三年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2 He will sleep on Sunday教案 外研版(一起)

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1、Unit 2 He will sleep on Sunday.一、 教学目标与要求:1、知识与能力目标1)能够听懂、会说、认读下列词汇:day after Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday2)能够仿说和运用下列句型:What day is after? Its willon.3)能够初步了解课文情景,跟读课文。4)能够运用What day is after ?Its 来谈论一周递进的每一天。2、情感态度目标通过学习一周的七天,渗透西方的周文化,培养学生的跨文化意识。二、 教学重点及难点重点:1)能够听懂、会说、认读

2、下列词汇:day after Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday2)能够仿说和运用下列句型:What day is after? Its willon.难点:能够运用What day is after ?Its 来谈论一周递进的每一天。三、 课前准备课件、卡片、图片四、 教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Brain storm :Have the Ss try to say the verb phrases.read a book , watch TV , go swimming , play the dru

3、ms , play the flute , do homework , ride a bike , 引导学生充分回顾学过的动词词组。2. Have a free talkT: Will you on Saturday?S: Yes, I will./ No, I wont.T-S S1-S23. Listen and try to say a chant about a week.Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday, Saturday,Saturday,I will play , play , play , pl

4、ay.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T: Oh , your work is very good . You know Sams family will have a picnic. When is the picnic?S: On Saturday.T: (Point on the board) What day is after Saturday?S: Its Sunday.T: Whats the meaning of after? S: 在。之后Read the question and answer.Practice asking and an

5、swering in pairs.2. T:Today some boys and girls are playing a game. Do you want to know what game it is?Ss: Yes.Watch and describe the game.S: (can speak in Chinese.)3.T: How many questions?S: 3Watch again, try to find out the questions and answersQuestions:a. What day is after Tuesday? Its Wednesda

6、y.b. What day is after Thursday? Its Friday.c. What day is after Sunday? Its Monday.4. Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Play this game.1) Give an example to the Ssa: What day is after Tuesday?b: Its Wednesday.c: What day is after Thursday?d: Its Friday.e: What day i

7、s after Sunday ?f: Its Monday.2) Practice in pairs通过玩课本上的游戏,加深对课文的理解和加强对课文的巩固。2. Finish the exercise on activity book P36 , 1在书写练习中,进一步巩固。3. Chant:English Book P36 活动24. GameWhat will they do ?完成书上P37 活动3Step 4 SummaryT: What did we learn today?S: 谈论一周的七天,以及每天的计划。 怎样问答某天后面的一天是星期几Step 5 Homework1. Read after the tape and read the text fluently.2. Try to talk about the plan for everyday of a week .Step 6 Blackboard designModule 9 Unit 2 He will sleep on Sunday.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayWhat day is after Saturday?Its Sunday.


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