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1、英语作文我的课余时间三段【篇一:英语作文第三段】 the writing of the ending paragraph 1. 主题的变通(同义反复)+升华 例 1:网上交友明智吗?(2007) .actually, making friends online is not so frightening. rather, it benefits us a lot. from the above analysis, it is easy to get the conclusion that making friends online if beneficial to peoples commun

2、ication and psychological health. 1. 主题的变通(同义反复)+升华 例 2:major is more important than schoolbrand in college choice i argue that major is more important than school brand in school choice. rom what we have discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that major outweighs school brand in our dec

3、ision of college entrance. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 适用范围: 的 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 文,提职利与弊 conclusion: since taking a part-time job is both a blessing and a curse, college students should be wise enough to strike a balance between academic studies and part-time job. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 利弊分析,对比比作文,结尾要提 例 4:大学生活与要区别(1996) conclus

4、ion: in short, different from middle school, college life develops me into an independent adult. dear friends, when you enter the college, you are in the way to be an independent person. so, rely on yourselves in daily life and manage you academic studies on your own. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 例 5:课外活动的重要性(2000)

5、 conclusion: extracurricular activities are very important to college students in their healthy development, so i want to suggest that students union organize more meaningful activities and every student actively take part in various activities. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 例 6:为艺术节提建议 (2005) conclusion: in my view

6、point, a university arts festival is a world for us students to be closer friends. the stage is ours. fellow students, come on and wrap your arms around next semesters university arts festival. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 例 7: a major advantage of advertising on tv conclusion: from the above reasoning, we can easi

7、ly see the consumption-promoting function of tv ads. we hope that tv ad agencies will give us more colorful and more trustworthy advertisements. 2. 提出建议,呼吁行动 例 8: a major disadvantage of advertising on tv conclusion: our discussion about the disadvantages of tv advertising is not to get rid of it fr

8、om our life, for it does benefit us in many ways. we want to suggest that tv advertising should show more respect for audience and take more responsibility to guide peoples consumption. 3. 展望未来 提出对所议论题的一种展望,升华主题 适用于:要求提出建议的文章 例 9:一种解决污染的建议(1998) conclusion: i believe by using electricity to replace

9、petrol as an important source of power, the world will be “cleaner”, where we can breathe more freely, and trees will turn green again. 3. 展望未来 例 10:为艺术节提建议 (2005)conclusion: of course, there should be other shows to attract more students and show their own talents. i really hope that my suggestions

10、 are of help to the festival. i wish this festival could be held successfully and it would be a real show of our talent.【篇二:2015考研英语作文三段必背】 2015考研英语作文三段 必背 文章三段落: 第一段: 1、describe(分为赞扬和批判,图的描绘最好不要超过两句) 第二段: 2、purpose 3、reasons 4、examples 第三段: 5、measures 6、comments 考研英语作文写作注意点: 1、作文字数160字200字,一般写180字=

11、3段*60字,每段4句*15字。 2、作文卷面要保持整洁,不要连笔,不要涂改。这是获取印象分的重点! 很多考生由于在考场过于紧张导致作文的单词老是写错,这是致命伤啊,会直接让你越写越没感觉就越没信心了。所以平常要加强练笔! 3、全文的第一句和各段的第一句必须是文章的中心句,最好能用复杂句表达。这是因为阅卷老师一般没有那么多的时间去看作文,所以只能大概浏览下各段的首句,这是获得高分的关键! 4、全文结构布局:全文分为三段,第一段3句,第二段5句,第三段4句,可根据具体情况调整! 段落中,第一句是topic , 第二三句是detail , 第三句是conclusion 。 5、注意单词和句子的使用

12、。 以上是我个人对英语大作文的简单想法和意见,希望能对即将考研的朋友们有所帮助! 在此,我附上我个人的大作文模板,其中很多句子在考场都被我用其他句子替换了,希望给你们一个参考吧! 【英语一 cartoon】 第一段:describe in recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主题has become a hot issue of the general public , especially for those who are confronted with the situation . (如果题

13、目给出的是一幅图的话用以下)as is vividly shown in the pictures , svo. the caption reads , 图下的标题。on the contrary , svo . we are informed that svo . (如果题目给出的是两幅图的话用以下)as can be seen from the picture , svo . it is most likely that by drawing the picture , the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of but also

14、 to let us think more about 主题.this is something we should give more thought to . 第二段:meaning / purpose after careful thinking and reflection , we come to understand the enlightening picture step by step . i believe that this thought-provoking picture conveys two layers of meanings . for one thing ,

15、 svo . for another , svo . this simple picture is wake-up call for the whole of the society . 第三段: comments king into consideration call the factors , we may safely arrive at the conclusion that svo(不多写,简单句,主旨)on one hand , svo . on the other hand , svo . in order to make our world a better place in which to live , we must learn to live in harmony with the society and nature . 第三段: example the picture is thought-provoking . what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in contemporary society . examples to prove the view are abundant . it can be given a concrete example , svo . another good



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