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1、扬州市 2011 年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题说明:1. 本试卷共 8 页,包含选择题(第 1 题第 45 题,共 45 题) ,非选择题(第 46 题第 81题,共 36 题)两部分。满分 120 分,考试时间为 100 分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第 4 页的右下角填写好座位号。3. 所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5 毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。一、单

2、项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)在 下 列 各 题 A、 B、 C、 D 四 个 选 项 中 选 择 一 个 能 填 入 题 干 空 白 处 的 最 佳 答 案 。1.【2011扬州】Theres _ ball on the ground. Would you please pass _ ball to me?With pleasure.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; the答案:D 【解析】考查冠词。对于可数名词,第一次提到用 a 或 an,第二次提到用 the。2.【2011扬州】Its very friendly _ him

3、to help me when Im in trouble.A. for B. to C. of D. with答案:C【解析】考查固定搭配。It is very+adj.+of sb. to do sth.意思是“某人干某事真是太-” 。结合原句:在我有困难时,你帮助我真是太又好了。3.【2011扬州】Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I cant find a repair shop.I know _ nearby. Come on, Ill show you.来源:学科网 ZXXKA. one B. it C. some D. t

4、hat答案:A【解析】考查数词。One 表示有一个; it 代指上面提到的事物;some 指一些;that 指的是那件事。我知道附近有一个修理店。故选 A。4.【2011扬州】Im sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired.Theres no _ for this while you are at work.A. cause B. excuse C. matter D. choice答案:B【解析】词义辨析。Cause 指的是“原因” ;excuse 指的是“借口” ;matter 指的是“麻烦事” ;choice 指的是“选择” 。根据句意

5、:在上班时没有借口出去抽烟。5. 【 2011扬州】I wont go to the concert this evening. I _ watch the NBA on TV. Its more exciting.A. had better B. would rather C. ought to D. have to答案:B【解析】词义辨析。Had better 意思是“最好” ;would rather 意思是“更喜欢,更愿意” ;ought to 意思是“应该” ; have to 意思是“必须” ;根据情境:我今晚更愿意看 NBA,音乐会就不去了。6.【2011扬州】Listen! S

6、omeone is playing the piano.Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very muc h.A. What B. How a C. What a D. How答案:A【解析】感叹句。感叹句由 how 或 what 引导。 其结构分别为 “How+advadj+主语+谓语!”“What+aan +adj+n+主语+谓语!” “What+adj+名词复数不可数名词+ 主语+谓语!” 。把结构代入可知答案为 B。7.【2011扬州】When _ you _ reading Jane Eyre?Its hard to say. Im busy re

7、cently.A. did; finish B. have; finished C. will; finish D. do; finish答案:C【解析】考查时态。根据句意:你什么时间读完这本书?很难说,最近我很忙。指的是将来的某个时间读完书。8.【2011扬州】If anybody calls, tell them Im out and ask them to _ their name and addresses.A. pass B. write C. take D. leave答案:D【解析】词义辨析。Pass 意思是“递过去” ;write 意思是“写下” ;take 意思是“带走” ;

8、leave 意思是“留下” 。根据句意:告诉他们留下他们的姓名和地址。9.【2011扬州】_ did you sleep last night?Only five hours. I stayed up late to do my homework.A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How much答案:C【解析】词义辨析。how long 指时间或长度,意为“多长 ”; how soon 指时间“多久,多快” ,常用于将来时;how o ften 指频率, “多久一次” ;how much 指金钱“多少” 。根据答语应为“多长” 。10.【2011

9、扬州】I s the film interesting?I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.A. in all B. in fact C. in addition D. in future答案:B【解析】近义词辨析。In all 意思是“总共” ; in fact 意思是“事实上” ;in addition 意思是“附加” ; in future 意思是“将来” 。结合文意:事实上,我认为令人讨厌。11.【2011扬州】I cant find Mary. Wheres she?Sorry, I dont know _.A. where h

10、as she been B. where she has beenC. where has she gone D. where she has gone答案:D【解析】宾语从句及词义辨析。从句必须是陈述语序,排除 A、C。have been to 与 have gone to 的区别。 have been to 指“去过” ,have gone to 指“去了” , 即不在说话者所在地。根据句义, “我不知道他去了哪儿” ,所以“你找不到他” 。12.【2011扬州】One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou _ are often visit

11、ed by foreigners is the West Slender Lake.A. what B. who C. that D. /答案:C【解析】定语从句。根据句意:被外国旅游者参观的最著名的地方是西湖。Are often visited by foreigners 修饰先行词 places。13.【2011扬州】He had to retire(退休) early _ poor health.A. as a result B. becauseC. so D. because of答案:D【解析】连词考查。Because 与 because of 都表示原因,但 because 必须引

12、导句子,而because of 后跟名词。14.【2011扬州】We can make a fire _ the room warm so that we can chat for a while.A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept答案:A【解析】考查动词不定式。根据句意:我们生火(目的是)使房子暖和。动词不定式做目的状语。15.【2011扬州】 Were organizing a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come. _! I have a meeting to attend that day. T

13、hank you all the same.A. Good luck B. What a pityC. Never do it again D. Well done答案:B【解析】情境考查。根据句意:“真是太遗憾了,那天我有个会要参加, ”二、 【2011扬州】完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was

14、 carrying. Mark helped t he boy pick them up. 16 they were going the same way, he carried them for the boy. As they walked, Mark knew the boys name was Bill. Mark 17 discovered that he loved computer games, baseball and history and that he was having a lot of 18 with his other subjects.They arrived

15、at Bills home first and Mark was invited in 19 Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed 20 with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They 21 to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice and then 22 ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before they finished school, Bill asked Mark if they could have a talk.Bill 23 him of the day years ago when they had first met. Do you 24 wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day? asked Bill. You see, I 25 out my locker because I didnt want to leave a


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