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1、英语四年级下册单元练习题(1-3)Class Name Mark 第一部分 听力测试(40分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)1( ) A. this B. those C. these 2( ) A. bag B. cap C. map 3( ) A. make B. take C. like 4( ) A. ride B. idea C. slide5( ) A. home B. moon C. come 二、听录音,选择合适的回答。(10分)1( ) A. Yes, I am. B. No, its not.2( ) A. Its a dumpling. B. Theyre du

2、mplings.3( ) A. Thanks. B. Youre welcome.4( ) A. I have a fever. B. Thats a good idea.5( ) A. Time to go home. B. Its four thirty.三、听录音,选出同义句。(10分)1( ) A .No, it isnt. B. No, Im not.2( ) A. Youre sick. B. Youre right.3( ) A. Thats not a bad idea. B. Thats OK.4( ) A. Thats all right. B. Thank you.5(

3、) A. Whats this? B. Whats wrong?四、听短文并填空。(10分)Jack: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Jack.Jack: Are you today?Kate: No, Im not.Jack: Lets go to the .Kate: Thats a good . Lets go.Jack: I want to on the roller coaster.Do you want to with me?Kate: No, I want to drive the . It looks .Jack: The roller coaster is reall

4、y , come on.Kate: Im sorry. Im .备选单词:bumper car, fun, scared, ride, idea, park, come, exciting, busy第二部分 笔试测试(60分)一、按要求写单词或短语。(10分)1.Spring Festival(英译汉)_ 2.these(单数形式) 3.make(现在分词) 4.your(反身代词) 5.Lets(完整形式) 6.Im(完整形式) 7.happy(反义词) 8.we(宾格) 9. have(三单) 10. cold(反义词) 二、把下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。(10分)1.la_ t_

5、_ n( ) 2.w_ _ d_ _ ful( )3.b_ _ _ ti_ _ _( ) 4.w_ _ _ g( )5.t_ m_ rr_ _( ) 6.p_ _ k( )7.sc_ _ _ d( ) 8.dr_ v_( )9.th_ _ ty( ) 10.r_ _ lly( )三、选择。(10分)1( ) -What are these? - dumplings. A. These are B. They are C. Those are2( ) Help to dumplings. A. you B. your C. yourself3( ) -Is it Spring Festival?

6、 -Yes, . A. it isnt B. it is C. is it4( )-Whats the matter? -You sick. A. see B. is C. look5( )-Can she go with us? -I hope . A. that B .either C. so6( )- you busy tomorrow? -Yes, I am. A. Are B. Is C. Am7( )-Do you want to come? - A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.8( )-What time is it? - .

7、A.Its blue. B. Its two yuan. C. Its four thirty.9( )-Is this a roller coaster? - A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is.10( )The bumper car is . I am when I drive it. A. exciting, excited B .excited, exciting C. excited, excited四、请你把下面的单词重新排列,组成一个完整的句子。(20分)1. are, they, what They?2. at, we,

8、 look, the, night, at, lanterns night .3. on, make, we, Monday, dumplings We .4. there, up, look up .5. like, it, Spring Festival, is It .6. I, fever, a, have I .五、阅读短文并试着用文中的句子回答问题。(10分) The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the most important(最重要的) festival for the Chinese people. Its a tradi

9、tional(传统的) festival in China. Its on January or February.Before the Spring Festival comes, the people often clean their homes , wash their clothes ,paste the antithetical couplets(贴对联) and put on the lanterns(挂灯笼). On the Spring Festival, the people get together(聚到一起) and have a big meal(大餐).We eat

10、 dumplings for the meal. The children are happy. They can play the fireworks(放烟花) and get the lucy money(压岁钱).1. What is the Spring Festival?2. When is the Spring Festival?3. What do we eat on Spring Festival? 4. What can children do on Spring Festival? 5. Are children happy? 英语四年级下册单元练习题(4-6)Class

11、Name Mark 听力部分一、听录音,为下列图片排序BCA FD 1 2 3 4 5 6 二、选择你所听到的句子( )1、A. I like summer. B. I like fall.( )2、A. What about a watch? B. What about a robot?( )3、A. To the park. B. To the zoo.( )4、A. Where are you going? B. Where do you work?( )5、A. This is from your aunt. B. This is for you.三、听录音,选词填空( )1. I want to buy A. him B. her C. a watch D. new shoes( )2.Where are you ?To the .A. go B. going C. library D. department( )3. Whose is it?Its birthday.A. birthday B. Friday C. my uncles D. my moms( )4. I like . Its .A. spring B. fall C. cool D. cold( )5.He like winte



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