江苏省徐州市第二十二中学七年级英语上册unit5《going shopping》单元检测

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江苏省徐州市第二十二中学七年级英语上册unit5《going shopping》单元检测_第1页
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1、牛津英语7AUnit5 Going Shopping 单元检测一. 选择填空: (每题1分,共20分) ( )1. Sandy wants to buy the same football cards _ his brother did. A. like B. as C. to D. so ( )2. Those flowers _ Kate $56. A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent ( )3. This coat is too expensive. Do you have a _ one? A. larger B. cheaper C. nicer D. l

2、onger ( )4. Is this room _ the meeting? A. large enough to have B. enough large to have C. large enough having D.enough large having( )5 I want_ to listen to_?A. she, he B. her, his C. her, him D. hers, him( )6 _ shoes do you want?-I want a size 36.A How size B How big C .How long D .What size( ) 7.

3、 Daniel likes _ basketball, but he _ at home right now. A. plays; is sleeping B. playing; sleeps C. playing; sleep D. playing; is sleeping ( ) 8. When you get on a bus, its polite to wait for _ turn. A. you B. yours C. your D. its ( )9. I dont have enough money to buy you a present. A. Never mind. B

4、. You are welcome. C. I am sorry D. Thats a good idea.( )10. Ill_you_my hometown when I am free. A. showaround B. takevisit C. takearoun D. showto()11. Its six thirty now. He_breakfast, A. has B. have C. is havingD. to have( )12. _ friends making_ kite. A. I, me B my, my C. me, him D. my, his( )13.

5、They _ TV in the evening, they do homework. A. arent watching B .dont watch C. watch D. are watching( )14. Its good _basketball. A. playing B. for play C. to play D. play()15. How long does he spend _English every day?A. practices speaking B. practising speaking C. practiseing speak D. practise spea

6、k()16. Daniel is good at_ lesson. A. all his B. his all C. the all his D. his the all( )17. Why_ you stay at home? A. isnt B. dont C. arent D. doesnt( ) 18. She _ two hours a day reading books. A. spends B has C takes D. costs( )19. Look at my new trousers. _ my beautiful blouse. A. They match B. It

7、 matches C. They fit D. It fits( ) 20.We need six books but here are only four. We need_. A. some more B. many more C.two more D. more two.二完形填空(10分)A fox is 1 food. He is very hungry. Now he 2 near a wall(墙). The wall is very 3 .The fox is looking up. He sees 4 fine grapes 5 the wall. He smiles and

8、 says, “ 6 nice they are! I want to eat them. ” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, 7 the wall is too high . He 8 get the grapes. The fox says “I must go now. I dont like those grapes. 9 are green. They are not 10 to eat. ”( )1.A. seeingB. finding outC. looking forD. finding( )2.A. gets B. comes

9、C. goesD. stands( )3.A. muchB. smallC. strongD. high( )4.A. a littleB. fewC. muchD. a lot of( )5.A. inB. onC. atD. for( )6.A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a( )7.A. andB. orC. butD. where( )8.A. cantB. canC. hasntD. isnt( )9.A. WeB. ItC. YouD. They( )10.A. badB. goodC. hardD. better三. 阅读理解:(15分) (A)A ma

10、n has a bird. It is very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “Hello!” he says. “Hello!” the bird answers. “What are you doing?” says the man. “What are you doing?” says the bird.The man is not at home one day. A thief (小偷)comes in. He is taking many things. “Hello!” The thief hears the bir

11、ds words. “What are you doing?” The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house.( )1. The man teaches the bird _.A How to say something B. How to sing songs C. How to eat something D. How to dance( )2. The bird is _. A. very nice B. very clever C. very beautiful D.

12、very silly(傻)( )3. The man speaks to the bird _.A sometimes B. once a week C. every week D. every day( )4. The thief is taking _ things from the house.A. a few B. a little C. a lot of D. some( )5. The thief _ out of the room A. walks B. comes C. runs D goes ( B )The Paulas live in Hamilton. It is an

13、 old small town. Grandpa Mark is 70 years old. He likes to go fishing in the fishing pond with Ryan and play chess with his friends. The Paulas often have Grandpas fish for supper. Football is Ryans favourite sport. He often plays it after class. Ryans father, Peter is an English teacher in Ryan and Bettys school. He is very good at basketball. He is on the basketball


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