module 8 unit 2 i often go swimming

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《module 8 unit 2 i often go swimming》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《module 8 unit 2 i often go swimming(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming.习题 1一、请根据所给语境补全句子中的单词或短语。1. She often _(收拾)her room.2. Do you often _(收集)stamps?3. The river is ten _(千)li long.4. I want to _(展示)the shirt to my friends.5. I often _ with knife and fork.6. She loves English. She often _(读)English books.7. Whats this _ _(用英语说)? 8. I _(从来不)play with dolls.9. I _(有时)clean the classroom for our teacher. 10. _ _(看)this photo, I took it _(很久以前).二、按要求填空。1. I _(总是)play the piano.2. She _(经常)dances on Saturday.3. I will _(永远)remember that day.4. He _(从来不)play with dolls.5. I _(有时)play table tennis with my dad.


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