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1、托福例子集Table 1事件/潮流参考关键词适用的新托福话题(仅为参考建议,可以自己去研发不同的用途)Louisiana PurchaseThomas Jefferson, unconstitutional, opposition, at a critical juncture自己做决定的重要性Alaska PurchaseSewards Folly, gold was discovered in Alaska in 1897, the deal paid off thousands of times overtake risks的意义the founding of the Library o

2、f Congressno books or not even any building to put books in when the resolution was passed果断行动的必要性Mt. Rushmore National Memorialoriginally intended to be a tribute to figures from the Old West, ended up with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt按计划工作还是有创意的工作the

3、Twenty-First Amendmentthe repeal of Prohibition, drinking alcohol was legal again, poorly-planned, only 550 agents enforced the ban in the whole country政府与个人leisure的关系/计划的重要性Marbury vs. Madisonthe basis of judicial review个人经验vs.他人建议the Underground RailroadBlock slaves, abolitionists, secret routesth

4、e Bay of Pigs(这个可跟猪流感没什么关系)the entire world was on the brink of nuclear war, destruction of the sites might trigger World War III, doing nothing means exposing America to possible nuclear destruction.高效率不完美vs. 低效率完美SputnikSoviet satellite, shocked Americans, efforts to catch up with the Soviet Union

5、 in space太空研究Model Tassembly lines, mass production, effective advertising广告和产品的相互依存关系MonopolyAt first, the game was described as too long, too dull and burdened with 52 fundamental play errors by a game company.没想到吧 ?连“大富翁”游戏的成功也充满了曲折latchkey kidslack of parental supervision工作与家庭的关系empty nest syndr

6、omethe extended family is less common; loneliness年轻人与老年人的关系the Three-Mile Island accidentthe safety of nuclear plants; ralatively low levels of radiation; no new nuclear plants were built in America since the accident科技对生活的改变是利还是弊the Exxon Valdez Oil Spoilthe ships captain, negligence个人对于环境可能造成的影响th

7、e impeachment of Bill ClintonI want you to listen to me. Im going to say this again I never told anybody to lie a single time. These allegations (指控)are false and I need to go back to work for the American people.lies & truththe digital dividegap; access to more information科技让生活更简单还是更复杂Child pornogr

8、aphyproliferation互联网的利弊Obama Girlan Internet celebrity, I got a crush on(暗恋)Obama媒体的影响the Challengerdisasterbroke apart, seven crew members太空研究the Mars Exploration Missionthe Spirit Rover & the Opportunity Rover太空研究the national debt topped $ 11.4 trillioncredit, emergencyplan & risk 话题Bankruptcy of

9、Lehman BrothersYour company is now bankrupt, our economy is in crisis, but you get to keep $ 480 million (276 million). I have a very basic question for you, is this fair?“有米”是否是成功的唯一标准the subprime mortgage crisishigh-risk loans, uncalculated riskrisk 话题Goole Earthconvenience, great accessibility科技是

10、否让生活更复杂An Inconvenient Truth/ Our ChoiceAl Gore个人与环境的关系American IdolSimon Cowell是否应该总讲真话/cooperationHaiti earthquakecatastrophe humanitarian是否应该关注与我们生活不直接相关的时事Table 2名人关键词相关新托福话题Andrew Carnegieindustrialist, philanthropist (我们在第4天学过philanthropy)/passion for reading/ By 1897, he controlled almost the

11、 entire steel industry in the United States. Philanthropist donations读书的意义/儿童业余时间工作的利弊/过去成功容易还是现在成功容易(类似的个人几乎控制整个行业的例子当然还有J.P.Morgan)Alan GreenspanFederal Reserve, excess liquidity(流动性过剩)risk话题Andrew Jackson(他就是20块美金正面的那个“卷毛儿”)rotation in office, the spoils system, ordered that all public land could

12、 be sold only for silver or gold, the bank panic, the Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears学习历史可以更好地解决当代问题Andy WarholIn the future, everybody will be worldfamous for 15 minutes. commercialization媒体的影响力Ben Bernankean expert on the economic and political causes of the Great Depression了解历史是否帮助解决现在的问题Black

13、Berrysmart phone这个可是“一代名机”,用它来论述科技相关话题很棒Bonothird-world debt relief/ Africa成功的标准Bruce BartonThe Man Nobody Knows, sold 700,000 copies in two years, whether advertising was wasteful and dishonest广告与产品的关系Clara Bartonthe Angel of mercy: at first, the Red Cross only assisted soldiers; the new clause in

14、the Red Cross Constitution that provided for civilian relief工作的意义应该只为了金钱么Carly Florinafailure to communicate with her staff, departure from HP与他人合作的能力是否越来越重要Charles LindberghAmerican aviator; the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean冒险的意义Donald Trumpreal estate, The Apprentice, reality

15、 show, Yourre fired.电视节目对年轻人的影响Edgar Allan Poetales of mystery, financial difficulty是否只看写实的书/人该为了什么工作Elizabeth Blackwellwas rejected by 17 medical schools before she got admitted to New Yorks Geneva Medical College and graduated at the head of her class and became the first woman to receive a medical degree in America成功需要的因素Evan WilliamsTwitter, Blogger,What we have to do is deliver to people the best and freshest most relevant information possible. We think of Twit


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