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1、态度情感词汇- accusatory, accusationsuggesting that you think sb has done sth wrong.声讨的- admired, admirationrespecting sb for what they are or for what they have done敬佩的e.g. I have great admiration for her as a writer.- amazed, amazementvery surprised大为诧异e.g. I was amazed at her knowledge of French litera

2、ture.- ambivalent, ambivalencehaving or showing both good and bad feelings about sth/sb.(喜忧参半)冲突心情的e.g. many people feel some ambivalence towards television and its effect on our lives.- amused, amusementthinking that sb/sth is funny, so that you smile or laugh.觉得好笑的e.g. we were all amused at his st

3、ories.- analyticalusinga logicalmethodofthinkingaboutsthin orderto understandit, especially by looking at all the parts separately.分析的e.g. she has a clear and analytical mind.- anxious, anxietyfeeling worried or nervous担忧的e.g. parents are naturally anxious for their children.- apathetic, apathyshowi

4、ng no interest or enthusiasm冷漠的,无动于衷的e.g. the illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people.- apologetic, apologyfeeling or showing that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or for causing a problem.赔礼的,愧疚的e.g. they are very apologetic about the trouble theyd caused.- appreciative, appreciati

5、onfeeling or showing that you are grateful for sth.感谢的e.g. the company was very appreciative of my effort.- apprehensive, apprehensionworried or frightened that sth unpleasant may happen.16担忧的;惧怕的e.g. she was deeply apprehensive about something might go wrong.- arrogant, arrogancebehaving in a proud

6、, unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people.高傲的- autonomous, autonomyof a person able to do things and make decisions withouthelp from anyone else.- awe feeling of respect and slight fear; feeling of being very impressed by sth/sb.敬畏- baffled, bafflementconfused completely.困惑的e.g. I am

7、 baffled why she hasnt called.- bemused, bemusementshowing that you are confused and unable to think clearly.困惑的,茫然的e.g. a bemused expression- bewildered,bewildermentfeelingconfusedbecausethereare too manythingsto choose from or because sth is difficult to understand.困惑的e.g. she was totally bewilder

8、ed by his sudden change of mood.- bitter, bitternessof a person feeling angry and unhappy because you feel you have been treated unfairly.愤愤不平的e.g. she is very bitter about losing her job.- callous, callousnessnot caring other peoples feeling or suffering.冷酷无情的e.g. a callous disregard for the feelin

9、gs of others.- calmnot excited, nervous or upset冷静的e.g. it is important to keep calm in an emergency.- cautious, cautiousnessbeing careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks.当心谨慎的e.g. they expressed cautious optimism about the solution to the crisi

10、s.- cavaliernot caring enough about sth important or about the feelings of other people.漫不经心的e.g. The government takes a cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding.- circumspect,circumspectionthinkingverycarefullyaboutsthbeforedoingit, because there may be risks involved.当心谨慎的- combati

11、veready and willing to fight or argue好斗的- concerned, concerna feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people.担忧的e.g. he didnt seem in the least concerned for her safety.- condescending, condescendbehaving as though you are more important and more intelligent that other people.表现出优越感的

12、,居高临下的e.g. he has a condescending attitude towards women.- confused,confusionunable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what sb is saying.糊涂的e.g. people are confused about all the different labels on food these days.- contemptuous, contemptfeeling or showing that you have on respe

13、ct for sb/sth.藐视的e.g. you are contemptuous of everything I do.- conversationalnot formal; as used in conversation.非正式的e.g. a casual and conversational tone- convinced, convictioncompletely sure about sth.坚信的e.g. I am convinced that he is innocent.- critical 1, expressing disapproval of sb/sth and sa

14、ying what you think is bad about them. 批判的 2, involving making fair, careful judgments about the good and bad qualities of sb/sth. 判定公平(审慎)的e.g. 1, Tom s parents were highly critical of the school.2,studentsareencouragedtodevelopcriticalthinkinginsteadofaccepting everything they are told without que

15、stioning it.- curious, curiosityhaving a strong desire to know about sth.奇怪的e.g. I was curious to find out what he had said.- cynical, cynicism1, believing that people only dothingsto help themselvesrather than for good or honest reason.愤世嫉俗的 2, not caring that sth might hurt other people, if there is some advantage for you见利忘义的e.g. 1, a cynical view2, a cynical disregard for the safety of others- deceitful, deceit


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