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1、高中英语讲课教案【篇一:高二英语教学案例】 高二英语教学案例 unit 3 under the sea 一、教学背景 教学对象是高二学生,他们的英语基础知识和基本技能都是一般水平,对英语学习兴趣不浓,因此,调动学生的学习兴趣,以学生主动学习为目标。 二、教学目标 help the ss learn how to talk about plants and animals under the sea by means of making dialogues and know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans

2、 through reading. 三、教学重点 help the ss know more about plants and animals under the sea as well as the animals loyalty and help to human beings. 四、教学难点 analyze the structure of some sentences; summarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the text. 五、教学方法 making dialogues to collect information

3、 about the plants and animals under the sea; fast-reading and careful-reading methods; thinking and summarizing methods. step warming up t: good morning / afternoon, everyone! ss: good morning / afternoon, sir / madam! t: have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? and do you like them

4、?ss: yes. they are very beautiful and lovely. / some are ugly and dangerous. / i like them very much whether they are beautiful or ugly. / yes, they are very nice . t: mm, i see. but where did you see them? ss: at an aquarium. / in the tunnel under the sea. / in the zoo. / on tv, the programs about

5、the sea animals. / on the internet. i have seen a lot of pictures about the sea animals and plants . t: very good. you see, your sight of sea animals is limited. do you want to know more about them? ss: yes! very much! but how? t: arent they beautiful! i think youve known more about sea animals and

6、plants. now, lets work in groups of four, making a list about what you have known about them to collect the information. draw a form like this and then fill in it. show the following form on the screen. after the ss have finished, show a fulfilled one as a summary. step pre-reading let the ss talk a

7、bout the picture in pre-reading and get them prepared for the reading passage. t: now look at the picture in pre-reading. what can you see and what do you think is happening in it? s: in the picture we can see a huge fish, from the water spurted out of the blow-hole on its head we can know it must b

8、e a whale. there are some big fish running after it. they are having a fight, i guess. s: there is a small boat not far from the whale. the people on the boat might be hunting whales. i heard of it before. t: if you want to uncover the puzzle, read the words on the left side of the picture. after a

9、short while. t: what does anecdote mean? have you got its meaning from the dictionary? s: it means a short story based on your personal experience. t: right! so what are the main characters of the story?s: whalers, killer whales and baleen whales. t: but what is the real name of the killers? and how

10、 did they help the whalers to catch the baleen whales? lets read the text and find the answers. step reading comprehending in this step, the ss will read the text and deal with the comprehending exercises. skimming let the ss skim the text and get the main ideas of the two anecdotes. after skimming.

11、 t: who is old tom? what is the first anecdote about? s: old tom is the name of killer whales. the first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale. t: good! how about the second one? s: it tells about how a killer whale protected and saved

12、 james, a whaler. scanning let the ss do scanning and find the answers to the questions in exercise2. t: first, go through the questions in exercise 2 on page 21, and then i will give you several minutes to do scanning. a few minutes later, guide the ss to do pair work (as follows), while the teache

13、r can walk around to see if they have any problems to deal with. sa: what evidence was there that old tom was helping the whalers out? sb: old tom was swimming by the boat, showing us the way and leading us to the hunt. george started beating the water with his oar and there was tom, circling back t

14、o the boat, leading us to the hunt again . step discussiondeal with exercise 3 in comprehending. let the ss work in groups and do some discussion. t: look at the title of this text: old tom the killer whale. who is old tom and what is special about it? s: it is a killer whale! its the head of the ki

15、ller whale team, i think. s: maybe it is the most clever and powerful one in the team. t: now in groups, discuss the relationship between old tom and the whalers. then discuss what other animals help out humans in hunting. a sample description: sa: old tom is honest and helpful to the whalers and th

16、e whalers are very kind to old tom and its group, too. theyre just like good friends. sb: i think so. maybe old tom and other killers have been trained by the whalers, just like hunting dogs, they get on well with the whalers. in everyday life they take care of each other and in an emergency, they help each other. sc: speaking to hunting dogs, i think they are th


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