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1、八大类话题词伙背诵在高温或低温情况下进行的高处作业。高温是指作业地点具有生产性热源,其气温高于本地区夏季室外通风设计计算温度的气温2及以上时的温度。低温是指作业地点的气温低于5。教育类词伙:( educatin)Cmpulsry educatinVcatinal educatinAcademic perfrmanceNn-academic perfrmancePuppy/ calf lveCrpral punishmentTuitin fee parents supervisinIndividual tutrshipTurning pintThe pursuit f knwledgeMaint

2、ain/ disrupt classrm rderCeducatinal/ single sex establishmentGeneratin gapIndulge inPlay truant /skip schl /cut classSchl shtingsBraden nes hriznsThe hardship and bitterness f lifeApprpriate advice and guidanceCultivate independenceA gd habit f frugalityDistinguish right frm wrngShulder the respnsi

3、bility fBe prne tG astrayVilate scial cnventins and lawsCast a shadw n nes heartResist the temptatin fInterpersnal skillsPeer pressureFrmative yearsPhysically and emtinally immatureA sense f superirityScially adaptableAdjust teaching methdsExert a negative impact nJuvenile crimeA sense f belngingQua

4、lified and experienced teachersFirst class teaching facilitiesEducatin refrm二,科技类词伙:Artificial intelligenceSide effectsTechnlgical revlutinNuclear weapnsSil degradatinIndustrial massprductinEnhance wrking efficiency and prductivitySubstitute fr humansIntelligence machinesHumanizatinUnnerving prblems

5、EyefriendlyElectrnic innvatinGlbal villageIndustrial revlutinMechanizatinAutmatinScientific discveryClning technlgyReplica f an individual rganrgan transplant Genetic defectEthically and mrally wrngSpace explratinGlbal psitining systemsNantechnlgyImpersnal device三, 环境资源类:Envirnmental prtectinHuman a

6、ctivitiesCity dwellersTraffic cngestinDispsable prductsLandfillLitter cllectin and dispsalDefrestatinGlbal warmingGreenhuse effectAcid rainSand strmSlar energyBan n plastic bagsMaintain the eclgical balanceEcfriendlyNatural disastersA natural evlutinary prcessShrtterm prfitSustainable develpmentFd c

7、hainDiversity f lifeEndangered speciesn the verge f extinctinzne layerFrceful law and regulatinsRaise peples envirnmental awarenessNnprfit advertisementDispse f the rubbishThe deteriratin f the envirnmentAnimal right activitiesWildlife preservatinSurvival f the fittestTurn a blind eye t政府类,媒体类,工作生活类

8、一, 政府类:Gvernment administratinNatinal defenseHigh level f secrecyFinancial strengthExpand dmestic demand/ needScial undertakingsNatinal public health systemInfrastructurePilt prjectFeasible planInstitutinal innvatinEcnmic returnFinancial crisisFreign direct investmentSupprting measuresIncme gap Prmt

9、e allrund, balanced and sustainable develpment f the ecnmy and scietyGvernment mechanismReduce expenditureA beneficial ecnmic cycleExpand intracunty ecnmicsCarry the prcess f urbanizatinPublic fitness prgramCmbat the threat f vilence t the general publicThe true prtray f what is happening arundStric

10、t regulatinJuvenile crimeNngvernment surcesUnshirkable dutyBth financially and spirituallyPut frward a number f pssible slutinsSatellites twnsPreferential plices t prmte the cnstructin f highrise apartment buildingsRapid depletin f scial security fund and strained financial resurcesBe verly financia

11、lly dependentPhysical inferirityPensin fundT dwnsize gvernment budgetShulder the share f respnsibilityBe better ffMedical and educatinal serviceT give tp prirityA fair shakeLwhanging fruit工作生活类:Career planCareer ladderCmpensatinJb satisfactinPrmtin and raiseJbhpping/ jumping shipBranch int ther area

12、sInterview techniquesInternal restructureHapless jbseekerThe spruting advertising billbards fr recruitment agenciesThe explding number f bks and websites n wrk and wrkrelated issuesFinancial independenceBalance wrk and lifeThe ninetfiveAn imprtant persnal identity tagBring persnal fulfillmentLabr ma

13、rketGraduate jb fairBe in the vanguard f the DIY careermakersBe highly stressed at wrkA USstyle wrkahlic cultureA spell f unemplymentT freeze recruitmentAdvance the career with an advanced degreeIncme/ pay gap五: 全球化类:GlballyInternatinal turismCultural exchangeNatinal identityMulticulturalDiversity a

14、nd inclusivityA blend fCperatin and tradeUndermineCultural preservatinQuintessenceLinguistically diverseDistinct cultureMisunderstanding and cnflictTabAnnying and unpleasantCultural gapThe vehicle t bridge the gapBuild up an extensive resurceGlbal issueCultural landscapeThe advcates f glbalizatinThe reawakening f the lcal cultureFree and pen tradeAn expansin



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