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1、Unit 4John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963)35th president of the United StatesFamilyBackgroundKennedy s ancestors came fromIreland and he was the firstRoman Catholic to bee president of the U 、S、 He was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, where his grandfather had been elected to many of

2、fices 、 His father Joseph P、 Kennedy became the youngest bank president of the country at the age of 25、 On September 12, 1953, Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier were married 、 They had three children 、He wrote Profiles in Courage, 英勇者传略 which won a Pulitzer prize 、1947-1952 served as representative in

3、 the congress1952elected to the senate 1960 won the Democratic nomination for president and defeated Richard Nixon, RepublicanAssassination His assassination at Dallas in November 1963 was a shock from which the U、 S、 hasfound it hard to recover and the murder is still a riddle、In 1963, Kennedy jour

4、neyed to Texas for a speech-making tour 、on November 22, he and his wife were cheered as their open car passed through the streets、Suddenly, at 12:30 in the afternoon, an assassin fired several shots, striking the president twice in the base of the neck and the head、 Kennedy was rushed to Hospital,

5、where he was pronounced dead about a half hour later 、Within two hours, Vice president Johnson took the oath as president 、Contributions1、His most important act was his successful demand on Oct 、22, 1962 that the Soviet Union dismantle its missile bases in Cuba、2、 He established a quarantine(隔离检疫期 )

6、 of arms shipments to Cuba 3、 He defied Soviet attempts to force the Allies out of Berlin、4、 He made the steel industry rescind( 废止) a price rise 、5、He backed: civil rights movements; a mental health program; arbitration of railroad disputes; expanded medical care for the aged; astronaut flights and

7、 satellite orbitingLincoln and KennedyAbraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846、John F、 Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946、Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860 、John F、 Kennedy was elected President in 1960 、The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters 、Both were part

8、icularly concerned with civil rights、Both wives lost their children while living in the White House、Both Presidents were shot on a Friday、shot in the head 、Lincolnsescretary was named Kennedy 、Kennedy s secretary was named Linco、ln Both were assassinated by Southerners 、Both were succeeded by Southe

9、rners 、Both successors were named Johnson 、Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in1808、Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908、John Wilkes Booth, accused of assassinating Lincoln, was born in 1839 、Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of assassinating Kennedy, was born in 1939 、Both

10、 names prise fifteen lettersInauguration DayOn April 30,1789, George Washington stepped onto a balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, placed his hand on a Bible and swore to“ preserve, protest and defend the constitutionof the United States”、 He then read an earnest speech, calling for “ united a

11、nd effective government ”、 Thus began a unique American institution Inauguration Day those dramatic hours when a new president faces the people for the first time 、 He must tell the people what he s going to do as president、The Inauguration Day has been on January 20 since 1937 、Inaugural Address Me

12、morable words have been uttered in inaugural address、 It is a speech, lecture officially made by a person on taking office 、General Analysis of a Political SpeechThe purpose of a politicalspeech is to explain,convince and persuadethe people that what heis saying and planning to do best represents th

13、eir interests so they should support him 、1、He must try every possible means to arouse the feelings of audience 、What he says represents theinterests of the whole people 、successful appeal to the emotion of the audience2、specific policyThe speech must contain high-sounding words and empty promises 3

14、、The speech must be concise and short4、clever-choice of words to convey different meanings/tones 、5、the use of biblical style to make it formal/ rigid、6、the use of a lot of rhetorical devices to make his address as powerful/ impressive as possibleAs President of the United States, Kennedy has to add

15、ress a worldwide audience 、 He has to appeal not only to the American people but also to the different groups of nations in the international munitySocial BackgroundKennedy became President in 1960 sCold war marks the situation in 1960 s、The world is mainly divided into two hostile camps、1)socialist

16、 campheaded by the Soviet Union2) capitalist camp headed by the U、 S、 Kennedy was an eloquentspeaker、He is speciallytrained、This speech is verypowerfuland wonderful 、 He lays his emphasis on the successful appeal to the emotion of the listeners 、 In fact, most Americans regard his inaugural address as one of the best delivery by an Ame



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