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1、八年级(下)英语导学案(五中基地) 主备人:李欣慰 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间:2014.4 班级: 组别: 姓名:TopicUnit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 1a1c (听说课)Character:Place:Reason:Where they put the stone and the earth:3.完成1c,Discuss the questions with your partner。3. 当堂检测翻译句子(1) 很久以前,有一个老人试图把山移走。 (2) 我喜欢后羿射日的故事。 (3) 故事是怎么开始

2、的? (4) 接下来发生什么? (5) 他们将把山上所有的土石放在哪里? 4. 小结:III. Post-class作业:修改完善介绍Yu Gong Moves a Mountains的短文。【Blackboard Design】Blackboard Design: Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.word:shoot, stone, once upon a timeJourney to the West Hou Yi Shoots the Suns Nu Wa Repairs the Sky Yu Gong Moves a Moun

3、tainsTime:Character:Place:Reason:Where they put the stone and the earth【Study-aims】1、全体学生能会背本课的shoot, stone, once upon a time学会用英语描述故事2、多数学生能够从时间,地点,人物及事件等方面描述英文故事。3、学习策略:尝试阅读更多的英语故事。4、通过一些经典故事,学会乐于助人,主动地去帮助处于困境的人们。5、加深对中国文化的理解。【Key & difficult points】能初步读懂简单的英语故事。学习了解用过去时描述英语故事。【Learning procedure】

4、I. Pre-class 利用手中工具书,尝试读懂下面的经典小故事,并给故事起个题目。Once upon a time, there were ten suns in the sky, which made plants wither, water in rivers and lakes run dry. It was too hot to live. Hou Yi, a young man who was good at archery. He was sympathetic with peoples torture so he decided to save them. He took o

5、ut his bow and shot down nine of the ten suns one by one. He might have shot the last one if he was not called off by others. He solved the common peoples problem. So he was respected and honored by people as a hero.The story title is 完成书中1a,把图片和故事题目相匹配。尝试用英语介绍一下愚公移山 II. While-class1. 导入2. Learning

6、the new knowledge:1.小组核对预习1a答案,小组内展示介绍Yu Gong Moves a Mountain。短文选出1-2名在全班展示。2听力练习:听1b完成课本上的内容,并完成下表。Time八年级(下)英语导学案(五中基地) 主备人:张静莹 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间:2014.4 班级: 组别: 姓名:TopicUnit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 2a 2d (听说课)(5)seem 意为“似乎,好像”主语+seem+(to be)+表语,表语多为名词或形容词主语+seem+不定式,seem与

7、不定式一起构成复合谓语It seems that/it从句,其中it为形式主语,that引导主语从句(6)keep doing sth意为“一直做某事,不停做某事”(7)instead of 是介词短语,意为“代替,而不是” 后接名词,代词,动名词。IIWhile-class1、课前5分钟展示,每个小组选出1名中等生,利用一般过去时讲述一个中国传统故事。2、教师用英语讲述一个古典小故事,让同学来猜是什么故事3、我们将用5分钟完成听力,中等生和学困生完成合作2a,优等生完成2b,要求答题时用整句背答形式回答。4、2人一组完成角色扮演2d,全班推荐选出3组,颁发最佳模仿奖5、即学即练(首字母填空)

8、(1)I want to r_ of the rules the bus.(2)The child k_ asking me question.(3)She went to school i_ of staying at home.(4)It s_ that no one knows the answers.(5)I am a l_ bit shy.6、小结:III. Post-class作业:准备一个2分钟的演讲,要运用过去进行时谈论过去的某一时刻你正在做什么,并且在下一节课上课前演讲。【Blackboard Design】Unit 6 An old man tried to move th

9、e mountains. Section A 2a 2d1、A man saw Yu Gong and his_ (children/family) when they were working on moving the mountains.2、He told Yu Gong he could never do it because he was old and (poor/weak).3、As soon as the man finished (talking/speaking), Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move th

10、e mountains after he died.4、Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent (two/three) gods to take the mountains away.【Study-aims】1、知识目标:全体学生能会背本课的单词:weak虚弱的,god神、上帝,remind提醒、使想起,bit一点、小块,silly愚蠢的。短语:a little bit有点儿,instead of代替,反而。2、能力目标:多数学生能正确使用一般过去时,描述时间、地点、人物、事件。3、情感目标:通过愚公移山的故事,学会坚持,并且乐于

11、助人的品德。4、学习策略:听力部分通过汉译了解大概内容然后完成听力部分。5、文化意识:了解中国传统文化的优秀美德。【Key & difficult points】 1、as soon as引导的时间状语从句2、so that引导的结果状语从句【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1、根据下列汉语提示识记并默写。虚弱的_ 神、上帝_ 提醒、使想起_ 一点,小块_ 愚蠢的_ 短语:有点儿_ 代替,反而_2、知识超市:记忆所给语法点(1)as soon as意为“一就,刚就”,引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来I will tell him th

12、e news as soon as he comes back.主句用一般过去时,从句用一般过去时。He took out his English book as soon as he sat down.(2)sothat意为“如此以至于”引导结果状语从句,so+adj./adv. +that从句。He was so angry that he couldnt say a word. (3)remind意为“提醒,使想起”,及物动词remind sb.+ that从句/what从句remind sb. Of/about sth.remind sb. to do sth.(4)a little bit 意为“有点儿”,后跟形容词This is a little bit difficult for me.八年级(下)英语导学案(五中基地) 主备人:尹博 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间:2014.4 班级: 组别: 姓名:TopicUnti6 An old man tried to move the mountains. S



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