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1、托福写作强化班讲义开头段范文托福写作强化班讲义38The best way to increase students interest in a subject is to teachthem the significance of the subject outside of school.Itiswellacknowledgedthatinterestisthebestteacher.Studentscan considerablyimprovetheiracademic performanceiftheystudy withgreatinterest. Therefore, educat

2、ors are striving to find ways to help arouse studentsinterest in various subjects. Some propose that no means is better to increase studentsinterest than teaching them the importance of the subject outside of school. However, I have different opinion.Do you agree or disagree with the following state

3、ment: The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.Universities are places where foundations of academic study are cultivated and it is no question that professors play an important role in the education quality attheuniversity.Amongthetasksthatprofessors

4、undertakeeveryday,researching and teaching activities take up most of their time. Some people would say that professors should focus more on teaching than research. I disagree. I believe that in order to enrich the learning experience of college students, a professor should focus a significant amoun

5、t of time on his or her research.Althoughscience and technologywillcontinueto improve,themost significant improvement for the quality of peoples lives have already taken place.The development of science and technology has always accompanied the progress of human society. The 21st century has seen le

6、aps and bounds advancement of science and technology, making peoples lives more and more efficient andconvenient. Some people are wondering whether science and technology willkeep on improving. As for me, I believe many significant innovations will continue to occur since human civilization is motiv

7、ated and propelled by theprogress of science and technology.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are partof the decision making process.Leaders play a profound role in the success of a group. Due to this, the strategy of

8、a leader is at the frontline of public debate. So there is a controversy whether effective leaders should let group members feel they participated in the processof decision making or not. From my point of view, good leaders should tryto make group membersfeel they are part of the process of decision

9、 making. My reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.Withthe increasingdevelopment of technology, we now have the abilityto acquire much informationfro

10、mforeignmedia sources. Because we can learnmuch about events happening in other countries from the massmedia, such as magazines and newspapers, many people may think that reading magazines and newspapers is the best way to learn about a foreign country. However, I believe thatonly readingmagazines a

11、nd newspapers as a way of learningabout a foreign country has several limitations.练习:Young people today are more likely to help others than in the past.Your job will have more effect on your happiness than the social life does.写好主题句:范文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is mor

12、e important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.To begin with,compared with artfacilities,recreationalfacilitiessuchas swimming pools and playgrounds are much moreessentialto peoples daily life.Seco

13、ndly,artfacilitiesare generallymuchmore expensive to establish.Furthermore, once a museum or a concert hall is established, it usuallycharges a high admissionfee in orderto sustainitsdailyoperationand to fund ambitious projects or performances.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. t

14、here is never good resaon to be impoliterude to another person.First, in dealing relationships withfamilyand friend, people need to be polite and considerate.Second, in a working environment , one needs to obey the basicsocialnorms of courtesy for interpersonal communication.Third, in thepolitical r

15、ealmandentertainment industry, celebrities need to show a graciousand friendlymanner in order to maintaina positive image.练习:Young people today are more likely to help others than in the past.Your job will have more effect on your happiness than the social life does.一 训练类素材思路09 年 5 月 30 日10 年 11 月 21 日)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Younger school children ages 5-10 sh


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