五年级英语下册 Unit 2(15)教案 人教(PEP)

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1、(人教PEP)五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 My favourite seasonPEP Book 6 Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Lets talk 学习目标语言知识 语言技能 情感态度能够听懂、会说并能回答句型“Which season do you like best?” 能够在恰当的情景中运用。能够理解并开展Make a survey 部分的内容。描述自己最喜欢的季节及其原因。让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参加课堂活动。重点句型“Which season do you like best? ”及其答句。难点引导学生准确自如地用句型 “Which

2、 season do you like best?.I can .”回答自己最喜欢的季节及其原因。教具录音机、图片、单词卡片、奖卡教学过程环节师生活动设计意图Preparation准备活动Presentation呈现新知Practice巩固练习Production 输出运用板书设计教学反思:Step 1: Warm-up(1) Free talkShow pictures to ask the following questions:What/Which season is it?Whats the whether like in spring?Whats your favourite sea

3、son?(2) Sing the song “Whats your favourite season?”(3) Guessing game: Which season is it?a. Its hot. The flowers are beautiful. We can swim in the lake. The girls can wear their favourite skirts.Which season?b. Its white. The snow is white. The tree is white. The hill is white.Its very cold. So we

4、wear warm clothes. We can play with snow. Which season?Step 2:Presentation(1) Teach “best”a.T:Whats your favourite season?S1:.T:I like spring,summer, fall and winter. But my favourite season is summer.I like summer best.Which season do you like best?S2: T: He/she likes best.Which season do you like

5、best?(=Whats your favourite season?)c. Practise the sentence “Which season do you like best?” “.”as a class, then in pairs.(2) Lets trya. “He/she likes best. Which season does Mike like best?” Listen and find out the answer.b. Listen again . Match the people with their favourite seasons.c. Check the

6、 answers.(3) The phrases about the weather.Show a picture and ask, “Which season is it ?”Ss: Spring.T: Do you like spring?Whats the weather like in spring?Ss: Windy and warm.T: Yes.Its always windy and warm in spring.( Teach “always”)(4) Chant:Spring,spring,windy and warm.Summer,summer,sunny and hot

7、.Fall,fall,windy and cool.Winter,winter,windy and cold.(5) Teach “play with snow”T: Do you like winter?Ss: No.T: why?Ss: Its too cold.T: Yes. Its too cold. But I like winter. Because I can play with snow.Step 4 PracticeLets talka. “ We know, Mike likes fall best. Which season does Zhang Peng like be

8、st?”Listen and answer. b. Listen again.Answer the following questions:Why does Mike like fall?Why does Zhang Peng like winter?c. Listen and repeat.d. Read freely.e. Give a model to act the dialogue.f. Pairwork.Step 5: ProductionMake a surveyDivide the students into four groups,make a survey , using

9、“Which season do you like best?. I can.”Step 4: Homework(1) Finish the activity book.(2) Make your own dialogues about the seasons you like best.Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Lets talkWhich season do you like best?Fall.Its always sunny and cool.内容简单、节奏优美的歌曲,活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生的积极性, 并进入英语学习状态。出示四季图,让学生

10、根据教师所描述的季节特点猜季节,一目了然,容易产生成就感。这两个句子在黑板上被很醒目地展示出来,让学生深刻地体会到best和新句型 “Which season do you like best?”的意思,加深印象。利用教师声音节奏slowly、quickly, 教师声音Low voice 到high voice,全班操练,两人操练等多种方法,使学生自然地掌握句型。根据某学生喜欢的季节,引出Mike喜欢什么季节,过度自然编一个简单的chant, 琅琅上口,便于学生记忆,而且能提高他们对学习英语的积极性,让学生意犹未尽。本环节中我通过自然的情景呈现“ Its too cold. ”和“ I can play with snow. ”两个句型,使学生自然习得语言,使用自如。由于重难点都已突破,学生学习起来相对比较轻松。



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