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1、良性建议模块1.类型特点should 话题 (良性建议类)题型特点:若要得到美好结果/避免大的问题,就应当 Tip1要解决的问题往往庞大复杂 Tip2 解决方案通常片面甚至偏激(二合为一,复杂问题被简化) Tip3 解决方案可行性有时欠佳(质疑可行性) Tip4 建议或解决方案不设上限(如果过多会很严重) Tip5 解决方案通常无效(unwarranted even dangerous)思路# 先让步-这样有一定道理 (有保留,含蓄) 限制级合理性(Heading or Body1) -relatively -somewhat -to some extent -in some cases, -

2、on certain occasions, -under certain circumstances, 合理性源于目标的速求,解释目标 (从 what-待达成/解决的目标本身发掘理由) -what is culture -what is national government -what is leader -what is tradition -what is education 得出复杂 因为很复杂(大)-complicated -tough -sophisticated 因此有理 所以这样做有一定道理strategy -channel 渠道 -solution -a way out *M

3、ode for headingProposal 因为艰难所以有所需 !as is know to allIn recent years, is tough/difficult / serious to a point where people can not tackle it with ease, which makes be proposed as a solution. +In weighing up both the prospective benefits and potential risks, however, I reckon that 题目中的解决方案, as many ot

4、her simple solutions to some most complicated problems, would be awkward in serving as a key.*Modes for body # 再反对质疑解决方案的可行性良性建议,首先可行性-is that feasible? the feasibility ofis open to question the /inherited nature of such a solution/ proposal/ suggestion poses some problems that hinder the blueprint

5、of from being converted into reality the /inherited nature of such a solution/ proposal/ suggestion poses some problems that make such a proposal rest on the blueprint +可能出现的矛盾 !理论对实践最常见的不可行原因 Theoretically sounded as /it is, in practice the impediments that are expected to encounter, such as A, B,

6、C and D(可能出现的阻碍), are fatal elements that make the feasibility of this suggested solution vulnerable to any possible challenge or question. *短期vs 长远:At present/ In short term, might be effective, while in the long run, it would turn out to be disastrous.单一 vs 多样:1. It would be a big headache/It woul

7、d be almost a mission impossible for .with diversified. to achieve / sustain / follow certain common./ a single .2It would be a great misleading to try to define .which features in many forms and is possible to alter under many realities with merely one. 简单 vs 复杂The most complicated which involves/

8、requires/ demands a combination of all efforts is largely degraded/ simplified to. 不变 vs 万变In some cases,/ on certain occasions, .might be effective/ beneficial, while under many other circumstances, . runs the risk of messing up. / driving .to a dead end理论 vs 实践Theoretically,.is acceptable,/ is sou

9、nded, while in practice,/ in reality, it would be awkward in serving as a key/ it would make things worse off rather than bringing benefits. * + / 单一对多样 + Eg. 引出例子 ,for example, # the case of / the personal experience of can serve as an example /evidence that can substantiate/ solidify / bolster /su

10、pport my claim (that)“半分离”式的例子 ,下面在简单说一下上面“简单”提到的例子# lend credible support to the claim that (the feasibility/ viability is open to question). + (optional)再举一个例子 The case of / the personal experience of can be raised(及物) as another example that can strengthen the view point (and it is the most evide

11、nt in / under the circumstance of )# 再反对质疑解决方案的唯一性 (大道至简)切断解决方案与目标之联系In addition, there is no point to claim that(北美最常用) unexceptionally serves as the *exclusive prerequisite(无一例外的可以作为) for +-冲击定义和解决方案间的联系 other factors significant solution strategy approach channel though is, it can never overshado

12、w/omit the effectiveness of many other access +-冲淡定义和解决方案间的联系Other ways out/solutions/ possibilities/ approaches/ strategies such as A, B,C and D are significant factors that should not be overlooked. Some solutions such as A, B, C and D are also indispensable elements that play decisive roles in ac

13、hieving/accomplishing/ making +In this case/In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between the former and the latter# 继续反对质疑解决方案的效用-再次强调问题/主题的复杂性,艰巨性 The most complicated task of which involves a mixture of solutions The most complicated problem of , whose solution requires/demands a combination of efforts The most complicated art of , which concerns a series of indispensable episodes, + is largely/ unfortunately degraded/simplified to a po


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