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1、,Lesson 139 Is that you ,John?,1.If he_it (not do ), I_(do) it.,2.If you _ (be) late for school ,my teacher _(be) angry.,are,will be,3 If she_ (win) the prize ,we _(be) happy.,wins,will be,4.If I _ (not,eat )so much ,I _ (get) thinner.,5.If you _(tell) them, they _ (not,believe) you.,don t eat,will

2、get,tell,wont believe,6 I _(stay) at home,If it _( rain).,7.If it _(not,rain) ,I _( go) out.,8. we _(play) football, If it is _(sun) .,will stay,rains,doesnt rain,will go,will play,sunny,doesnt do,will do,extra adj. 额外的 overseas adj. 海外的, 国外的 engineering n. 工程 company n. 公司 line n. 线路,Review,extra e

3、kstr adj. 额外的 overseas uvsi:z adj. 海外的,国外的 engineering endiniri n. 工程 company kmpni n. 公司 line lain n. 线路,2019/9/9,Q1: Whos the man that answered the phone? Q2: Why couldnt the man go for dinner on time? Q3: Whom did the man want to call?,Look, listen and answer,GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John? JOH

4、EN SIMTH: Yes, speaking.,Is that you? (口语化的电话用语) 是你吗,妈妈? Is that you, Mom? 正式用语: Is that John speaking? Excuse me. Id like to speak to John. 电话用语:我是 This is (speaking). Its .here. Its .speaking. 你是谁? Whos that? Whos that speaking? Is that.? Is that .speaking?,GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary well be late fo

5、r dinner this evening. 宾语从句 JOHN SMITH: Im afraid I dont understand. 宾语从句 1.tell: tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事 tell sb.to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 2.be late for 做迟到 be late for class/ school/ work. 快点,要不你上学会迟到的。 Hurry up, or you will be late for school. 我昨天上课迟到了。 I was late for class yeste

6、rday. 3. afraid: 他恐怕不能通过考试了。 He is afraid that he will not pass the exam.,主系构成谓语,be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 别怕犯错 Dont be afraid of making mistakes.,2019/9/9,GRAHAM TURNER: Hasnt Marry told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. invite sb to dinner 请某人吃饭 我请我的老师吃饭 I invited my te

7、acher to dinner. invite sb. to. invite sb to ones house 请某人到家里作客 他请我到家里做客。 He invites me to his house.,GRAHAM TURNER:I said I would be at your house at six oclock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work. be at ones house 在.的家 want sb to do sth / want to do do extra work 加班 extra adj. 额外的 请你再拿一瓶

8、牛奶好吗? Could you get an extra bottle of milk? 星期天她总是比平时多睡一会儿。 On Sundays, she always gets some extra sleep.,GRAHAM TURNER: Ill have to stay at the office. I dont know when Ill finish.宾语从句 Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Marry needs any help. 是否 任何的 n. when Ill finish: 宾语从句的引导词虽然含有疑问意义,但它

9、不是独立的问句,所以不能采用疑问语序而把助动词,系动词或情态动词提前。即宾语从句必须使用陈述语序。 by the way 顺便说一句 if “是否“,引导宾语从句(时态) 不知道你是否能来。 I wonder if you could come. 我没有把握是否能赢 I am not sure if I can win.,宾语从句,JOHN SIMTH: I dont know what youre talking about. 宾语从句 talk about: 谈论 他没问我住在哪里. He didnt ask me where I lived. 你知道他多大了吗? Do you know

10、how old he is? 告诉我你为什么这么累。 Tell me why you are so tired. 我不知道他在干什么。 I dont know what he is doing. 我不知道你为什么累。 I dont know why you are tired.,GRAHAM TURNER: That is John Smith, isnt it? JOHN SMITH: Yes, Im John Smith. GRAHAM TURNER: You are John Smith, the engineer, arent you? GOHN SMITH: Thats right.

11、 GRAHAM TURNER: You work for the overseas Engineering Company, dont you? work for + 机构名称 为工作 work in+ 工作地点 在.工作 My father works in a big company.,JOHN SMITH: Im John Smith the telephone engineer and Im repairing your telephone line.,line n. 线路,航路,航线 an air line 航空公司 a shipping line 航运公司 列,排 a line o

12、f tree 一排树 电话线,线 请不要挂断。 Hold the line. 线路很忙。 The line is busy.,extra work by the way talk about work for be late for invite sb. to dinner,额外工作,加班 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 谈论. 在上班 做迟到 请某人吃饭,Phrases,tell sb. sth. tell sb. to do sth. tell sb. about sth. 3.be at ones house 4.want sb. to do sth. 5.have to 6.stay at t

13、he office,Phrases,告诉某人某事 告诉某人做某事 告诉某人关于某事 3.在的家里 4.想要某人做某事 5.不得不 6.呆在办公室里,额外工作,加班 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 谈论. 在上班 做迟到 请某人吃饭,extra work by the way talk about work for be late for invite sb. to dinner,Phrases,1. I think that Ive hurt my back. 2. Im afraid that I cant get up. 3. I think that you had better see the

14、 doctor . 4. The doctor says that he will come at once. 5. Im sure that you need an X-ray .,宾语从句:当宾语是一个句子时,我们就称这个宾语为宾语从句。,宾语从句,Focus on grammar,1. I think that 2. Im afraid that 3. Im sure that 4. The doctor says that 5. My mother says that 6. My teacher says that,Focus on grammar,I have just arrive

15、d in Scotland. Im staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write a letter soon. I hope you are all well. Hes a member of the Y.H.A. I cant hear you.,He says hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. He says hell write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well.,You know hes a member of the Y.H.A. Im afraid I cant hear you.,Focus on grammar,He says,He hopes,You know,Im afraid,My teacher says,Focu


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