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1、英语双关语及其翻译Abstract English pun is one of the important figures of speech, and it is widely used in various literary works, such as poems, novels, stories, advertisements and riddles, etc. Based on the definitions of English pun, this paper points out that homonyms, homophones, and homographs are avai

2、lable to construct puns. According to the characteristics and functions of their formation, Lv Xu divided English pun into three types, they are homophonic puns, homographic puns, puns on both pronunciation and meaning. English pun takes advantage of its distinctive features in nature and tries to p

3、roduce ambiguity on purpose in order to get the effect of aiming at a pigeon and shooting at a crow. English puns can achieve many effects:humor, satire, vivid expression of the characters feelings, which can increase the beauty of language and improve readability in order to attract the readers int

4、erest. However, the translation of English pun is always considered to be extremely difficult. Many people even consider puns as “untranslatable”. Since there is much difference between Chinese and English in phonology and morphology, it is difficult to find equivalence both in sound and in meaning

5、in the target language for a translator. But there is no source text that is absolutely untranslatable; the translation of puns is possible to a certain extent. This paper introduces main types to translate English puns. They are literal translation, free translation, and annotated translation. Key

6、Words English pun; classification; characteristics; function; translation【摘 要】 英语双关语是重要的修辞格之一,这种修辞格广泛运用于各种文学作品,如诗歌、小说、故事、广告及谜语中。本文在英语双关的定义基础上提出了同形同音异义词、同音异义词、同形异义词,这种词可构成双关。并根据其结构成分所起的作用,再仔细地探讨了吕煦把英语双关主要分为三类:同音双关、同词双关、音义双关。英语双关利用其特有的本质特点,故意造成歧义,来达到言在此而意在彼的特殊效果。英语双关语的应用能起到一种诙谐幽默,冷嘲热讽,形象生动的作用并能充分体现人物的

7、性格特征,加强语言的美感,提高该作品的可读性来引起读者的兴趣。然而,英语双关语的翻译又是极其困难的,很多人甚至认为是不可译的,因为英汉两种语言的语音不同,两种语言的多义词并不能一一对应,但英语双关语还是存在一定的可译性。本文主要介绍种主要翻译方法:直译法,意译法,注释法。 【关键词】 英语双关语;分类;本质特点;作用;翻译 IntroductionIn a certain context, a word or phrase that is relevant to two or more conceptions, ideas or feelings is often employed to ma

8、ke an expression more effective or humorous. This is achieved when there exists identity or similarity between certain words in such aspects as pronunciation, formation or meaning. This identity or similarity produces double meanings, which enables people to connect naturally the literal meaning wit

9、h the implied meaning. Of these two meanings, the implied meaning is the principal part.This is what we call the use of pun. “The use of pun dates back to ancient days. Shakespeare favored pun particularly. It is estimated that there are about puns employed in Shakespeares works .” The employment of

10、 pun in English novels, poems, speeches, advertisements and riddles makes them highly readable and prompts people to appreciate the beauty of language. And the translation of English puns into Chinese enhances the charm of the original works and the understanding of the version. Definition and class

11、ification of puns Definition of punsLooking at the same issue from different perspectives, we may often come up with different definitions of the thing under discussion. And, not surprisingly, pun can be thus defined in many ways. There is such a humorous explanation about pun:“punning to torture on

12、e poor word ten thousand ways (John Dryden)”.In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, pun is defined as “An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but different meanings” . According to The Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined as “the use of wo

13、rd in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect”. In Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, pun is defined as “A figure of speech dep

14、ending upon a similarity of sound and a disparity of meaning”.From the above definitions, we can see that homonyms, homophones, and homographs all are available to construct puns with. HomonymsA homonym is a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation and spelling but not in meaning . Fo

15、r example:() Can: n. & v. Put something in a container Can: modal verb Be able to () Change: v. To become different Change: n. Money in the form of coins() Bear: v. Sustain responsibility; endure difficulty, etc Bear: n. A kind of animal, having thick fur and walking on its soles() Book: n. A written or printed work Book: v. Engage (a seat etc.) in advance; make a reservation of HomophonesA homophone is a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation but not in spelling and meaning.For example:() Bale: n. A large bundle Bail: v. To remove water from a boat() Knew: v. P


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