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1、,地理与历史(地点介绍),1Location(位置),2Area(面积),3Surroundings(周边环境),4population(人口),5History(历史),6Places of interest(名胜),7something special(特色),8.climate(气候),1.Location (位置): 1) lies in,on,to 2) stands, 3) is located / situated in, 4) stretches itself lazily along be situated/located in(在内部)/on(两地接壤)/to(两地不接壤)

2、 ,2.Area (面积): 1) covers, 2) take up, 3) has / with an area of, 4) the size of our city is ,1. Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of, is the largest square in the world. 2. Our school , which takes up 63 thousand square kilometers, is very large in size.,3.Surroundings (周边环境) 1) stands, 2) su

3、rrounded by, 3) faces 4)withon its east/west/left/right 5)at the back of在的后面 6)in front of在的前面 7)in the north of在的北部(内部) 8)on the south of在的南方(接壤) 9)to the east of在的东面(相离),1. West of the city stands a tall building. 2. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on

4、the east.,Fill in the blanks 1.Australia about 20 million. 2.China is a developing country, 1300 million. 3.in this city is increasing year by year.,4 人口,has a population of,The population,with a population of,1. The city has a large/small population of . 2. the population of is, . 3.The population

5、increases/ decreases; 4. The city, with a population of, is 5. Eighty percent of the population are farmers.,5.History (历史) 1) has / with a (long )history of 2) has witnessed too much coming and going in history,1. Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 2. Built in the16th century, the cas

6、tle has witnessed too much coming and going in history,The old town dates back to/date form the late seventeenth century.(回溯到,远到)这座古城建于十七世纪后期。,6.Places of interest (名胜) 1)The places around our city are rich in natural resources. 2)The city, known as, attracts millions of visitors from all over the w

7、orld. 3)The city is well-known / famous for its/as 4)The city is home to 5) is a must-see for tourists, as,7.气候特征: 1.There is a variety of climate ( warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stomy, rainy) 2.The average temperature of Hong Kong is about 220C . The rainy season is between May and July.,8.somethi

8、ng special 特色 1)(The place) is famous for/ The special character of ( the place) is . 2)You can go on the city tours to enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture. 3) Wherever you go, there are plenty of activities to choose from.,9.

9、表示“是.之乡/乐土” This region is the home of many species of wild flower.这一地区是多种野花的家园。 The land flowing with milk and honey is no longer there.曾经的“鱼米之乡”不复存在。 The Rockies are home to some bears.落基山脉中有熊生长。 The countryside in the north is hospitable to such fruits.北方的乡下适宜这些水果的生长。 10. 表示“有美誉” This area enjoys

10、 the reputation of a land with milk and honey.这个地方有“鱼米之乡”的美誉。,地点类的写作模式为:“地、面、气、城、著”,写作要求: 必须用5个句子介绍所给的全部内容.,Write now!,写作内容 北京,位于中国东北部,是中国的首都,全国的政治、文化中心。 全市面积一万六千多平方公里,人口1400余万,是全国第二大城市。 夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥。 历史悠久,是旅游胜地,有很多著名文化古迹如紫禁城(Forbidden City),颐和园,长城等。每年都吸引众多世界各地游客。 写作要求 1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2.介绍必须包括所有要

11、点。,写作训练:请你用5句话介绍我国首都北京。,Possible Version Beijing, situated in the northeast of China, is the capital city as well as the political and cultural center of the country. It covers a total area of more than 16,000 square kilometers with a population of 14 million. Here it is hot and rainy in summer whil

12、e cold and dry in winter. As a city with a long history, there are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Therefore, it is a popular tourist destination with many visitors from all over the world every year.,宝岛台湾美丽而神秘,越来越多游客到台湾观光旅游。请你根据下

13、表内容介绍有关台湾的一些情况。 写作内容,专题练习,范文 Taiwan, located in the southeast of China, is the largest island of our motherland. Covering an area of 36 thousand square kilometers, it has a population of 22 million. Taiwan has a lot of mountains and its well known for its natural scenery. With many world-famous plac

14、es of interest, it attracts a large number of tourists every year. Without doubt, Taiwan leaves people a good impression because it enjoys a rapid development of economy and social cultures and the Taiwanese are friendly, polite and hospitable.,Lets practise,请根据下面的提示,介绍香港. 1.香港位于中国的南海之滨,面积约1104 平方公里

15、,包括香港岛、九龙及新界 和离岛(Kowloon,New Territories,Outlying Islands).人口约为699万人。 2.香港电影业也很繁荣,对香港的经济发展 做出了很大贡献。 3.香港人热爱体育运动,被选为2008年 奥运会部分项目比赛的举办城市。 4. 风景秀丽,气候温和,名胜众多是著名的 旅游胜地和购物天堂。,Hongkong Hongkong,like a brilliant pearl,is located on the northeastern coastline of china, covering an area of 1104 square kilome

16、ters with a population of over 6.99million. It consists of Hong Kong Island,Kowloon,New Territories,Outlying Islands.It is a thriving tourist resort and shopping paradise due to its mild climate and beautiful scenery , natural harbors, attracting tourists from all over the world.,The film industry is prosperous ,which contributes to the prosperity of economy.With the rapid economic de



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