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1、1Unit1 What s your favourite season?一、 Unit 1单词多彩的冬天选择,宁愿要种植,植物野营,营地也秋天滑雪春天季节最喜欢的夏天二、 Unit 1词组五彩缤纷的花.美丽的鸟儿 _.最喜欢的季节.太热 _去野营.去滑雪 _户外玩 _ _种花 _放风筝 _ _ _堆雪人 _三、 Unit 1句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1.your _?(你最喜欢的季节是什么?)2.is the _ time for _.(夏天是游泳的最好季节。 )3.yousummer? (你喜欢夏天吗?)4.I_but I _ summer. ( 我喜欢游泳但是我不喜欢夏天。 )5.i

2、t,I can_ _.( 下雪的时候,我可以堆雪人。 )6._ .(我不喜欢夏天,我也不喜欢冬天 )四、知识考点【知识考点一】介词 in 和 on 的用法: in 和 on 表示在树上的区别:是树本身所有的就用on, 比如: apples on the tree,不是树本身所有的就用in ,比如: a bird in the tree翻译: There _ many _ _ the tree.(树上有许多桃子。 )12There _ _ _ _ the tree.(树上有一只风筝。 )【知识考点二】连词 and, or, butand 肯定又并列 , but 情况有转折, or 疑问或否定具体

3、用法:( 1) and 和, 表示并列的两种事物或两个人,一般用于肯定句,例如:I have a turtleand a dog.( 2) or 或,表示对两个事物或人进行选择,一般用于疑问句或否定句,例如:I don tlike noddles or milk.( 3) but 但是 , 表示由一种情况向另一种情况转折, 例如:I dont like coke, but I like coffee.注意: or 有“否则”之意,如: Hurry , or you will be late.or还可用于肯定句,意为“或者”Ex: 用连词 and,or,but填空1Mr Zhang was a

4、little tired, _he still went on working.2When Lily was three, she cant read_write.3You can stay at home_go out to play.4Both Li Ping _Wu Fang are pupils.5We ran to the trees,_we cant see any more monkeys.6Be quick,_we ll be late for the film.【知识考点三】副词 too, either, also(1)too用在肯定句的末尾比如: I like eating

5、 apples, my mother likes eating apples, too.(2)either用在否定句末尾比如: He doesnt like noodles. She doesnt like noodles either.(3)also用于肯定句的中间比如: The boy wants to play basketball, the girl also wants to play basketball.这个句子替换为“ too ”的句型是:Ex: 用 too, either, also填空1 Tom likes Beijing, David_likes Beijing.2 My

6、 parents dont like cakes. My grandparents dont like cakes,_.【知识考点四】prefer选择,宁愿要,后面可接名词prefer A to B (A、B 皆为名词 )e.g:I prefer the blue ball to the black ball.我更喜欢蓝色球而不喜欢黑色球.【知识考点五】colour+ful=colourfulbeauty(改 y 为 i)+ful=beautiful23【知识考点六】. .is the best time for+Ving翻译:冬天是滑雪的最好季节【知识考点七】too 太 + 形容词或副词例如

7、: He speaks too fast.他讲话太快翻译:太年轻_太贵 _【知识考点八】autumn 秋天 fall【知识考点九】Whats your favourite season?= Which season do you like best?回答: My favourite season is.I like. best.课堂训练:一、 Read and choose ( 选择填空 ).() 1、-Which season do you like best ? -_A、I like spring best .B、I can swim in the lake .() 2、- Whats t

8、he weather like in fall ?-_A、It s warm a nd sunny .B、It s cool and windy .() 3、Which season _ you like best ?A、 doB、doesC、can() 4、Which season_ Tom like best ?A、 doB、doesC、can()5、- Whats your favourite_ ? - Winter .A、springB、seasonC、seasons() 6、- Whats the weather like in_ ? -It s hot .A、 springB、 s

9、ummerC 、fall() 7、I can swim_ the sea .A、inB、onC、at() 8、Whats the weather like_ fall_ Beijing.A、on onB、on inC、 in in() 9、You can plant trees _ spring .A、inB、onC、 at() 10、_ is your favourite season ?34A、WhenB 、 WhatC、Where二、根据汉语写出英文单词(首字母已给出)f(秋天 )s(夏天 )s(季节 )w _ ( 冬天 )b(最)s(春天 )三、按要求完成下列各题1、I like su

10、mmer .(对划线部分提问 )2、Whats your favourite season ? (同义句 )3、Why do you like winter ? (用 make a nowman 回答 )4、Whats the weather like in summer ?(根据实际情况回答 )5、Which season do you like best ? (根据实际情况回答 )四、 Form the sentence(连词成句) .1、your what is season favourite ?2、do you like why spring ?3、can I because a s

11、nowman make .4、season which you do best like ?五、根据答句写出问题 .1、A:B :I can swim in the se in summer.2、A:B :It s warm and sunny in spring .453、A:B: I like fall best .4、A:B: I can make a snowman in winter .5、A:B: Because I can fly kites in spring .课后练习:一、 Read and choose.() 1、-Why do you like_ ? -Because I can swim in the lake .A、springB、summerC 、fall() 2、-Why do you like spring ? - Because I can fly_.A、kiteB、 kites() 3、-Why do you like _ ? -Because I can make a snowman .A、 springB、 summerC、winter() 4、When is the _ time to go toDalian ? -Spring .A、 goodB、b


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