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1、Welcome to our English class,A five-day military training An unforgettable experience,Self-Introduction,自我介绍,To be your English teacher is my pleasure.,Introduce yourself in English,The more we get together,The more we get toghther, toghther, toghther. The more we get toghther. The happier well be.

2、For your friends are my friends. And my friends are your friends. The more we get toghther, the happier well be.,Lets enjoy a song !,How can we learn English well ?,Strategies (方法),Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习) Review what youve learned in time.(复习) Read more and read different m

3、aterials.(多读) Memorize as much as possible.(多背) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问),预习要求: 1、认真完成预习任务,并记录预习过程中 遇到的问题。 2、遇到生词首先猜意思和读法,再用字典或资料掌握并标注新、难单词音标和中文意思。,You can do it!,课前要求: 1、准备好课本,练习本,笔(课桌左上角) 2、跟着课代表大声朗

4、读。,上课要求:,1.坐姿 sit straight! 2.认真听讲,积极发言,用英语进行讨论和回答问题,声音洪亮。Enjoy losing face! 3.互相尊重,别人发言的时候认真倾听,积极 思考;互相鼓励: You can do it. 4.做好笔记:写在书或笔记本上,便于以后复习。字迹工整,清晰、有条理。,Classroom dos and donts,sleeping small talk eating food making noise changing seats using cell phone,thinking writing speaking (aloud) concen

5、tration active involvement taking notes,School things,1. 作业本 1 2. 听写+默写本 1 3.翻译+作文本 1 作文翻译本要求写完,经过老师批改后,从新抄写批改的作文 4. 笔记本+错题本 质量要好,用于摘抄、记录 5. 红色笔或荧光笔 1 用于划书上重点或做笔记 所有的本都要整齐划一,除了学校发的作业本外,其他的本都要统一一致,作业要求:作业要求在早自习结束后收齐上交,1、利用自习课及时复习,多记单词,多背课文!考核方式有:听写、课堂和课后抽背、小组比赛等。 2、按时并高质量地完成作业,绝不拖拉! 3、练习对完答案之后,要求用红笔修

6、正,将错题整理在错题本上,Dont make tomorrow use up too much of today. 今日事,今日毕。,Lets share some proverbs (谚语),A good beginning is half done. Where there is a will, there is a way. Practice makes perfect.,好的开始是成功的一半。,有志者事竟成。,熟能生巧。,Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is a must. Like building a house, learning English takes some time because Rome isnt built in a day. So dont be impatient.,Summary(总结),Work hard from now on! Wish you success!,



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