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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年曾经有的英语短语 最好的伴侣就是那种人,你可以同他/她一起坐在门廊上来回摇摆,不说一句话,然后在走开的时候,可是你会感觉到你们之间曾经有过的一次最好的谈话。下面就由我为大家带来关于曾经有的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于曾经有的相关短语 曾经有爱 It Must Have Been Love 曾经有一次 once upon a time ; 曾经有一个房子 Once there was a house ; 曾经有个时期 Business with personal time period 曾经有一个女孩 Once there was

2、a girl 曾经有屡次 there are times 曾经有过幻想 I used to dream 曾经有诗如是说 A Poet Speaks ; The Poet Speaks 曾经有过 used to have 关于曾经有的相关例句 我们曾经有一个律师这样干。 I had one lawyer who did that. 最好的伴侣就是那种人,你可以同他/她一起坐在门廊上来回摇摆,不说一句话,然后在走开的时候,可是你会感觉到你们之间曾经有过的一次最好的谈话。 The best kind of friend is the kind whom you can sit on a porch

3、and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you have ever had. 你曾经有一种感觉你的生活就像是随波逐流吗?没能到达你要去的地方? Do you ever have a feeling that youre drifting through life, and not going where you want togo? 缘由就是:她曾经有水。 The reason: it once had water. 你们很多人可能曾经有过这样的

4、感情。 Many of you might have been in relationships of this sort. 假如说我曾经有想过的话,那就是他们可能会叫我增加工作时间,以填补她的时间(我是兼职的)。 I had thought, if anything, that they would ask me to do more hours, put in more time, to make up for her (I work part-time). 我们曾经有几次接近发惹事故,很接近,特别近。 We have come very close on several occasion

5、s, very, very close. 在过去,曾经有几位总统和国务卿建立了非常亲密的关系。 In the past, some presidents have forged close bonds with their secretary of state. 所以土星或许曾经有过多个卫星-其中一个可能是由水冰外壳包裹着岩石核心构成。 So Saturn might once have had moreone of which could have had a rocky core surroundedby a shell of water ice. 她笑了起来,答复说她听说曾经有一对情侣住

6、在那里,他们喜爱把自己装扮得像雌雄大盗邦妮和克莱德一样,开着敞篷跑车沿着加州海岸来回兜风。 She laughed and said that she had heard that a couple that stayed there once liked to dress uplike Bonnie and Clyde and drive a Roadster up and down the California Coast. 他们的精神死了,假如曾经有过的话,如今也消逝了。 Their spirit is dead if they ever had one, its gone. 你曾经有没

7、或者考虑过向客户销售文案效劳呢? Do you or have you considered offering copywriting services to your clients? 曾经有对手在第三回合放出这个并用了两个生物攻击我。 I had an opponent play this card on turn three and attack me with two creatures. 曾经有段时期我特别喜爱这种韵律。 I was once very fond of this metre. 迫使国会间或关注债务问题,并且在进步债务限额之前思索其影响,这种做法或许曾经有过价值。 Th

8、ere may once have been value in forcing Congress to occasionally focus on the debt andthink about its implications before raising the debt limit. 我没有参加政治的愿望,但是假如我曾经有的话我也会以一种不同于他们这些人这些天在做的,完全新颖的市场营销手段 I have no desire to go into politics, but if I ever did I would use a completely novel marketingstra

9、tegy from what theyre all doing these days. 很多人求助于我们这些曾经有过濒死经受的人,因为他们认为我们有答案。 Many people turn to those who have had NDEs because they sense we have the answers. 在本系列的文章中,我关注于轻量级开发(曾经有太多含义的术语)的根底。 In this series of articles, I focus on the basics of lightweight development - an overloaded termif eve

10、r there was one. 曾经有一种对忠实顾客的嘉奖理念。 There once was a concept that rewarded customer loyalty. 假如曾经有阳光,我也无法再想起;假如曾经有鸟儿,它们也从未唱歌。 If there is ever sunshine I do not recall it; if there are birds they do not sing. 曾经是海底的陆地如今成了宽阔肥沃的田野,在城市的四周伸绽开来,这里曾经有过螃蟹爬行,如今那么有驴子择路而行,生长出了海藻和玫瑰花。 Land that was once at the b

11、ottom of the sea now lies around the town in wide, fertile fields;where crabs once crawled, donkeys pick their way; in place of seaweed, roses grow. 您以前曾经有这阅历吗? Have you ever had this experience before? 你们中有谁曾经有过这样的经受? Any of you had that experience ever? 在管道里曾经有过火灾等类似的事,但没有这样的事,所以他们要求的是什么呢? There h

12、ave been fires in turbines and stuff like that but nothing like this. So what did theyrequire? 他会盼望她们知道他曾经有过动摇,因为她们也会经受动摇。 He would want them to know that he had doubts, because they will have doubts. 他会盼望她们知道他曾经有过动摇,因为她们也会经受动摇。 He would want them to know that he had doubts, because they will have d

13、oubts. 关于曾经有的双语例句 1. At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village. 曾经有400个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。 2. At one time, walking across the room took all her strength. 曾经有段时间她得费尽全力才能从房间一头走到另一头。 3. General Schwarzkopf denied thered been any cover-up. 施瓦茨科普夫将军否认曾经有任何掩饰行为。 4. My mother had a suitor wh

14、o adored her. 我妈妈曾经有一个喜爱她的追求者。 5. There had been a skirmish in the half light of dawn. 天朦朦亮的时候曾经有过一场小规模的战斗. 6. I recalled that he had mentioned the problem once. 我回忆起他曾经有一次提到过这个问题. 7. We had a good innings in the boom after the war. 我们在战后富强的年月里,曾经有过一个时期很走运. 8. This mountain was the site for a quarry. 这座山曾经有一个采石场. 9. I had a nervous breakdown, everything just seemed to cave in on top of me. 我曾经有过一次精神崩溃,似乎天塌了一样。 10. The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society. 这



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