三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where is my car(第5课时)教案 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学三年级下册英语教案

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三年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where is my car(第5课时)教案 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学三年级下册英语教案_第1页
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1、Unit 4 Where is my car第五课时l 课时内容B. Lets learn; Lets do l 课时分析 Lets Learn中Zoom在找自己的玩具船,寻找妈妈的帮助。妈妈猜测是不是在他的玩具箱里。在这个交流过程中呈现三会词汇:cap, ball, car, boat, map,以及重点句式:Where is my boat? Is it in your toy box? No, it isnt. 五个三会单词中cap已经在前一课时中出现过,两个单词:toy box也已经在前一课时中出现过。主要句式也是在前一课时中第一次接触,其他的三会单词都是玩具,是学生们比较喜欢的内容,

2、所以本课时的重点内容学生接受掌握起来应该没有困难。Lets do是五个指令,由五个动词与五个三会词汇组合成的动词短语。可以与学生进行听、做动作或做动作,猜短语等活动,让学生在重复动作的同时,掌握五个词汇的发音及词义。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词cap, ball, car, boat, map.2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Is it in/on/under.?3. 能够听懂短语row a boat, bounce a ball, drive a car.并做出相应的动作。l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词cap, ball, car, boat, map.能够听

3、懂、会说认读句式:Is it in/on/under.?2. 难点:能够正确在使用句式来猜测物品的位置l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 单词卡片、实物。l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上为每组画一个玩具箱。学生表现好时就为自己的组获得一种玩具。课程结束时,玩具最多的组获胜。Teacher: Ill divide you into four groups. Each group has a toy box. If you did well, I will draw a toy for you. At the end of the l

4、esson, the group which gets more toys will be the winner. 2. TPR活动。请学生边重复老师的指令,边做出正确的动作。Clap your hands. Stamp your feet.设计意图:以TPR活动开始课程,引出接下来的环节,为下一步的学习服务。另一方面,TPR活动可以让学生调动多种感官参与活动,激发他们的学习兴趣,让他们把注意力迅速集中到英语学习上来。 Step 2 Lead in1. 游戏:I do you guess. 老师接着做动作,请学生猜一猜。Teacher:Lets play a game. I will do a

5、n action. Please guess what I am doing.做拍球的动作,请学生猜一猜。Teacher: Im bouncing a ball. Look, this is a ball. (多媒体出示球的照片,或出示一个实物) Do with me, bounce the ball. 学生一起做拍球的动作并重复短语。板书ball,并领读单词。Teacher: Lets spell ball together. b-a-l-l, ball. Students in this line read it one by one, please. 设计意图:此活动与热身活动紧密相关,

6、学生可以自然进入新内容的学习。以猜测老师的动作的方式展示新授单词和短语,能够充分调动学生的好奇心,促使其积极参与教学活动。 Step 3 Presentation1. 在黑板画出球,接着画帽子、玩具车、玩具船、地图,(也可以使用单词图卡进行,或以多媒体展示图片)学生边猜边学习新授单词。Teacher:This is a ball. Whats this? Is it a ball? No, its a cap. Read after me, cap. And is this a cap? No, its car. Its a toy car. Say with me, car. Lets sp

7、ell it together, car, c-ar, car. Look at this one. It isnt a car. Its a boat. Say with me, boat. Oa sound /. Repeat it please. And look at this. Is it a picture? No, its a map. This is a map of our city. Read after me, map. 设计意图:通过一般疑问句,来引出每一个新授词汇,为询问物品位置的一般疑问句的学习做好准备。在学习新授词汇时,注意引导学生关注字母或字母组合的发音,帮助他

8、们记忆单词。2.播放课文录音,观察课文图片,回答问题。Teacher:Zoom is looking for his boat. Where is his boat? Lets listen and find. Teacher: Who can try to answer my question? Where is his boat? Is it in the toy box? Is it on the desk? Is it under the desk?设计意图:通过听录音,听准单词读音,纠正自己的发音。以询问学生的方式展示本课的重点句式,通过听、看,引导学生发现答案,并选择正确的应答方式

9、,从而掌握本课的重点句式。 Step 4 Practice1. 我说位置,你说出物品名称。Teacher:Now, I say the sentence, you guess what it is. Its on the desk. What is it? Yes, its a cap. Its under the desk. Its on a map. What is it? Yes, its a boat. Its in the toy box. What is it? Yes, its a car. .设计意图:教师描述物品的位置来引导学生猜出物品,学生一方面需要理解新授词汇的意思,另一

10、方面也进一步巩固如何描述物品位置的句式。2. 出示物品的一部分,学生猜出单词。Teacher: Look, this is a part of a toy. What is it? Say like this: Is it a .?设计意图:以这样的形式来猜单词,一方面能够激发学生参与的兴趣,另一方面使他们在猜测中不断使用重点词汇,且不断熟悉一般疑问句的句式结构。3. 教师将实物放在某一位置,请学生猜猜在哪里。Teacher:This is a ball. I will put the ball at a place. Please guess where it is. You can ask

11、 like this: Is it on the desk? Is it in the bag?设计意图:通过这样的“寻宝”游戏,使学生在真实的情境中反复使用重点句式来达到自己的目的。从而使学生在使用中真正掌握重点句式。4. Lets do actions. 一起做一做。Teacher:Look, I have a ball. I can bounce the ball. Do with me, and say with me. Bounce the ball. What am I doing now?(做开车的动作)Im driving a car. Say with me, drive a

12、 car. What am I doing now? (做划船的动作)Im rowing a boat. Say it together, please. Row a boat. Lets put on a cap. (做戴帽子的动作)Repeat, put on a cap. Lets read a map. (做拿着放大镜看地图的动作)Read a map. Do it together. 设计意图:通过展示动作来使学生初步了解这五个短语的含义,并在重复中进一步熟悉五个重点词汇。5.(1) I do you say. 老师做动作,学生说出短语。Teacher: I will do the

13、actions. Please say the correct sentence. 教师随机展示动作,请学生说出相应的短语。(2)I say you do. 教师说出短语,学生做出相应的动作。Teacher: Now, I say the sentence. Please do the correct actions.设计意图:前一个活动可以检验学生是否能够理解并说出短语,后一个活动来检验学生能够听懂短语的意思,两个活动的训练,能够使学生不仅能够听懂会说短语,而且能够听懂、会说本课的重点词汇。 Step 5 Summary1. 展示一幅图片,学生进行两人小组活动,练习本课的重点词汇及句式。Te

14、acher: Look at this picture. Its Zooms room. What can you see? Do a pair work. You can ask and answer with these questions:Where is the.?Is it in/on/under.Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 设计意图:学生在一个相对复杂的场景下进行寻物的对话练习,练习中既可以总结本课的重点词汇,也可以总结本课的重点句式。2. 总结小组表现,鼓励最佳小组。Teacher: Now lets count the toys of each gro

15、up. Which group is the winner? Congratulations. Everybody, please be better next time. l 课堂作业一、根据图片写出单词。二、根据图片内容选择正确答案。( ) 1. Is it a ball? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 2. Is the pencil on the desk? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.( ) 3. Is the bag on the desk? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( ) 4. Is the bag under the chair? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.三、将句子前的序号写入正确的图片下方。A. Bounce a ball. B. Row a boat. C. Drive a car. D. Read a mp. E. Put on a cap. ( ) (


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