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1、一。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled University Students Should Be Encouraged to Pay Their Tuition. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 大学生的学费大多由家长支付 2. 有人认为应该鼓励大学生自付学费 3. 你的观点 University Students Should Be Enco

2、uraged to Pay Their TuitionIn China, the tuition for most university students is paid by their parents. It is generally believed that university students should concentrate on their studies instead of finding jobs, though some people think that they should be encouraged to pay their tuition. As they

3、 are mostly above 18 years old, they should try to support themselves. In my opinion, I tend to believe that university students should be discouraged to cover their tuition. Firstly, most students do not have any work experience, it is impossible for them to find any well paid jobs, let alone payin

4、g their tuitions. Secondly, students in Chinese universities usually have demanding schedules, so they simply have little time to find jobs. However, I do believe that students should try to find part-time jobs in their spare time, especially during their summer vacation. Even if they can not cover

5、their tuition, they should try to learn more about the society and appreciate what their parents have done for them. In conclusion, I insist that university students should not be encouraged to pay their tuition, otherwise they neither complete their university education nor support themselves.二Dire

6、ctions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education Matters When You Can Find a Good Job. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 有人认为上大学就是为了找个好工作 2. 找不到好工作再怎么读书也没有用 3. 你的观点 Education Matters When You Can Find a Good JobSome o

7、f us think that the real purpose of receiving university education is to find a good job. Otherwise, it is no use for us receiving such education. As a matter of fact, I do not agree with this viewpoint. I do acknowledge that education plays an important role in the process of looking for a job. By

8、going to university, we can acquire much knowledge and prepare ourselves for the jobs that we will take after graduation. However, university education is simply more important than ensuring us to find good jobs. The real purpose of university education, in my view, is to teach us to become more res

9、ponsible and to be contributing citizens. We have to realize that after we leave school, we should make the world a better place with our hard work and sacrifices if necessary. Therefore, I believe that education does not matter if we are equipped with more skills. It matters only if we learn to und

10、erstand the responsibility that we owe to society.三Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Bridging the Gap between the Urban and Rural Areas. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 中国城乡之间的差距似乎有增大的趋势 2. 导致这种现象的原因 3. 怎样才

11、能缩小城乡之间的差距 Bridging the Gap between the Urban and Rural AreasNowadays, the gap between the urban and rural areas is becoming bigger than ever. As the urban population is benefited from Chinas reform program, the people living in the rural areas seem to have been marginalized, with many of them still

12、 suffering from shameful poverty. In my opinion, the reason is obvious. Most of the economic reform policies have been carried in cities, leading to the economic development and also the improvement of the livelihood for the people living there. Though the countryside has a bigger population, there

13、is no denying that it has seldom been given top priority in the reform program. But how to bridge the gap between the urban and rural areas?On one hand, the government should provide more financial assistance to the rural population, especially in areas of education, transportation and telecommunica

14、tions. On the other hand, the rural people should take a greater responsibility in changing their life for better.四Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Talent Shows on TV. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 现在电视上

15、充斥着各种选秀节目 2. 选秀节目流行的原因 3. 你的观点 Talent Shows on TVNowadays, there are all kinds of talent shows on TV, like Super Girls and Happy Boys, modeling themselves on the talent shows in the West, especially the success of the American Idol. These TV shows are so popular among the young people. I think there

16、 are two main reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, many young people are attracted to the idea that they can become famous overnight by taking part in these programs. Secondly, TV stations want to raise their viewing rates by organizing such shows. In my opinion, talent shows should be discouraged, as they offer false hopes for the young people. It is known to all that success never comes in an easy way, not even in the enter



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