山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案

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山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案_第1页
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山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案_第2页
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山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案_第3页
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《山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit2 Where is the science museum B》学案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿(三)课 题 6A Unit 2 Where is the science museum?课型新授执笔六年级英语组学 习目 标1、知识目标:掌握本部分的重点单词和句型2、技能目标:复习、巩固位置的表达方法; 学习如何用英语表达如何去某个地点; 训练学生的阅读和表达的能力。3、情感目标:培养学生对方位和指路的识别和应用。重 点难 点灵活运用表示位置的常用语,能正确询问和表述路线。一、 预习(参考 “知识点总结”部分完成)1、 熟读并识记P87 单词 turnlook for 复习巩固和预习检测:短语翻译邮局 科学博物馆对不起 与相邻-放学以后- 一双鞋下车- 左转-

2、右转- 直走-乘坐17路公共汽车- 我十二岁的生日-寻找- 在前面-2、 预习P7 Lets learn部分,识记表达方位的单词和短语,并理解其意义。练习:翻译下列句子(1) 我怎样才能到博物馆啊?_(2) 直走五分钟。_(3) 然后左转。_3、预习P20 Lets learn 部分,并将下列汉语对话翻译成英语。Amy:对不起。请问邮局在哪里?Wu:它在电影院东边。Amy:然后呢?Wu:在电影院左转,然后直走。它就在左边。Amy:谢谢!4、听录音,写单词和短语。Dear Amy,Please come to my _ birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday. No

3、w let me _ you how to come:1. Start from the bus stop _ our school.2. _ the No. 17 bus.3. _ at the post office.4. Walk east for three minutes.5. Find the white building on the _.6. Look for me near the _.二、 知识点总结1. near 在附近 in front of 在前面next to 与相邻 behind 在后面2. on the left 在左边 on the left of the 在

4、的左边 on the right 在右边 on the right of the 在的右边3. take the No. 17 bus = go by the No. 17 bus 乘坐17路公共汽车4. far from 离.很远5. a pair of shoes 一双鞋6. east 东 south 南 west 西 north 北 east/ south/ west/ north of the 在的东/南/西/北边 Our school is east of the hospital. 我们学校在医院东边。7. go straight 直走 turn right 右转 turn lef

5、t 左转 Turn right at the library. 在图书馆右转。 Turn left at the traffic lights. 在交通灯处左转。8. after school 放学以后 after class 下班以后9. get off 下车 get on 上车10. -What time is it? 几点了? - Its 8:15.11. Go straight for 10 minutes. 直走10分钟。12. Thank you. 谢谢。 Youre welcome. 不客气。13. on the + 序数词 + floor 在几楼my + 序数词 + birth

6、day 我的几岁生日14. excuse me 打扰一下,请问东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿(四)一、 单选题( )1-Is there a bank near here? -Yes, _. A. it is B. there is C. they are ( ) 2.Do you often get up_ six_ Sunday morning? A、on; at B、at; on C、in; on D、at; in( ) 3.-Where is the science museum? -Its _the cinema.A near B next C in front ( ) 4.The

7、post office is not far _ here. You can go there on foot.A to B at C from D in( ) 5. What do you usually do after_ school ?A the B a C / ( ) 6. I want to buy _shoes. My shoes _too old. A a; is B a pair ; are C a pair of ; are ( ) 7. Turn _and the bookstore is on _ store?A left ; left B left ; the lef

8、t C the left ; the left( ) 8.Can you tell me the way to the _store?A shoe B shoes C shoes( ) 9 Take the No.5 bus and get off _the cinema.A in B at C to( ) 10. Go straight _five minutes, then turn right.A for B in Cat( ) 11. Its west _-the library.A on B of C near( ) 12.I want to see a film. Im going

9、 to the _ A cinema B school C bank二、 连词成句1. Where me is post the excuse office_2 straight. turn at go left then cinema the_3. north for minutes walk five _4 can I how bookstore to the get _5 is post office the where_6. to pm my Saturday party come please at birthday 6 twelfth on _三、.翻译句子1.我怎么能到达博物馆?

10、 _2.今天是我的生日。谢谢大家的到来。_3-邮局离我们学校远吗? _-不,不远。在学校向右拐。 _然后指着走。他在左边。 _4向东走三分钟。 _5直走五分钟,然后向左拐。 _6.萨拉的家在邮局的东边。 _四、.选择适当的句子补全对话 五、.选择适当的单词填空Dear Wan Da, Some of our friends_ going to have a field trip tomorrow. Well _ at my house. We are going to _at 8:00 am. Id like you to _together with us. Now _ me _ you the way to my


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