large farm in Spain.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given2. Juanf s

6、 job in the German car plant is to tighten bolts.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given3. Juan seldom feels tired after work.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given4. The rent of Juans room is not high.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given5. Juan doesn* t eat out with other Spanish workers.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given6.

7、Juan likes cooking and he cooks very well.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given7. There are not enough workers in Germany.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given8. Juan can earn more money in Germany than at home.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given9. Juan sends back home some of the money he earns.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) N

8、ot Given10. Juan owns a store near his parents* village in Spain.(A) TRUE(B) FALSE(C) Not Given阅读选择为题目类型Bessie Coleman Bessie was born in Atlanta, Texas in 1893. Her father was an Indian and her mother an African American. Her father left the family when she was seven. At such a young age, Bessie pi

9、cked cotton. She also took on extra washing and ironing to help her mother meet family expenses. After finishing high school, Bessie went to Chicago to stay with a younger brother. She became interested in aviation (飞 行)shortly after World War I. But because of her sex and color she could not enroll

10、 (注册入学)in an aviation school in the US. Later, a newspaper editor told her that the only path left open to her would be an aviation school in Europe. She then made two trips to Europe. She studied under top German and French pilots, and returned to Chicago with an international pilot1 s license. Bes

11、sie became the only black woman pilot in the world. Her work as a pilot took her into a field untouched by women in her day. This field was exhibition flying. In 1922, Bessie gave her first exhibition flying show. Several thousand eager fans came to see the unusual show. She went on giving air shows

12、 all over the US. She gained national attention and thousands of fans of all races. She was not discouraged by words from her family or seeing the death of a student pilot. Nor did suffering a broken leg and arm in an air crash scare her. Letters poured in from young black people. Like Bessie, they

13、wanted to go into the field of aviation. Long before her first exhibition, Bessie dreamed of setting up a flying school for blacks. Unfortunately, she died in a flight accident before her dream was realized.11 .When Bessie was seven,.(A) she left her family(B) she helped support the family(C) her fa

14、ther went to Atlanta(D) her family opened a cotton farm12. Bessie was kept out of the US aviation schools because.(A) World War I had ended(B) she was a black woman(C) her brother didnt want her to go(D) she didnt finish her high school13. Bessies exhibition flying show in 1922.(A) was the first don

15、e by women(B) did not attract much attention(C) was helped by European pilots(D) ended in air crash14. According to Paragraph 3 , Bessie.(A) had fans all over the world(B) got support from her family(C) was once injured in an air crash(D) was scared by a pilot s death15. Bessie1 s unrealized dream w

16、as to.(A) reduce flight accidents(B) set up her own flying team(C) involve more women in aviation(D) found a flying school for blacks概括段落大意和补全句子为题目类型Ways to Learn a Foreign Language Well To learn a foreign language well, the most important thing is how much time you are involved in language learning. The more time you spend on the language, t



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