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1、前置与倒装39.1 后置2) 关键词语的后置1) 句尾焦点 & 句尾重心后置前置倒装2)引起倒装的前置1) 不引起倒装的前置39.2 前置 & 倒装1) 不引起倒装的前置不引起倒装的前置成分通常是宾语,主语补语和宾语补语。Mr. White fried two small pieces of fish. One of these he fed to his cat. The other he ate himself. 宾语当前置宾语由“not a 名词”or “not a single 名词”也引起倒装Fool Joe may be, but thief he is not. 主语补语当主语补

2、语前置时,如果主语较长or主语结构比较复杂,这种主语补语的前置就会引起倒装A scandal I call it. 宾语补语2) 引起倒装的前置当主语补语前置时,如果主语较长or主语结构比较复杂,这种主语补语的前置就引起倒装More serious was the question of how the President would present the joint announcement.Happy indeed are those who receive marvelous news after a long silence.当前置宾语由“not a 名词”or “not a sin

3、gle 名词”也引起倒装。I had a terrible time playing roulette at the casino. Not a winning number did I have all night.I lost a fortune at Royal Ascot. Not a single winner did I back the whole meeting.状语前置倒装(最常见)1.当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动态词时,通常用全倒装。如果主语是代词,就不用倒装2.当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,也会引起全倒装3.当句首状语为否定

4、词or带有否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。4.句首状语若由“only+副词”,“only介词词组”,“only 状语分词”构成,也可引起局部倒装。以关联词not only(but also)开头的分句,往往引起局部倒装5.在以关联词so(that)开头的句子结构中,“so形容词”是主语补语的前置(全倒装),“so副词”是状语的前置(局部倒装)6.当方式状语、频度状语等移动至句首时,有时也引起局部倒装。如果主语较长,也可全部倒装。当然,方式状语等移动至句首,也可以不用倒装。1. 当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动态词时,通常用全倒装。如果主语是代词,就不

5、用倒装There was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat.The door burst open and in rushed the crowd.Bang! Bang! Bang! came three reports of firecrackers and Philip suddenly felt his body become light.如果主语是代词,就不用倒装Lower and lower he bent.2. 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,也会引起全倒装In this chapter will be found a par

6、tial answer.From the valley came a tinkling sound, a soothing moo, the lull of alien voices.3. 当句首状语为否定词or带有否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。Never have I found him in such a good mood.Not for one minute do I think I have any hope of getting promoted.No longer these days is it necessary for women to wear veils.When

7、 I was at school, on no account were we allowed to answer the masters back.Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.Because he had overslept, scarcely did he have time to dress.Rarely do I get invited into his office alone.4. 句首状语若由“only+副词”,“only介词词组”,“only 状语分词”构成,也可引起局部倒装。以关联词not o

8、nly(but also)开头的分句,往往引起局部倒装Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.Only through sheer luck did he manage to get some tickets.Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end.以关联词not only(but also)开头的分句,往往引起局部倒装Not only did he complain about the foo

9、d, he also refuse to pay for it.Not only did the garage overcharge me, but they hadnt done a very good repair job either.5. 在以关联词so(that)开头的句子结构中,“so形容词”是主语补语的前置(全倒装),“so副词”是状语的前置(局部倒装)So dangerous were the avalanches that skiing had to be stopped.So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.So

10、quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus.So much does he worry about his financial position that he cant sleep at night.6. 当方式状语、频度状语等移动至句首时,有时也引起局部倒装。如果主语较长,也可全部倒装。当然,方式状语等移动至句首,也可以不用倒装。Gladly would I pay more if I could get better service by doing so.Many a time has Mike given me good advice.Thus began an intricate minuet between us and the Chinese.Stealthily the girl crept out of the door.Slowly and impressively he rose from his seat.



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