一年级英语下册Unit11 Clothes教案 北师大版

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1、Unit11 Clothes 一、Topic: Lesson One 二、Teaching period: The first period. 三、Teaching contents: 1、Vocabulary: dress, shirt, pants, sweater, socks, shoes. 1、 Structures: Its a (dress). They are( pants). 四、Teaching key points: 1、Listen and say the vocabulary. 2、Touch and say. Its a (dress). They are( pan

2、ts). 五、Teaching difficult points. Understand using the vocabulary and structures. 六、Properties: recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, computer, poster. The first period 一、Organization. 1、Say the rhyme. “ Tomato in a sandwich.”( Page 30 of Book 2 ) 2、Greetings. T: Hello. Good morning, boys and girls

3、. Ss: Hello. Good morning , Miss Luo. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 3、Review the words and sentences. Whats it? Its a sandwich / tomato/ salad/ cat/ dog/ fish. 二、Presentation. 1、Look at the picture with the slide show. Listen and say. T: What is it? S: Its a dress. T: Is it a dress

4、? S: Yes, it is. 2、Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: shirt, sweater. 3、Practice. 4、Play a game. Look at my mouth, guess the words. 5、Look at the picture. Listen and say. T: What are these? S: They are pants. T: Are these pants? S: Yes, they are. 6、Repeat the step above

5、and present the following new vocabulary: socks, shoes. 7、Listen to the tape. Say the rhyme. Then read after the tape. 8、Listen and number. 9、Say the answers. 10、Play a game. 11、Extension. 让学生给图片着色。(学生活动手册第58页),然后说单词,举起图片。 12、Summary. Understand saying the vocabulary and sentences . 三、Homework. Intr

6、oduce your clothes to your families or classmates. The BlackboardUnit 11 ClothesWhats this? dress Its a shirt. sweater What are these? pants They are socks. shoes 教学后记: 本节课利用挂图、图片、多媒体、活动教学法等形式学习新单词和句型等,学生的学习兴趣较浓,对本单元的内容掌握得较好。 一、Topic: Lesson Two 二、Teaching period: The second period. 三、Teaching conte

7、nts: 1、Sing the song. 2、Trace and match. 四、Teaching key points: Learn the song. 五、Teaching difficult points. Understand singing the song. 六、Properties: recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, computer. The second period 一、Organization. 1、Sing the song . “ My mother, my mother, This is my mother.”( Pa

8、ge 29 of Book 2 ) 2、Greetings. T: Hello. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Hello. Good morning , Miss Luo. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 3、Review the words and sentences. Whats it? Its a dress / shirt/ sweater. What are these? They are pants / shoes /socks. 二、Presentation. 1、Look a

9、t the picture with the slide show. Trace and match. (Student Book Page 36) 2、Check up on the answers. 3、Ask and answer. 4、Sing the song. Sing after the tape. 5、Sing the song together. 6、Play a game. Pair work. 7、Pair work. 8、Check up on every group. 9、Extension. 让学生给图片着色。(学生活动手册第36页),然后说单词,举起图片。 10、

10、Summary. Understand singing the song. 三、Homework. Sing the song. The Blackboard Sing the song.教学后记: 通过学生反复操练单、复数形式,对句型Its a (dress). 及They are (pants) . 的运用基本掌握。歌曲分两组唱,一组唱Its a dress. Its a dress.另一组唱Yes! Its a dress.之后两组互换唱。形式新颖,学生学习兴致勃勃,很快学会唱。 一、Topic: Lesson Three 二、Teaching period: The third per

11、iod. 三、Teaching contents: 1、 Vocabulary: umbrella, violin, watermelon, watch. 2、Find and color. Trace and match. 四、Teaching key points: Listen and say the words . 五、Teaching difficult points. Understand using the words. 六、Properties: recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, computer. The third period

12、一、Organization. 1、Sing the song . “ Its a dress.”( Page 37 of Book 2 ) 2、Greetings. T: Hello. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Hello. Good morning , Miss Luo. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 3、Review the words and sentences. Whats this? Its a dress / shirt/ sweater. What are these?

13、They are pants / shoes /socks. 二、Presentation. 1、 Look at the picture with the computer. Trace and match. Listen and say . Look at the umbrella / watermelon /watch. Its round, round, round. Look the violin. Its not round. 2、Practice. Then check up on every group. 3、Ask and answer. What is it? Its an

14、 umbrella /a violin / a watermelon / a watch. 4、Play a guessing game. 5、Trace and match. ( Page39) Find and color. (Page 41 of Book2) 6、Check up on the answers. 7、Say the rhyme. 8、Extension. 让学生给图片着色。(学生活动手册第36页),然后说单词,举起图片。 9、Summary. Understand saying the words. 三、Homework. Read the words. The Blackboard Lesson Threean umbrella Its a violin.a watch


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